Friday, February 29, 2008



When the Sun sits in Taurus in the Second House, then you can bet that finance, property and a materialistic outlook are a strong part of your nature. You are really not into dealing with rubbish, if you have anything old, then it will be an antique of worth.
You will make yourself secure financially, through ownership and can be very possessive, although not greedy. You do have a strong creative drive and can be proud as to how you use a sense of creativity to amass finances. In a way, what you have, what you own is presentation of your personal identity.

What you buy, sell, wear and use, are all part of your sense of ‘Showing-Off’. You might wear a solitaire diamond ring, or a Rolex, to prove your worth. It’s a matter of pride that you can afford the best and the latest. Again; what you own is the hallmark of your security. A ‘Flashy’ dress-sense and jewelry can always be used as a means of acquiring relative conquests, to attract the opposite sex. Your taste are sensual and passionate, so that you would have a need to lie alongside you on a ‘King-Sized’ or ‘Queen-Sized’ bed.

Though you have acquired tastes, you are not in such a hurry that you are willing to rush into things. You take pride in your ability to gain what you want through sheer persistence and determination. You are not one to be pushed around and like a settled way of life, a plush living quarters, baths with gold taps which show you can splash out when you need to.

By nature, you move fast and like to be first in the queue, the rules are ‘First come, First served’. You make no apologies for your ‘Selfishness’, it’s just that you take pride in creating ‘Golden’ chances which pays dividends. Mind you, there are times when you will make ‘Big-Hearted’ gestures.



When the Sun is within the first house, then you are known as a ‘Double Rising Sign’. This means that the Zodiac Sign of Taurus was ‘Rising’ in the Eastern sky at the moment of your birth.
A ‘Double Rising Sign’ means you act in a natural way, what one sees is what one gets with you, you do not hide behind a ‘Mask’.

With your Taurus Sun in the First House, there is a need to personally represent yourself as one who is well able to promote the self through creative drives. You carry yourself well and are not one who will readily accept help from others, You have a proud bearing and are never one to wear cast-offs or hand-me-downs. Your tastes are quite refined and this shows in the way you dress, never showy, though there is a liking for price-labels and name-tags to allow others to see that you can afford to shop well.

Often; in the past you have been treated royally, like a prince or princess, even though you might not think so. You are one who will want to leave your past behind, to begin a new lineage as you move on upwards. It can be accepted that children born will get a royal attention from you, although it might take some time before children are born, because there is always the child hiding within you, which can cause you to have tantrums if things do not go your way; having a child yourself can, psychologically, give you a sense of being usurped.

What is very important is the need to own your own property, a personal palace, where your friends might pay a visit and be received in a royal way. Here again, is the drive to leave the past behind and create your own royal life, have friends whom you will help when you have time. Your life is all about ‘You’, in that you will come first, especially within your own home!

Thursday, February 28, 2008



The basic nature of the Taurus Sun is termed as being…
This implies that the basic nature of the Taurus is somewhat introvert, cautious in the way it is seen in the public eye. The nature is fixed and stubborn, though down-to-earth, with an eye towards materialistic values.

Taurus can be very patient within a build-up, knowing that things do not happen, or acquisitions gained overnight. The tendency is to save and acquire over a period of time, so that patience pays off. Taurus is known to have good taste, often an acquired taste for the good things in life. Once, having acquired what is wanted, the nature is to hang on tightly to what is owned. To have, to own, to possess, is a very strong quality, so that the Taurus will not allow others to take what has been hard-fought for.

It is the case that financial security is one of the main functions of the nature, to build up a secure financial egg, to buy property, or things of worth, so that the sense of poverty would not affect the life. It’s not a matter of having outright riches, just to feel that ownership becomes the fort one might be safe within.
Again, the Taurus likes to be settled and can become anxious if upheaval or financial difficulty causes movement and stress; this is most likely what one is liable to become stubborn, digging the heels in and refusing to move, no matter what the consequences. It is true, not much will hurry the Taurus, no amount of urging or pushing will move the Taurus if one decides to stay in place.
Perhaps the only thing which might tempt a Taurus out is a tasty meal and good wine; any one with such an appetite will sit, spending a lot of time, simply enjoying the smell and taste of high-class cuisine.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Projections for TAURUS.

Self-Projection means, the way one projects themselves out into the public eye; how others see them, though not necessarily how they really are. How one goes through life, the basic energy to secure what is needed is an instinctive self-projective measure, either within an aggressive or defensive mode.

You project yourself as a charming and well organised person, one who is practically capable of taking care of the self. You understand that financial security brings with all the things money can buy, so that your first actions are to secure that which can afford. You to have good taste in both food and things of quality, things of taste which appeal to the eye, delicacy and dress appeal.

There are times when you will deem it necessary to put yourself first when it comes to picking up a bargain, and the property market is where you would seek to secure a bargain. you can be possessive and tend to hold onto things which are yours by right. You understand that you put all your effort and energy into attainment, so you are not going let another take what you have so patiently strived to get.

What you wear and how you walk, the places you go to and those you know, are the hallmark of how you have made it in life, your possessions are your trademark. When you set yourself to any fixed target, you work your way towards it tenaciously, you really put yourself out to market yourself as hot property.


What is meant by Financial Security is the way in which you protect yourself through a sense of material possessions. It implies the need to own, in a practical and material sense, so that it gives a solid foundation. You might buy a house so that roots are put down, a base from which you can work. The implication is what you would need to possess in life as a practical building block so that you feel secure.

You can always be the one who has many fingers in the pie, working on many situations at once, now called ‘Multitasking’. When it comes to finance, your mind can be a closed shop, not letting the left hand know what the right hand is doing. Fingers are always busy at work, adding things, to make sure the books are up to scratch. You might well spend money on books and magazines, certainly with an eye towards property magazines and the property market. You will need to keep an eye on phone-bills, because speech and any means of communication will run up bills.

You are also liable to pay out for short duration holidays and quick visits to places of interest like libraries and the sounds of music. Possession of your mental facilities is important, as is the upkeep of knowledge on many subjects which pay dividends in the end. You may think of writing for a living at some time, feel you have a story to sell to anyone interested. When it comes to earning-power, you are always on hand!


The spirit of communication implies the way in which one thinks, one’s method of logic, expressed through mediums of speech and writing. It is how one communicates within the local environment, the way information is gained and communicated to others. This is an area of everyday conversation, what one might talk about and who to. The sense is light-hearted and conducted in a spirited way.

Your thoughts can be quite reflective, in that you speak as you feel, reflecting from past experiences. You might say…“I had that happen to me once…”. One speaks as one ‘Feels‘, rather than what one ‘Thinks’. The mind tends to chew over information, referring back to past situations, so that memories often induces a reply, the mind is a scrapbook of old photographs and history books. In a strange way, you relate to history and can always feel like talking about the family and its history. You might also quote old-fashioned saying which your mother was fond of, as was her mother before her. When it comes to communication and visiting, the family comes first, old haunts; and then it all depends on what mood you are in…

When you are in the mood you can talk all night; but then, you might be in the mood to go back into your mind and say nothing at all. Normally, though, you really are at home when it comes to a quick chat about familiar things.
You can get quite emotional and upset about anything which describes suffering, and, at such times, you can cry.


Emotional Security is all bout how one feels, one’s sense of atmosphere and how one ‘Feels’ about the past; in the way the past reflects on how one deals with the present. If you had had a good early home-life, the past kind to you, this would be reflected in the way you react to present situations, and vice-versa. Emotional Security is all about atmospheres and our reactions to them.

There is often a need to feel that the past is the stage from where all dramas took place. In a strange way, you may well have received royal treatment in the past, a mother’s prince or princess; so that, as you mature, there is a need to feel others applaud you for what you do. There is a feeling that the home is somewhere you are proud to be, a castle which you have created by yourself; indeed, it is within the home that all creative feelings can stem, which you stamp and put your mark on so it carries your identity.

