Self-Projection means, the way one projects themselves out into the public eye; how others see them, though not necessarily how they really are. How one goes through life, the basic energy to secure what is needed is an instinctive self-projective measure, either within an aggressive or defensive mode.
You really project yourself as a homely person, one whose purpose in life is to be there for the family unit.
You are often the head chef and bottle-washer, who rules the roost, the mother-hen who clucks away, making sure the family is well-fed and watered.
You can also be the breadwinner in many cases, taking the head seat at the table and ensuring there is always a roof over your family home and food in the larder.
You can be very self-protective at times, quick to feel it if anyone were to make any remarks about you or your family. While you may present a hard shell to the world, it’s a fact that you a quite soft inside and the ego is very close to the surface. When upset, you can be very direct, but your normal route is to go around the houses.
The family is the thing you fight for and you fight when you quickly feel others threaten your sense of emotive comfort.
To a degree, you take a defensive stance in this world and will only retaliate when you or those close are threatened
by anyone outside the family. Your home is your castle, outside it, you feel vulnerable.
What is meant by Financial Security is the way in which you protect yourself through a sense of material possessions. It implies the need to own, in a practical and material sense, so that it gives a solid foundation. You might buy a house so that roots are put down, a base from which you can work.
The implication is what you would need to possess in life as a practical building block so that you feel secure.
When it comes to finance; pride can be a problem, in that it can be very hard to ask others to help you out with a loan. In many respects, if you have children and grandchildren, you may never be rich, simply because your money is spent on their welfare.
When it comes to financial security, you work through a sense of pride. You will always manage to rake up some money for food and children’s clothes, even know how to create substance from a few crusts and some old material. First; you will never ask another to help you finance your children’s welfare, that is beneath your dignity, as it is to see your children made fun of because of poor representation. You always will have the power to create ways of making money and love to buy or own things which represent wealth…But you never go over the top, lashing out on gold; you understand that money in the bank is always there if a golden opportunity comes along.
You will take a gamble on something, like winning the lottery, but not if it puts you or your children at financial risk!
The spirit of communication implies the way in which one thinks, one’s method of logic, expressed through mediums of speech and writing. It is how one communicates within the local environment, the way information is gained and communicated to others. This is an area of everyday conversation, what one might talk about and who to. The sense is light-hearted and conducted in a spirited way.
You work in an advisory capacity, more inclined to offer words of advice rather than just simply chatter on about anything. You are more a listener; one who thinks over what is being said, before giving an answer, analysing and sifting any question so that it make perfect sense.
You are always reasonable with others and like to be there for those who need you, more comfortable giving answers than asking questions yourself. You can always work within the advisory service, or as one who makes corrections to written work, the one who will spot a mistake a mile away, though not make such a big deal about it, simply keep it in mind.
Generally; you are a good speller and neat communicator, both in your written work and within speech; you say what ‘Needs’ to be said. When all is said and done, you can work with practically anyone who needs your help.
There is nothing airy-fairy about your thinking, though you do tend to worry over the smaller things, while allowing the larger things in life to pass by. Your mind is a logical magnifying glass and you use it in a very logical way!
Emotional Security is all bout how one feels, one’s sense of atmosphere and how one ‘Feels’ about the past; in the way the past reflects on how one deals with the present. If you had had a good early home-life, the past kind to you, this would be reflected in the way you react to present situations, and vice-versa.
Emotional Security is all about atmospheres and our reactions to them.
You are one who relates easily to a homely and comfortable atmosphere. You are not into bad or noisy atmospheres, where there are rows and rows; mind you, you are not into silence neither. You relate to nature and a natural balance in all things, the idea of give and take. You will always try to make a home comfortable, a place where others can rest in peace, you give your attention to anything which sets off a gentle atmosphere; but you will move out if others only take what you offer without giving you that same sense of harmony in return.
You can feel very much at home in places like churches and nature reserves, places where there is a feeling of acceptance and where the worries and wars of the world cannot affect you. It can hurt your to read of turbulence and wars, of violence and hate, at such times, you are liable to retreat into your home and lock the door, all you seek is a heart full of peace and quiet, a place where you find relative peace and emotional security.
In life, you would feel that a partner who can offer you this sanctuary is one who can provide all the ‘Mother-Comforts’!
Natural Creativity implies where one has natural flair, a need to show-off what comes naturally, be it your children, creative ideas or taking a chance on romance. A gamble and sense of fun comes under the influence of natural creativeness, as does poetry and other artistic forms.