This is your flair for house design, to organise things so the shack becomes a castle of majestic proportions, a place, you feel, you can rule from. You might feel well suited to visiting homes of Royalty, those palaces which give you ideas, you are all for ‘Home Rule’ and all forms of Monarchy… Wherever you live, you will have your entourage and your court jesters, your romantics and your royal throne.

In a strange way, you might want to create a new life for yourself, rise above your past and build a new dynasty for yourself, a new royal lineage…But the golden past will always be there for you to remember!


Natural Creativity implies where one has natural flair, a need to show-off what comes naturally, be it your children, creative ideas or taking a chance on romance. A gamble and sense of fun comes under the influence of natural creativeness, as does poetry and other artistic forms.
You may never find the perfect partner for your children and make a right royal fuss over their choice of friends.

Mind you, even though you may see faults in others, you will keep a royal reserve and remain somewhat aloof. In essence; you can just as easily create an answer to problems as you can create them through over-emphasis. You are proud of the way you can solve anything once you analyse what the problem is. When it come to personal romance, you may just be too picky in this, so that you might wait until you find the perfect time and place, a time of leisure and holiday mood.

Here; the problem is that you might always be too busy, mentally occupied, to find the time, too busy, occupied with other things to concentrate on the self and larger aspects of the life. You can be every child’s favourite Auntie, and proud the think others come to you for practical advice. A problem can be that you will tend to be over-fussy about creating the right atmosphere within your working environment, wanting things to be exactly right so you gain applause for your diligence and willingness to solve problems on behalf of others. It is the same with health, you like to be fit and are proud of the way you keep yourself in trim!


By Practical Co-Working is meant how you apply yourself to any form of practical work, and how you get along with co-workers. This also applies to your sense of time and how you deal with detail as well as the sense of tidiness within your work. This gives an idea of your method and practical knowledge as well as ideas about health and dietary habits.

You can relate easily to fellow co-workers, as long as there is ‘Give and take’ within working hours. You really are not into rowdy working conditions or hectic schedules, you like to know the rules and work by them. Often you seek conditions where by you work in mixed company, where a little flirting makes the day go with a smile…

You may even find a good working relationship can start from within work experience, working together gives a good opportunity for joint communication. Often, you can make friends with other co-workers, that the friendship remains long after you find another position. You are at your best in a friendly and harmonious atmosphere and will comply easily to requests made by others.

You work with others in a practical and balanced way, it can be that, among colleagues you like, you are at your best. Your easy-going nature makes you a hit with co-workers, your smile always on show. You can work well within the legal profession and in the music or artistic environments, anywhere that has an easy and balanced way with flexible hours that you can relate to… It all has to do with harmony in the workplace.


Love is a sense of equality, your sense of ‘Give and Take’ within a relationship. This implies what attracts you, a magnetic quality which draws you in. At the same time, relationships can also imply open relationships and friendships, which are not tied down to domestication. This can also have reference to business partnerships and partnerships which have similar tastes.

You can be as passionate as you like, although this might entail that deeper emotions get involved. You do not accept change easily and will not tolerate another trying to make changes to the way you are (Although, secretly, you may suggest small changes to the way your partner appears!)

Often, relationships can produce a clash of wills and the demand for complete loyalty. Often, this combination can be a challenging one, not exactly a love/hate relationship, but one which goes through endings and then reforms in a tighter bond. Often, it is the case that the birth of children cement the relationship, in the sense that the intensity within the partnership is now concentrated on the child. What each gains from the other is the key, there has to be a strong sexual bonding, a love comes through strongly from what is gained from the bond. Love ends when the whole sense of love dies.

When it come to relating to any joint venture, you may feel that there is also some sense of who dominates the situation. You would have to keep an eye on your emotions and intuition, because if you even sense any disloyalty, you might well kill off the partnership!


Shared Resources imply the way one gains from any partnership and how one deals with beginnings and endings. This gives an idea of how one secures the self through areas of joint venture and how one sees any sense of loyalty from another. It is also assessment of basic emotions and hidden qualities which can come to light in the life.

In many respects, you would make a good detective, always wanting to get to the bottom of things, always curious. You really are into spiritual mysteries, why things happens and the meaning of life. You can wonder about reincarnation and where we go to in life as well as death. This could lead you on to intense studies of different cultures and to gain understanding of the peoples of other nations.

You will experiment and can take chances, although you might go overboard when it comes to the experiences of love. When it comes to love, you might well want to expand your horizons and search the world over for what you feel love should be, as if you search for answers in the same way as knights of old searched for the Holy Grail, you search for another who will share the mystical journey with you. In the end you might well find what you seek abroad and end your life there.

You need to uncover knowledge and will dive deep to find it; to find and become a mine of information. You will expand your sense of worth through any joint venture, this means you will have to find the right partner to share adventures with!


What is meant by expansion through experience is a measure of how and what one might learn through Deeper studies, or travel to far off lands, or a mixture of both, that one might travel to distant lands and gain experience of foreign cultures which enlivens the mind. Often, this experience is geared towards a spiritual uplift.

You tend to take your studies rather seriously, understanding that knowledge is the key to career and social standing. Mind you, you may restrict your studies only to that which is geared towards the career you choose so that overall knowledge is somewhat limited; a case of only wanting to know what you need to know. In many respects you dislike being tied down by the responsibility of deeper study and might never want to find the time to read heavy classical literature.

Cramming for exams can cause you to worry, poor marks will get you criticised and laughed at, so you cram in the intelligence needed yet resent the fact that it takes up so much time. Even so, you make a good student and will do well once you begin your career. Generally; it is after leaving school that you learn more and then take on extra study to advance yourself.

You can remain concentrated on a sole aim in life, once you realise what that aim is. This is why the second part of your life works out better than the first; your travels are over and you can settle down to the work of moving up to a position of trust, things become easier to accept and that you give yourself the time to appreciate what you have.


By reputation and career, is meant how one wants to be seen by those in authority, and how one wants to be looked-up to, with respect, depending on what kind of reputation one gets. The implication is what one wants to achieve, within career and status in life, especially within maturity. In all, this is about how one deals with those in authority.

When it comes to career, you work better with the more updated and advanced machinery and will acquaint yourself with whatever suits your working needs. You are not one who will be left behind and seek to elevate yourself so that friendships of a higher status are made within the framework of career. You may never be suited to a dull and boring job, you prefer freedom and independence, so that you are liable to move about in your younger working life till you think you are ready to settle into the right employment.

Your mind works towards the future and future prospects. You really have no time for those beneath you, you intend to establish your own class and keep within it, working yourself up and away from the lower rungs of the social ladder. This also implies working where you might acquaint yourself with known names, in areas of high standing. You know what you want from your future and work your way towards it.


By stating future hopes and wishes is meant what is expected to happen with regards to the future. There is also social order to reason with, friends, too, who might rise one up the social ladder. This is all about the future prospects, although the element of reversals are always present, and not always taken into account.

This is all about one’s aspirations for the future; but, when it comes to making plans, having hopes and wishes, there can always be confusion as to who you can trust, what friends may help or hinder. It can always be that you keep your plans secret or even join secret societies whereby there is created an air of mystery. One has to be aware that this combination can distort idealisms so that the future can result in sudden disappointments and you go beyond the social boundaries of acceptability.

There can be a tendency to follow and preach high ideals which disrupt spiritual values. However; one has to be aware that, should the need to update old laws become an obsession, then the law can be broken, even though the thinking is for the benefit of humanity. The future can be sacrificed for a higher love or ideal which dissolves the need for personal gain. Future dreams may never come true if you rely on friendships or turn friendships into love, for that kind of love can have you looking through futuristic rose-coloured glasses.

When it comes to ambitions, you have to understand what you want, bringing your ambitions down to earth, otherwise you will want to sacrifice all for love.


The implication here is that one makes sacrifices within the life and gives an impression to others of acting like a Samaritan; whether good or bad, depends on the nature of the personality. This is creativity of a high order, emotive and poetic, the giving without expecting anything in return.
You will tend to sacrifice your energy so that action appears to be through areas of doing good, using your energy in a soft and subtle way so that others find you sensitive and compassionate, so that those who fight under the banner of God might be attracted by this spiritual energy.

You can give artistic impressions to this world, you are not into war and bloodshed. You seek peace and offer terms of spiritual succour to those who need your shield, the underdog. However; the feels are often nebulous and can inspire illusions; it can also give impressions of good, whilst the reality being that one uses the sense of spiritual goodness to be the receptor rather than the giver! One might give an illusion of sensitivity to gain trust, so that the trustee becomes vulnerable to a more romantic sensuality.

It can be hard to use your energy in a materialistic and practical way, so that you use this creativity to produce works of art, you might sooner paint a picture than paint a house. In all respects, it can be hard to know how to use your energy, preferring to show a cool approach to life, so that others are never sure of your inner feelings. In times of unreasonable actions, of violence, you would leave, to find a safe haven!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008



The Rising Sign; often called the Ascendant Sign; is that sin of the Zodiac which was ‘Rising’ in the Eastern sky at the time of one’s birth. The Rising Sign is the way one will act, how one projects the self out into the public arena.

Here is a list of those with Sun Signs, which will have a Taurus Rising Sign…

Taurus Sun in the First House…

Gemini Sun in the Second House.

Cancer Sun in the Third House…

Leo Sun in the Fourth House…

Virgo Sun in the Fifth House…

Libra Sun in the Sixth House…

Scorpio Sun in the Seventh House…

Sagittarius Sun in the Eighth House…

Capricorn Sun in the Ninth House…

Aquarius Sun in the Tenth House…

Pisces Sun in the Eleventh House…

Aries Sun in the Twelfth House…

Next comes a brief write giving the basics of the Taurus Rising Sign as it goes through the Houses.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Taurus Sun Poem...


Such sweet charm has the patient time
You understand the true value of earth
You know the toil of mountain's climb
What's slow built up is all wait's worth

Financial security has the firm grasp
Though you know well love's expense
Created possessions are your clasp
And you have no time for rich pretence

Life is such that gives the richest taste
Would it all be blue roses and red wine
But you know that dreams are all waste
Realities long table is where you dine

Whatever your taste, Bull or herded Cow
Passionate over any prized possessions
What comes to you is what markets allow
And created security is your profession.

Your sense of loyalty is what gives you credit
And will you not accept any nature's change
Taking time sees the books with no-one's edit
In ordered convenience is Taurus in arrange

Poem by Ron S King.




21 April - 21 May


Sunday, February 24, 2008



When Aries Sun sits in the Twelfth House, it can always be that you will sacrifice your light, seek solitude and work behind the scenes, rather than make a public display of yourself. You do tend to be somewhat reflective, with deep feelings about those who suffer in the world. In this way, you might well put yourself into service, working as a volunteer, in a charitable way, as though this gives you a sense of personal salvation.

Often; your emotions are wrapped up within dreams and self-sacrificing ideals which can make you a martyr to a cause, so that you take others into your home and nurse them, see that they are nurtured and fed back to health. You are one of those people who do not judge, a sensitive and caring nature, one who seeks peace, even if that means escaping from the competitive spirit, the ‘Rat-Race’, which exists outside the doors of your home.

You might just make yourself inhume to the mechanics of this industrial world, seeking a solitary life among your memories, or collecting together those souls who you have empathy with.

This combination can be hard to work with, for, while the nature of the Aries Sun is for positive action, its seating within the Twelfth House, gives limelight and reflective spirit to the fire. This can help create the art of directing the show, of being the spiritual leader, the one who lights the way for those who walk in shadows.
In a strange way, you will often become confused as to what part or role you have to play in life, so you seek your personal identity through what you feel is for the benefit of others.

There can be feelings of inferiority, with this combination, that you hide behind the curtains, stay indoors. But, in the end, it will be your own spiritual energy which sets you on the journey of enlightened discovery.

Friday, February 22, 2008



Who you meet and who you know can be a clue to your personal identity, when the Aries Sun sits in the Eleventh House.
You might really see ‘Net-Working’ and having a good position within groups as an ideal way to live. Mind you, not all is plain sailing here. You are not one to just calmly accept the Old School’ giving the orders, you are into new ways of thinking and updating old methods which are not logical in today’s thinking.

You are a humanitarian and can work within areas which speak up for the down-trodden and those under the capitalistic hammer. You would want to shake up this world and can have a full-throated voice, when decrying what goes on in the world. In many respects, you identify yourself with the ‘New Age’ and might join the .Green’ set. Again, you can become a ‘Political’ animal and start your own independent party, set against those who exploit the poor.

Whatever way you work, you do have ambitions and aspirations to be heard, to mix with those who have the same ambitions, the ‘Break-Away’ movement. You might join a group, then, becoming disillusioned with the same old ‘Speak’, break away, taking those members who will follow your example, to start your own group where your voice is heard.

While you do have humanitarian and political aims, you are not into classification. Yet your ideals and hose you mix with, your set of friends will classify you as being one who seeks some form of status in life, one who needs a social scale, a ladder to climb, because this will give you something to talk about, to move around the local community, which moves you higher up the ladder of achievement and to have those you are proud to have as friends.



When the Aries Sun sits in the Tenth House, then career and status have a large say in your life. The tendency is to put control over the self, to be careful as to how you are viewed by others, so you may dislike open shows of public display.
As you grow, you will gravitate towards gaining some form of reputation, you need to be proud of some form of success, to make it big in some way, even if the manner is somewhat stage-managed.

Of course, financial consideration comes into it. There is no way you would want to end up a beggar, or to gain a reputation for being mean-hearted, there’s too much pride at stake. So, for this reason, you ill seek higher employment, whereby you are known for your responsible attitude and willingness to put yourself on the line. It can be that ‘Self-Employment’ is the ideal situation, to work your own times and manage your own life.

In many respects, your are a born ‘Manager/Manageress’, in that you can cope with whatever life throws at you. It can be that you prefer to work for a large organization, so that you have insurance, you would not be removed from office, that pride does not come before a fall.

Often, with this combination, career and a position of importance can be placed above all else, that everything else takes second place, that children can be placed in boarding schools or in private care, so you can continue to work, proud, you feel, that your earnings can afford such luxuries. What money can buy is of secondary importance, the fact that you might have a career of high status is far more important to you, he important thing is, through your work and diligence, you can establish your personal identity, your ‘Highway Code’!

Thursday, February 21, 2008



With the Aries Sun in the Ninth House, you will seek to broaden your mind through travel and through forms of study. Mind you, you are not really into heavy-duty material, reading Shakespeare and the like, simply because your heart is more into intrepid travel, to be off, exploring new worlds, to open up new territories and to gain the praise and applause from those who admire your exploits.

You can tend to go over the top, be the one who stands up in front of the crowd, loving the act and expanding it till others think you just do not have a care in the world. But, although you might be a dare-devil on the outside, it is inside which is often shaking. You know, half of your act is just that, an act to cover your feelings of vulnerabilities.

You would have many aspects and facets to your nature, many strings to your bow, but unless you find something which really holds your interest, you are liable to spend a good part of your life, searching for something which, you feel, would make you complete. Sure; you would have friends galore, the leader of the gang and willing to do favours for everyone, heart-wise, you are larger than life; but when you consider it, you are always too far in front for others to catch up, so that you are your own constant companion.

Pride is another thing which can hold you back. You might be too proud to ask for help, you are the one who helps others in a royal way, so you would never want to be seen as one who would condescend to others.

You can be the King or Queen who is always on a quest, searching for the Holy Grail, for a quiet life and a good Knight or Lady… Instead; it can be a houseful of friends and happy children, with you, the master or mistress of them all!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

ARIES SUN in the 8th. HOUSE.