Your life can go through changes and challenges, especially when children are born. What makes you really proud is the fact that all you have has been gained through what you and your partner have created. This implies that you are very proud of your part in procreating whatever is in your life; your children are at the very heart of you and you will be determined to secure for them what they need. In a strange way, it can always seem that the partnership between you and the person who shared in the joy of having children, seems to wane; as if you are then determined to make it on your own in some way, to be determined that children, or any creative ideas of yours, becomes the sole objects of your concern.
Often this can be where finance is concerned, in that finance is not shared as a resource so that you determine to make it yourself and might begin to undermine the joint venture.
Strangely; you might find it hard to be creative on your own, that you need a partner to innovate ideas or for the obvious intention of procreation.
You really are a determined soul and take pride in the fact that you can overcome most challenges in life and are a strong believer in fate, in Kismet and Karma!
By Practical Co-Working is meant how you apply yourself to any form of practical work, and how you get along with co-workers. This also applies to your sense of time and how you deal with detail as well as the sense of tidiness within your work. This gives an idea of your method and practical knowledge as well as ideas about health and dietary habits.
You are one who will always enthuse others with your ideas that they should not give up hope. You can always put yourself on the line by promising yourself and others all the help they need! You really can stretch yourself, always willing to help others out in a very positive manner. You really know how to make things work and are full of ideas.
Often; you can feel you have tied yourself down by over-promising to help out, so you would have to learn to take stock of time and not over-extend your work-load. You never play favourites or refuse appeals from others, no matter who asks for your aid, or what the purpose is.
You have a very broad range of interests and really care about the smaller things in life. Animals and those who need your service, the sick and the ailing will always get your attention. You are a great sport in that you never take sides, although, often, you have more feeling for the underdog.
You can work with anyone, co-operative and cheerful, you like variation and will soon look for other options if given dull or boring routines. There are times when you do tend to magnify things to a worrying degree, but never show it!
Love is a sense of equality, your sense of ‘Give and Take’ within a relationship. This implies what attracts you, a magnetic quality which draws you in. At the same time, relationships can also imply open relationships and friendships, which are not tied down to domestication. This can also have reference to business partnerships and partnerships which have similar tastes.
You might well seek a partner who is beneath your status in life. The problem can be that you fear rejection, so you may not be willing to approach those who seem to be above you in some way. Although, it can also be that you might well choose a partner who would take on the senior role of authority.
In many respects; you may well choose to marry someone older than yourself, one who has status and standing , a reputation of some kind, or remain married to a career. You might put the two together and marry the boss!
Relationships can be hard for you to accept, in that it can be hard work for you to relate to love as poets see love. You tend to judge love as something which has to be worked at so that some sort of balance is achieved. You might feel that you are often the loser in the world of give and take, that you are the object of love, rather than the subject.
The possibility is that you might well hold off from marrying till later, the old maxim of ‘Marry early, Relent at leisure’, can hold you back. Relationships seem to work better later in the life than when young, but, even so, love is a hard learning curve and has to be worked at!
Shared Resources imply the way one gains from any partnership and how one deals with beginnings and endings. This gives an idea of how one secures the self through areas of joint venture and how one sees any sense of loyalty from another. It is also assessment of basic emotions and hidden qualities which can come to light in the life.
When it comes to shared resources; you are ever hopeful of what lies within the future and are always ready to retry whatever has failed before! You are extremely intuitive and can make some very shrewd guesses as to what is going on around you. As much as you would be determined to keep a stabilised relationship, there can always be sudden upheavals which cause sudden endings and new beginnings which might also involve legal proceedings.
In many respects, you are destined to become independent from binding sources, which can give a sense of frustration and having no control over your fate… In a way, a determination of fate can shock you and those around you. Strangely, too, is an underlying urge to leave something to the children and grandchildren, as if you are ‘Willed’ to do this. Life is so full of unexpected shocks for you and you can be left simply holding the baby or a life’s termination.
You really are determined to see the future plans brought to fruition and this can mean you rebel against normality as far as partnerships are concerned and can end associations, to begin again with a new friendship.
What is meant by expansion through experience is a measure of how and what one might learn through Deeper studies, or travel to far off lands, or a mixture of both, that one might travel to distant lands and gain experience of foreign cultures which enlivens the mind. Often, this experience is geared towards a spiritual uplift.
It can always be that you can experience a higher creative sense, almost as if you can lose yourself in dreams at times. Anything which has a spiritual significance can draw you, things such as dream interpretation are magnetic… However; you really do have dreams of going world-wide, dreaming about visiting unexplored worlds and learning about foreign cultures. You are not really into deep studies, although Geography can be attractive to you, as is History.