When the Aries Sun sits within the Eighth House, then life can be somewhat complex, simply because you might have some difficulty determining exactly what it is you want from a partnership. Often, there is a need to seek another who can dominate through areas of dreams, one who can make dreams come true.

You will need to find emotional security through shared resources, go through changes within the life, even to experiencing forms of spiritual transformation, so that you become a believer in the ‘Hereafter’.

In a strange way, birth and deaths, beginnings and endings, will have some effect on your life, changing the way you ‘See’ things, so that you learn life is not all about material gains and financial security. A partner might give you that, all the stability you need in life, but your search is for a more spiritual significance and for dreams of a perfect life.

This I the complexity of this combination, in that you show a cool, reflective, nature. You are one who likes to get things right, to work in a methodical way and are quick to spot problems and solve them. But, inside you, are there deep feelings and urges which you keep secret, deep emotional needs which, until you find the right partner to share these dream-feelings with, you can feel lost and alone.

In a strange way, you need so bad, to have a dominant personality lead the way, so intimate relationships bring changes to your nature and you change and find the growth which helps you evolve, to mature and become the parent with child.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008



It is often within relationships where you shine; and it’s often a case that you choose a partner who will tend to dominate any situation. It’s not that you are weak-willed, it’s just that you need to feel proud of who you are with, plus the need to have someone by your side who will make the decisions for you. This form of sharing gives strength to the partnerships, so you both see things with one pair of eyes.

In a strange way, you are not one who likes to make decisions, that such decisions cause hurt to others; you may never know how to be blunt and say ‘NO!’. So, a partner who can relate to decisions and say ‘No’ is to blame for any refusal. That is the thing, you seek approval for how you look and what you wear and can always take notice of your partner, trusting in his judgment.

In a way, your sense of worth and search for personal goals might only be gained through some form of marriage, to a career perhaps, married to your job, or through meeting another within your work.
It’s often a case that friendships are formed through the groups your partner belongs to. You can be attracted to someone who knows people of importance or of a higher social bracket. In this way you can rise within the social order, ‘Keeping up with the Jones’. Whatever happens, with this combination, there has to be pride and standing which shines from whomever you align yourself to.

In a most strange way, you might try to keep your own personal identity by joining in an unorthodox union with a partner, an open marriage, whereby you keep your own name.
One thing is certain, is that you will have your eyes on the future, especially what aspirations you have for your children and grandchildren, if not for yourself, you expect good things for them and from them.

Monday, February 18, 2008



The ethics of work and working with others can be a main concern with you. You are always early, hating to be late for anything, and like to show others how things might work out. One thing is very certain, in that you really take pride in your work and can be quite skilled, seeking to gain some kind of reputation for the work you turn out.

You might not be happy working among others, simply because they might not be able to keep up with you. Psychologically; your determination to time yourself and be precise is one way of making yourself indispensable to a firm, so that you gain praise and are risen to a higher rank.

You are very capable of giving good advice and will issue instructions that others follow. You can always be in that strange position whereby you have the ear of the Bosses, but trusted by the work-force, perhaps a good advocate, one who works for the good of the whole.

Health and diets can cause some concern at times, because you like to keep fit, though you can be prone to worry and over-anxious about any criticism aimed at your output. It is best to give some time to forms of Yoga and learn meditation techniques, which slow down anxiety, plus eat food at regular times.

You can suffer from forms of bowel problems, simply because you keep a tight control on yourself, so that inner tension causes times of holding yourself in, especially if you feel under challenge to finish a project on time. You are one who will accept challenges and can work all the hours under the Sun, rather than give up, or allow others to see you weak,

The reputation you earn for working hard and through inspired service to others can undermine your energy resources if you don’t learn the art of timing!

Sunday, February 17, 2008



This combination, of an Aries Sun in Fifth House, can produce an amount of being over-proud and over-confident when dealing with life. You would have to be aware of your need for gallantry and a rush to prove your abilities and achievements in whatever you take on. You do tend to be very sportive, though not to much of a watcher, more a player, one who participates and likes to play upfront, so others can see and make sing praises to such dominant spirit.

You are not really a stay-at-home, one who sits quietly, watching old films on the television. You are more the intrepid explorer, one who likes to set out on new travels, to expand your nature and set new personal goals for yourself. There can be times when you have too many aims and will take on too much, proving what a big heart you have. Another problem can be that you can change track and lose interest, especially if something new, exciting and has an air of romance comes along.

You like speed and might become a racing driver, a restless spirit who likes to do things in a confident way. You are also one who will practice what you preach, a fiery pulpit preacher who lights the way for others. Should you learn the art of patience, then you might easily gain recognition through your creative capabilities. You can give confidence to others, urging them on, so they act in a way which gains you a reputation as a teacher and instructor.

Your heart is there to give pleasure to others, to act in such a way that you will gain applause in your life. Certainly; you might have a special aptitude for dealing with children, as one children will follow and look up to. You are dramatic and need to make your personal mark but it all depends on your performance as to whether you are a leader or just a daring show-off!

Saturday, February 16, 2008



It’s often a case that you will seek a home which represents your character, that you feel very comfortable in and proud of. Wherever and however you live, it has to have your personal stamp of approval and you might even tear the place apart, to rebuild it so that it bears your personal stamp.

You can bet your life, you will make sure you are in charge within the home, although you will share the home with a partner who is loyal to you. You do like to rule the roost and will be the Matriarch or Patriarch within the home. Children, too, you seek you out and take notice of what you say. Mind you, it can be there are times when you might act as the biggest child in the nursery, especially if anyone makes any kind of criticism against the home and family.

You tend to be cautious with your personal dealings with others and can be seen as aloof at times. Again; you are very aware of your personal reputation, in this way, you would want a palace and to be treated in rather a royal way within the home. The home is a prize that you are not happy to share with just anyone, you are quite particular about shared resources.

Emotionally; you will always feel the need to be on the move, to please yourself as to how and where you go. You will quickly get fired up, should anyone try to hold you back or anything cause you to feel claustrophobic.

Again; there is often a need to break away from your past, to begin a new lineage, to start again; this might cause you to change your name, or re-name any house you move into. There has to be a sense of individuality, with this combination, of Sun in Aries in the Fourth House.

Goals are often gained once you feel you have a secure habitat, a home you really feel at ‘Home’ in.

Friday, February 15, 2008



You do intend to make your mark, to put your personal stamp on whatever you relate to. You do take pride in the way you write and what you have to say to others, often leading the talk so that conversation swings your way,

You are not shy when it comes to relating with those who you are attracted to, you are one who will instigate speech, asking what others think about whatever subject you care to discuss, You can relate to all people and discus any topic under the Sun.

Some might see you as being, mentally, too arrogant, too argumentative; but you are only aggressive if you feel you are being treated unfairly, that others make personal remarks. Generally; you will use tact and diplomacy.
However, there can be times when you can speak out, become petulant if others wont listen to you, at such times you might walk away, to seek out others who will accept your word.

Your mind is highly active, full of bright ideas, which you try to activate; mind you, when the mind is running at full speed, the words can tumble over themselves in a speed to get them out,
But you can always find something to say or write, you are in demand and are not one for staying in, allowing the mind to grow stale.

You can be a social butterfly, the one who seeks a partner who will make you a ‘Royal’ couple. You will have others who like to have you by their side, to brighten up any social occasion. In this way, your diary might always be full of ready dates, your phone-book full of numbers, all those who sit, waiting for your call.

However; you might not be happy to have just one ongoing relationship, you need constant communicative stimulation and have gold-edged calling cards. Whatever happens; you will want to see your name up there in large shiny lights!

Thursday, February 14, 2008



When it comes to finance, you can be in your element, a leading light in financial expertise, always there with the advice on spending and ‘Totting’ up the accounts.
However; one has to look at the nature of this combination, to realize that Aries dislikes holding back, or being held back; so there can be times of impulsive spending, or when pride comes into the frame.

You might be too quick to refuse an offer, feeling that you have no need of charity, your pride will not let you accept anything but the best. Certainly; you do not waste time with boring routine and will like to be continually busy, moving quickly from one job to nother with speed, your mind working like a cash register, always adding things to your list!

You may not be into working alongside others, more inclined to be above others and into delegation, passing down the small change for others to count up, you like to keep account of personal expenditure, spending money on toiletries and other things of personal hygiene.

While you are quite happy to help others with financial problems, or lend a helping hand, you are not happy should others care to classify you. You can be very discrete in your nature and hide yourself within an act, so that others are not exactly sure how to deal with you.

Others might only realize the bright side of you, or see something of the dreamer within you, that far-away look in your eyes, as if you are seeing outer-space pictures or creating a scene within your mind. It is only when it comes to dealing with financial security that your light is switched on and you attend to business!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

ARIES SUN IN 1st. House.


When the Sun is within the first house, then you are known as a ‘Double Rising Sign’. This means that the Zodiac Sign of Aries was ‘Rising’ in the Eastern sky at the moment of your birth.
A ‘Double Rising Sign’ means you act in a natural way, what one sees is what one gets with you, you do not hide behind a ‘Mask’.

In life, you do like to take charge, to be in the thick of the action, though this can always produce dramas, simply because your pride might never allow you to back down, or away from a situation which others may see as dangerous. You like to be in charge of the cavalry, at the head of the troops, often so far in front that you leave the others behind and find yourself alone and under attack from those who lie in ambush.

You really do have a big heart and will give your all, never waiting for thanks or praise, it’s a regal wave of the hand and you are off, onto your next adventure, your next dramatic gamble.
Friends know you will help them out, that you have the knack of leading the way, being a ‘Leading Light’ in any field you care to choose.

But you are not into long-drawn-out affairs; you love to be out front, brave and all-action but you do get bored, which can lead to the child in you, making demands to make moves, to take things into your own hands, to get and go your own way.
In life; you are the leader of the gang, the fiery instigator, one who starts things of and sets the fires burning!

You are courageous and confident, with a highly creative drive, though your actions and demands can have you becoming the ‘General Custer’ of life… Though you can also be the ‘Leading Light’ in all you do, as long as you temper life with a little patience and learn to delegate.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008



The basic nature of the Aries Sun is termed as being…
This implies that the basic nature of the Aries is direct and positive in outlook, one who is fast into action in a spirited way.

The Aries has a most youthful outlook and often sees things through a child’s eyes; and often wants what it sees, going directly to the point of its attention. There is no tendency to look backwards, there is little time for rectification, for clearing up any mess which has been created in the rush to move forward.

Aries is ruled by the planet Mars, the planet of instant action, so there is aggression within the nature; however, there is never a desire to hurt another. The aggressive action can be caused through reaction to whoever or whatever stands in the way of an intended target.

Like most ‘Horned’ animals within the Zodiac (Aries, Taurus, Capricorn.), there is some degree to be caught on the ‘Horns of a dilemma’; it s at such times, when coming to the cross-roads of life, that the Aries will not stop to make a decision, hence the dislike of time-stopping… The Aries will charge straight on, taking a nearest route and on into headaches!

Aries rules the ‘Head’ and will go headfirst into things, even during speech, there is a need to ‘Butt’ into a conversation, to get a quick point across. Here again; such actions can be tempered by other aspects within the Birth-Chart, only the basic nature is discussed at this time.
The Sun in Aries gives a quick pride, which can easily be hurt and the sense that ‘Actions speak louder than words’!

What you have just read is the basic traits of the ARIES SUN-SIGN...

What you read next is how the Aries Sun reacts when placed in each of the twelve houses; one reason why one Aries can differ from another Aries...

Monday, February 11, 2008




21 March - 20 April


Two-fold is this rushed sign in onward express
Ever joyous to the new day, rambunctious Ram
Yet there’s a part in all its fleeced gentleness
Sedate in its first greeting is the sweetest Lamb

Aries fiery heat is not metal in its molten form
Or eyes which spark in ever tempestuous rage
It is softness although fleet in its welcome warm
And quick to read into love then turn the page

At times this early sign is quickened in step
To see the needs wanted to fulfil life’s new joy
Aries laughs as new moves brings added pep
Each new experience then brought to full employ

Sweet Aries has the turn of natural speed
Which governs the swiftest homeward course
But it comes with giving, disallowing greed
And is not endeared to the sense of force

Red Mars rules this Zodiac's first rated sign
But it has best be remembered of this Ram
There’s always a softness in the dual line
In the fires heat lies the softest, cuddliest Lamb

Poem by Ron S King.


The Rising Sign; often called the Ascendant Sign; is that sign of the Zodiac which was ‘Rising’ in the Eastern sky at the time of one’s birth. The Rising Sign is the way one will act, how one projects the self out into the public arena.

Here is a list of those with Sun Signs, which will have an Aries Rising Sign…

Aries Sun in the First House…
Taurus Sun in the Second House.
Gemini Sun in the Third House…
Cancer Sun in the Fourth House…
Leo Sun in the Fifth House…
Virgo Sun in the Sixth House…
Libra Sun in the Seventh House…
Scorpio Sun in the Eighth House…
Sagittarius Sun in the Ninth House…
Capricorn Sun in the Tenth House…
Aquarius Sun in the Eleventh House…
Pisces Sun in the Twelfth House…

Next comes a brief write giving the basics of the Aries Rising Sign as it goes through the Houses.


Self-Projection means, the way one projects themselves out into the public eye; how others see them, though not necessarily how they really are. How one goes through life, the basic energy to secure what is needed is an instinctive self-projective measure, either within an aggressive or defensive mode.

You really project yourself as one who goes straight to the point of what you are after. You tend to be head-strong and willful, no sooner have you set your sight on what you want than you set about attaining whatever it is. You do not think about the consequences of any action, your speed is automatic, and for this reason you might well be accident-prone, rushing about, your head being the part of you that meets with collision. You like to be first in line and do not have time to wait for others. However; there are times when, if captured, your fiery attitude can become somewhat shy and subdued…But never for long!

A problem can be that you are short-sighted, that your energy is fast-fuse and can burn out quickly. The same with aggression, you can become aggressive as to what your aims are, but the anger does not last long and you then wonder what the fuss is about when others still have feelings of discontent at your outbursts.
You dislike being held back and show a free spirit to the world. To you, the world is forever a brave new world and you want to be the first to take what you want from it!


What is meant by Financial Security is the way in which you protect yourself through a sense of material possessions. It implies the need to own, in a practical and material sense, so that it gives a solid foundation. You might buy a house so that roots are put down, a base from which you can work. The implication is what you would need to possess in life as a practical building block so that you feel secure.

You like to acquire the best of things, the best money can buy, so you save up for the things you want and understand the idea of possessions. When it comes to acquisition of personal possessions, you are never rushed. You build up with patience, being practical and down-to-earth with negotiations, you know a bargain when you see one, although you don’t buy cheap.

You like to understand whether, what you buy, will rise in value over a time. For this reason, property and items of good taste will always interest you. You do not dream about ownership, you put in a practical application to purchase whatever gives you the right to own.

You might well enjoy gardening and have a liking for the finer things in life when it comes to food and wine. But first comes the idea of property and those things which give a sense of security. If you look in junk-shops, then you look for antiques. You understand the art of a patient build-up and will wait for as long as it takes to get what you want to possess. Financial security is the thing here!


The spirit of communication implies the way in which one thinks, one’s method of logic, expressed through mediums of speech and writing. It is how one communicates within the local environment, the way information is gained and communicated to others. This is an area of everyday conversation, what one might talk about and who to. The sense is light-hearted and conducted in a spirited way.

You are one who likes to communicate your ideas quickly and with variation. You are not into long, drawn-out, speeches, preferring quick visits to exchange items of gossip and then it is off, to relay information and gain more insight. You can always pick up a phone and have a chat with a brother or sister, whilst doing the cross-word and watching the television soaps. You like to multitask, express with your hands and keep busy…‘A busy mind is a healthy body’ is how you think.

There are times when you can be contrary; quick-witted, you can use your mind to get in and out of situations by saying one thing one day, and another the next, ever caught in two minds and being ambiguous with meanings.

But you are mischievous and enjoy a joke, always clever, you never intend any harm and can escape with a quick explanation.
You are no great traveler, you will travel, but prefer visits within the local community, visiting places of interest and keeping in touch with siblings. Like your mind, you dislike being tied down to boring routine.


Emotional Security is all bout how one feels, one’s sense of atmosphere and how one ‘Feels’ about the past; in the way the past reflects on how one deals with the present. If you had had a good early home-life, the past kind to you, this would be reflected in the way you react to present situations, and vice-versa.

Emotional Security is all about atmospheres and our reactions to them.
You would be well aware of your feelings and how you feel about atmospheres in different places. There can be times when you might feel physically sick, when an atmosphere is not right, and you will leave, to return to your own home where you feel so much at ease.

You do relate strongly to the past and can always have photos and other memorabilia which give you a fine sense of history.
You are a collector of things, arranging them in order so they remain like well-behaved children.

You can always manage, whatever happens in life; and your main action is to feel that you will always manage to put a roof over the head and to feed your family. You are not into change, liking things the way they are, what you are comfortable with… Having things and members of the family around you which allow you well-settled emotions…You are at ’Home, when at home.

It is a case that your home is your castle, where the pressure is off and you can relax; outside, in the open, you would feel vulnerable and open to attacks of the kinds you are not used to.


Natural Creativity implies where one has natural flair, a need to show-off what comes naturally, be it your children, creative ideas or taking a chance on romance. A gamble and sense of fun comes under the influence of natural creativeness, as does poetry and other artistic forms.

You are one who understands the enjoyment of life, to play the field, to act out any melodramatic scene, with you taking centre-stage. When it comes to the sun-shine, you are the first to laze out in the heat, to put your feet up, especially if another is there to serve you cooling drinks and make you a banquet…In respects, you are the king or queen and like others to know your position in life.

You are quite prepared to do favours, just as long as others show appreciation, even screaming adulation if possible, you don’t mind taking a bow. When it comes to romance, you’re a child. When it comes to a gamble, you will be proud to risk all!

You do have a special link to children and can bond quickly, here again is the sense of organisation, that you will organise youngsters so they fit into your scheme of things. You have a natural creative flair for enjoying yourself and taking those along with you, who you care to choose as your friends. You can be very creative and will take great pride in what is created by you; usually there is a flair for design and hair-styling, which comes with a strong sense of romanticism.

When you laugh, the world laughs with you and your sun shines!


By Practical Co-Working is meant how you apply yourself to any form of practical work, and how you get along with co-workers. This also applies to your sense of time and how you deal with detail as well as the sense of tidiness within your work. This gives an idea of your method and practical knowledge as well as ideas about health and dietary habits.

There are times when you like to examine things closely, in a critical way. You do seek perfection, your mind is technical, a note-book which you refer to when you want to put things in order. When you work with others, you like to keep tabs on the time work takes and you might well work in areas of time and motion. Basically; you go wherever you are needed, Virgo influence is such that, if you think you serve no purpose, are not needed, then you will go elsewhere, somewhere where you are needed; your purpose is to be of service. You can work well in the service industries, anywhere, where you can be on hand.

You are the one who others can rely on, conscientious and determined to tidy up the mess others leave behind. You are the perfect Private Assistant, the one who checks the files and folders. If things are not right, then you worry and this can have an affect on the nerves. You are into factors of health and good dietary habits, often reading from medical books or keeping a noted check on how you feel; everything working fine.

You have a special affinity with children and can be the children‘s ‘Favourite Aunty’.


Love is a sense of equality, your sense of ‘Give and Take’ within a relationship. This implies what attracts you, a magnetic quality which draws you in. At the same time, relationships can also imply open relationships and friendships, which are not tied down to domestication. This can also have reference to business partnerships and partnerships which have similar tastes.

When it comes to relationships, you find love is a basis of ‘Give and Take’; each partner must put in an equal effort, otherwise things do not work and love becomes all one-sided. Again; you may well find it hard to work on your own, needing a partner to balance yourself, one you can communicate with, one who might help you make your mind up.

You are a communicative spirit and are not one to stay at home. You are the ‘Social butterfly’, often flirtatious, always ready to be a ‘Party animal’. You promote attractiveness and charm, a charming host who justifies your existence with the brightest of disarming smiles! You really are not one to be tied down with domestic harmony, preferring to be free, maybe with a partner on each arm, to balance things out!

Often; you try to please everyone at the same time, which can be tiring, that’s the time to rest and re-charge the batteries.
Balance is the thing with you, trying to reach a balance in all things; as well as choice, you can find it hard to make choices, so that you need another balanced opinion to relate to so that it balances your own…Or does it?


Shared Resources imply the way one gains from any partnership and how one deals with beginnings and endings. This gives an idea of how one secures the self through areas of joint venture and how one sees any sense of loyalty from another. It is also assessment of basic emotions and hidden qualities which can come to light in the life.

You are intensely loyal and expect the same consideration from those you associate with. Not that you relate to many friends, preferring one or two people you really trust. The lover you relate to is one who you will share everything with, what you have is what you give! There are times when you will have to over-ride your suspicious nature, and other undermining emotions which bubble away beneath.

You are very challenging and determined to finish whatever you start, your strength of will is possibly the strongest in the Zodiac, as is the depth of your intuitive sense and psychological drive to change things! Your inner drives are to insure that things are safe,

That no accidental mishaps can catch you or your partner out; that’s why you have an interest in insurance policies and tax-relief, along with Wills and Inheritances. You believe in fate and have strong insights but you do not leave anything to chance. You understand the need to let go, when the time comes; intuitively, you know that, in life, there are ’Beginnings and Endings’… ‘Births and Deaths’, which affect the life’s cycle.


What is meant by expansion through experience is a measure of how and what one might learn through Deeper studies, or travel to far off lands, or a mixture of both, that one might travel to distant lands and gain experience of foreign cultures which enlivens the mind. Often, this experience is geared towards a spiritual uplift.

You can always be the horsy type, the stallion or mare, who wanders wherever, at free will, stopping to graze at times but always moving in a curious way, knowing no boundaries. You aim to travel far, abroad, to see what lies over the hill. Or, you are the dedicated student, forever with your head in a book, expanding your knowledge, always thirsty for more.

You may even combine both, so you travel to distant lands, seeking evidence of foreign cultures and learn in that way. Yours is an adventurous spirit, a good sport. Freedom of body and thought is your nature, restriction, border-lines and fences are not!

You are not the best time-keeper in the world and might never turn up for a date, your curious nature getting you side-tracked down other avenues so you forget what the time is! To you, there are not enough hours in the day to keep up with the promises you make. Mind you, once something does catch your interest then you will remain faithful to that interest, even adding to it with all the enthusiasm in the world.

You are always hopeful of something turning up, always ready to bet on your luck
And more times than not, you are right!


By reputation and career, is meant how one wants to be seen by those in authority, and how one wants to be looked-up to, with respect, depending on what kind of reputation one gets. The implication is what one wants to achieve, within career and status in life, especially within maturity. In all, this is about how one deals with those in authority.

You are very aware of what constitutes the law as far as rules and regulations go. You dislike putting yourself on show, whereby members of the public can point accusing fingers at you; you are not into making a public spectacle of yourself. You are cautious as to how you act and will gravitate towards a career which affords you the protection of anonymity, shielded beneath the umbrella of a big organisation.

You would sooner work as a trusted Number Two, leaving the decisions to Number One, so that any mistakes are not yours, but belong the one above you.
You are good at judging times and with delegation, following orders and instructions. You can stand aloof from the crowd, seeming to sooner look down; although the real need is to be looked up to by those beneath you.

In life; you persevere, working your way up carefully till you sit on top of the hill, career safe and judged to be in charge of your life. Reputation means a lot to you and you will intend to gain a certain standing within society by the end of your life. You obey the law and respect its function, one of the old guard!


By stating future hopes and wishes is meant what is expected to happen with regards to the future. There is also social order to reason with, friends, too, who might rise one up the social ladder. This is all about the future prospects, although the element of reversals are always present, and not always taken into account.

This is all about expectations, what to expect in the future, often making plans ahead of schedule; and this often gives sudden reversals to plans due to the mind forgetting to make room for unforeseen circumstances. It is found that the drive to be always in a rush to arrive, can bring on forgetfulness, simply because the past is in the past and never looked back on.

There is a lot of inspired thinking and, often, impulsive moves within this housing, sudden thoughts which may seem unreasonable to those left behind. Friendships and group outings are an important social factor here, the need to communicate ideas and keep an update on the ‘In-Crowd’.

However; one has to be aware that, should the need to update old laws become an obsession, then the law can be broken and one accused of being a rebel. The inspired thinking of the Eleventh House can make one either a highly inventive person or a complete rebel. But, even when rebelling, one cannot see what is wrong with shaking the tree. You are a humanist, understanding that if the world needs a sense of balance and that the laws must be in line with a sense of equality, if not, then your kind will see to it, in future!


The implication here is that one makes sacrifices within the life and gives an impression to others of acting like a Samaritan; whether good or bad, depends on the nature of the personality. This is creativity of a high order, emotive and poetic, the giving without expecting anything in return.

This is all about making sacrifices, a sense of giving, without expecting anything in return. Your search is within the higher realms of spiritualism and can give a need to act as a Samaritan in some way. Often there is a need to undergo self-expansion, to take a self-cleansing spiritual journey, to draw into the self an essence of right and wrong, the need to rid the self of sins and guilt through absorption, through prayers.

You might visit the sick or those who need faith and belief, give comfort to the unloved. You have so much faith in a higher cause that Holy Love is your Spiritual Home. However; because the sense is often nebulous and inspires illusions; it can also give impressions of good, whilst the reality being that one uses the sense of spiritual goodness to be the receptor rather than the giver.

You have your dreams, though you may never stay around long enough to make them come true. There can always be a hard time keeping one’s feet on the ground, because the head is away up in the clouds and seeking escape from harsh reality, one might well sacrifice the strength of living for a pillow of dreams.

This is the impression of the Twelfth House, that one might be the Sinner or Saint, even a mixture of both!

Sunday, February 10, 2008


I am putting my book on this blos, about the Sun-Signs, so you get a better idea what the Sun is really all about within Astrology. It is hoped that, by reading this, you might then begin to understand that there is far more to one's nature than the Sun.

It should also be remembered that the Planets represent what is symbolised, as the Sun symbolises one's 'Flair', one's 'Ego' and how one 'Shines' or 'Shows-Off' in the life.
A Sun-Sign is simply a basic trait asnd it all depends under what 'Housing' the Sun sits.

After all; an Aries Sun in the Sixth House will have a different reaction than an Aries Sun which sits in the Tenth House... As is revealed in my book.



A look at the Sun-Signs as they go


COPYRIGHT 2007 --- Ron. S. King.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, Graphic, Electronic or Mechanical, including Photocopying, Recording, Taping, or by any information storage retrieval system without written permission of the publisher (Ron. S. King.), except in the case of brief quotations for articles or reviews.


I have studied the art of Astrology for many years; or rather, it has studied me, dragging my mind and emotions over many strange and wonderful paths (Allowing, of course, for my Sagittarian nature, which has had me sidetracking and looking ever deeper into uncharted territory!).

I have written other works on astrology, especially about Saturn, which has long fascinated me… But it does gall my astrological sensitivity when people ask me about their Sun-Sign, whether they are typical of that sign, or otherwise; especially those who take specific notice of generalized writings of the newspapers and magazines, which propose to state the day-to-day happenings of all the Sun-Signs.

For this reason and for the sake of astrological sanity, I decided to write this book and put the record straight as to why one with an Aries Sun-Sign would not be the same as another Aries Sun-Sign… This applies to all Sun-Signs.
I have drawn up thousands of charts and never had two exactly the same.
This book does not give an all-over explanation of astrology; just a look at each Sun-Sign as it goes for a run around the houses.


One has to understand that a Birth-Chart is a circle of 360 degrees. This is then divided into twelve houses, each house representing a different area within the life.

Depending on the birth data; the date and time of birth, plus where born; gives attention to where the Sun sits within the Birth-Chart, under what house the Sun sits.
Therefore; should an Aries Sun sit in the Fifth House (Denoting creativity), then the nature is somewhat different to the Aries Sun which sits within the Second House (Which focuses on financial security.)

In this book; I will write about each Sun-Sign, the first page given to the basic traits of that particular Sun-Sign… Then continue to write a page on the nature of the Sun-Sign when placed within each House.

It can be fun and the reader can look to each House and its reading, to realize that there are great differences from one Aries to another. (This applies to all Sun-Signs.)

Again; I do stress that astrology is not an exact science and leeway should be given, so the reader is not strictly governed by the writings within the magazines.

One has ‘Free Will’ and choice as to what direction one takes in life, nothing is actually predetermined, once you begin to understand your nature.


It is known that a Chart is a circle which is divided into twelve houses, each house indicating an area of the life.

What I write here is just the basics of the houses, their basic function. I write this to give you a simple idea of how life is affected should the Sun sit any of the houses, in what area one has a sense of pride, of creative ‘Flair’ and ‘Ego’.

Here are the houses and meanings…

1… Self-Security.
The First House shows how one acts, how one goes through life and the way one attains what is needed as a means to secure the self.

2… Financial Security.
The Second House shows how one deals with possessions and the sense of ownership, how one spends finances.

3… Security within Communication,
The Third House shows how one communicates, within speech and writing; it is logic and methods of communicative process.

4… Emotional Security.
The Fourth House shows how one ‘Feels’, one’s sense of atmosphere. It is emotive content, regarding memories of the past and collective instinct.

5… Creativity and Flair.
The Fifth House shows in what way one uses creative drives, how one might ‘Show-Off’. This gives indication of what one is ‘Proud’ of.

6,,, Co-Operation and Co-Working.
The Sixth House shows how one works with others, the sense of perfection, within health and motivation. It is the sense of practical method within work.

7… Relationships.
The Seventh House shows how and what one relates to, what attracts the nature. It is the ‘Give and take’ in life, between partnerships, equality and peace.

8… Shared Resources.
The Eighth House shows how one will share resources with a partner, what one receives. It is a ‘Beginning and Re-Birth’, the process of starting over.

9… Expanding Horizons.
The Ninth House shows how one furthers education through either travel or through study. It is a broadening of the mind through enthusiastic pursuits.

10… Reputation, Status within Career.
The Tenth House shows how one wants to be seen, as a public image. It is reputation, good or bad, and the career drive.

11… Ambition, Aspirations, Friendships.
The Eleventh House shows how one might join groups or have friends which enhance aspirations within the life.

12… Secrets, Higher Creativity.
The Twelfth House often disguises the way in which one uses a sense of imagination and illusions. It can produce the dreamer or the high artistic nature.

Saturday, February 9, 2008



I’m me, you see…Don’t you agree
If life is a war, I want victory
Watch me run fast round the track
And meet myself on the way back

I’m three, just me, myself and I
No time to watch the world roll by
If you can’t keep up, then you’ll find
I’ll be up-front and leave you behind

I’m ball-chain lightning in a spin
Whatever I do, I just have to win
Everything I do is never rehearsed
I don’t care, as long as I come first

I’m the spring in my step, first in line
The fastest bullet is always mine
Speedy, not greedy as others think
I want what I want before I blink

Don’t ever blame me, myself and I
Blame the flaming stars in the sky
Whatever I do is done on the run


You like to feel financially sound
Possessing what gives a sense of worth
In life you know that value is found
Owning secure stability on this earth

You build foundations in steady climb
Slow but sure and keeping account
You value the sense of working time
The security which comes from amount

You have charm, whether Bull or Cow
And an eye for any bargaining sound
But you’re stubborn, fixed in any row
You wont give up, you stand your ground

You like some time so you can think
Quick decisions are not your Bull-Thought
Fast dealing is not your meat and drink
Good food and living is what is bought

Owning and possessing is the intention
To financially secure your full liberty
Never give words like hardship a mention
What you own is what set’s you free!


Do you mind if I air my views
And if I do what head do I choose
The giggly one or the one with the muse
Heads you win, tails you lose.

Now I do like to talk about this and that
I always have time of day for a chat
Just let me put on my local gossip hat
No wonder I’m thin, no time to get fat

I’m off on the run, no time to linger
Multi-task person with telephone finger
Shout at the kids and still be a singer
No time at all to be a family clinger

Most of the time I am into my head
Arguing mostly against words I have said
Till I’m blue in the face, or is it red
Single-minded is one thing that I dread.

I’ll have just a quick word, before I go
Well, it might be quick or it might be slow
I have the news, don’t you just know
But I aint got the time now, I’ve got to blow!


I’m an old pair of comfort-slippers
In a familiar silver picture frame
I like to know my larder is stocked
And everything stays the same

I like to know where old things are
Be the Rooster or Mother Hen
Head cook and chief bottle-washer
The writing from an old quill pen

I am the home-protecting shield
Castle walls are my defence
I really feel vulnerable outside
But when in, let battle commence

I feed on all my sweet emotions
From a full memory’s natural store
My home, my kin, my album’s full
Could dear Cancer want no more

I am not into making changes
As long as all my family are fed
My past, memories and happy days
And a good roof over my head!


I’m always a proud sort of Leonine soul
Proud of my kids and my protective role
So full of the Sun and big in my heart
But when my back's up, don't make me start

I’ll work my heart out, just so you know
Whatever it is, I will give it a go
Give me some water, a crust, anything
I will give you a banquet fit for a king

I can create a dramatic part in a play
Actor, the hairdresser, whatever you say
And I will take a gamble, given the chance
And anything for a bit of romance

I am a leader who creates all the show
Proud to help out all the people I know
All of my entourage, come kiss my paw
I’m regal and let out a loud royal roar

You often find me, stood out from the crowd
The life of a party, laughing out loud
But don’t let that fool you, take me for a ride
And then you’ll hear the roar of my pride!


Now; I’m no fool and I’m cool,
And I play by perfection’s rule
All things in neat working order
No writing over margin’s border

I like wealthy, healthy attitude
Diets and nutritious organic food
I will go where I feel I’m in need
Offering suggestions so you succeed

I plan things down to the last detail
So that my plans never will fail
I’m indispensable, one’s last real hope
I never flap, I simply just cope

What seems impossible, I make clear
Even though I might interfere
I’m really just perfection’s machine
I’m antiseptic, everything’s clean

I’m the one with the material mind
I think in ways of motivation kind
What I say is for your clear benefit
Leave me alone to get on with it!


I’m a social butterfly, I cannot deny
Asking the questions; what, where and why
I live and love to set all things right
Harmonious relationships kept in sight

I try to balance my life, if that fails
I can fluctuate wildly, unbalanced scales
But I need to understand just why
You relate to my thinking, ‘I’ to ‘I’

I need to talk, to understand me
There’s no harm in that, don’t you agree
I think I’m ugly, you don’t think that
I’m so slim, you say; but I’m so fat

I can be a very flirtatious cuddle
But I cant make choices, I get in a muddle
Social calendars are all set to dating
Get myself dressed to go on relating

I’ll do the talking so about me you learn
Enough about me, now it’s my turn
You’ll find me good company all the while
You bask in the glow of Libra’s smile


I am a secret, can’t you see
No… You only see the tip of me
I am an iceberg, my emotions in stow
My head above water, my secrets below

You wont really know all my strengths
I can read yours in intuitive lengths
I only share with a partner I trust
Loyalty gets the dough, enemies the crust

Call me a fixed-natured dark horse
I’ll keep riding all my set course
I finish whatever I get to start
Dare to upset me, then feel stings’ dart

But I’m loyal and a sharing friend
Working, always, right to the end
Passion and sensuality are truly mine
But tight control keeps emotions in line

Intensity has me on the edge of the chair
Ice cool but heat beneath me somewhere
Scorpion is what gives me deep love
But I am also the eagle, who rises above.


Outrageous, audacious, honesty’s tongue
Enthusiastic, elastic mentality’s run
No sense of time, but a great sense of fun
A maddening philosopher is Sagittarian Sun

This jovial joy has curiosity’s musing
To seek whatever the eyes find for choosing
Never stands still for any time’s abusing
Runs off at the mouth but oh so amusing

This twin-fold horse, be it stallion or mare
Lives horse-life to full without a care
Grazing on books or will travel anywhere
With all of natures time to stand and stare

If a soul is down and needs lifting up
Drink from bold Sagittarian’s deep cup
A sip of encouragement, enthusing sup
And any old dog soon becomes a pup

But when things become serious in look
Out comes the claw of spirited hook
To read you a sermon from your holy book
And you have to listen, by hook or by crook.


Cautious action is your middle name
Your reputation means such a lot
Whatever happens, you’re not to blame
You make sure there’s no ink-stain blot

Time is your work, your career too
These things are important traits
Important, no mistakes are in view
Slow up-climb is high-office gates

Aware of critics, fingers pointing
Your good behaviour is information
It’s not you who is found disappointing
You’re a dab hand at delegation

You’re high-order, head held high
Passing orders down the long line
Serious intentions get you on by
Though kiddy-goat fun is always fine

You hold yourself to high esteem
Slow-climb is your career task uphill
You really have no time to dream
High reputation is your life’s thrill.


I’m humanity’s friend, I think you’ll find
I always tend to keep this in mind
I wish the world all of the best
For friendship, peace, and all blessed

I’ve a rebellious mind at times you see
To change archaic laws which disagree
I can see futures’ financial face
The starving and the arms-war race

I’m a guessing game, a strong intuition
I know before my minds’ recognition
Part of me grounded, the other insane
But never to the past will my mind remain

I live in a futuristic kind of way
A spiral of colours is my thought’s display
Up in space plus feet on the ground
I want life upgraded next time around

I’m structured to a social scales ladder
A social party where things get madder
But I look to the future and there I see
The Aquarian mind as it wants to be!


When the world gets rough, I elope
To a dreamy land where I can cope
I swim with the tide, a rainbow fish
I’m a very plastic-elastic fanciful wish

I swim in subtle waters of emotion
None can dive that deep in my ocean
I take on any shape of sand I sieve
And can act like any company I’m with

I am receptive, deceptive, I can change
My watered spirit is up for re-arrange
Sacrifices are something special to me
Floating on a pool of soft love’s empathy

I can see pictures and do magic tricks
Conjure up a dream of life so it sticks
Non-solid, misty and intangible am I
More fluffy than white clouds in the sky

Mould me like plasticine, make me real
My tears are salt-water, I cry when I feel
My body is a container, keeping me whole
But I am Pisces, body, heart and soul.

Friday, February 8, 2008


In this blog, I intend to write up notes and some of the secrets of Astrology. I also intend to lighten it at times, with some poems and unusual comments...