But to have to sit and study these classes deeply, taking up all your time, you would soon be looking round for a means of escape; and escape would come from drifting into day-dreaming. However; you do learn from visual concepts, from pictures and losing yourself into films about wild animals and foreign travel.
Old films in black and white can fascinate you, the way people lived in the old days.. You would much rather lose yourself in these than suffer the time in reading books about the subjects. You can go to heaven or hell in your dreams. You have a vast reservoir of imagination which can always place you in the picture. When it comes to it, you are very spiritual and the past can hold the key to your history.
By reputation and career, is meant how one wants to be seen by those in authority, and how one wants to be looked-up to, with respect, depending on what kind of reputation one gets. The implication is what one wants to achieve, within career and status in life, especially within maturity. In all, this is about how one deals with those in authority.
You might have to wait until you learn to accept authority before your work for things and things work for you; the main problem can be impatience, wanting things to happen quickly so that you gain a reputation as being somewhat selfish and not willing to accept any kind of judgement. It’s often the case of putting all your energy into a job which gains you a rise in status, the promotion.
You may never be happy sitting at the bottom of the pile; impatient to do things your own way so that you run, often before you have learned the ropes so that falling from grace, when young, can be inevitable. Time is important to you and you really hate being late, so you are the original early bird, the first into work and the first to leave.
Time really is your enemy, because you don’t give yourself the time to work things out or allow others to show you how to go about projects; in the end, you will make it but career and reputation works for you once you have taught yourself to give yourself time to check things over. It really doesn’t matter what you work at, you will always project yourself the same way, putting yourself forward so you reach the top!
By stating future hopes and wishes is meant what is expected to happen with regards to the future. There is also social order to reason with, friends, too, who might rise one up the social ladder. This is all about the future prospects, although the element of reversals are always present, and not always taken into account.
It’s often the case that you have the desire to be independently wealthy, never to have to borrow from others, or feel you are given social security, government benefits; as if you are being bought. However; you may well plan, when you are rich, to buy stocks or shares, or property which gives you financial security later in the life.
While you might plan with all the care and consideration of an accountant, there will be times when lightening strikes and sudden bills can cause bankruptcy. You would have to expect the unexpected when dealing with finance and the use of professional advisors, like solicitors and lawyers are always advised.
Though you can be one who likes to plan ahead, to save for the proverbial ‘Rainy Day’, you can’t always bank on it being there exactly when you need it. Thankfully; you will keep building up the bricks and mortar, no matter how hard the wind blows. You can have ambitions to possess beautiful things, but if you forget to check the prices then the ivory just might come from a ‘White Elephant’.
You do know that finance brings influence, and that is no high price to pay when aiming for the top rung of the social ladder.
The implication here is that one makes sacrifices within the life and gives an impression to others of acting like a Samaritan; whether good or bad, depends on the nature of the personality. This is creativity of a high order, emotive and poetic, the giving without expecting anything in return.
When the Zodiac Sign of Gemini covers the Twelfth House then it is often the case that you sacrifice the sense of communicating what you know by way of keeping secrets. You would not find it in your heart to say anything, you feel, would cause hurt. It’s a case of serving good causes and sympathising with those you hear about who suffer.
If you hear another cry, you will soon find yourself in tears. You will find it very hard to have deaf ears when others appeal to you for help.
You would be attracted to those who can communicate with your sense of spiritual and secret values, those who can write or speak in a secret and imaginative way, who’s words can inspire you and give you dreams. It can be that one only says what you may want to hear, communicating illusions which offer escape from the life which has no voice.
A voice on the phone or through other forms of media can always set your imagination working. Silence can cause you to become insecure, you need to clear the air with communication, to understand what another feels about you.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Saturday, March 29, 2008
The Rising Sign; often called the Ascendant Sign; is that sin of the Zodiac which was ‘Rising’ in the Eastern sky at the time of one’s birth.
The Rising Sign is the way one will act, how one projects the self out into the public arena.
Here is a list of those with Sun Signs, which will have a Cancer Rising Sign…
Cancer Sun in the First House…
Leo Sun in the Second House.
Virgo Sun in the Third House…
Libra Sun in the Fourth House…
Scorpio Sun in the Fifth House…
Sagittarius Sun in the Sixth House…
Capricorn Sun in the Seventh House…
Aquarius Sun in the Eighth House…
Pisces Sun in the Ninth House…
Aries Sun in the Tenth House…
Taurus Sun in the Eleventh House…
Gemini Sun in the Twelfth House…
Next comes a brief write giving the basics of the Cancer Rising Sign as it goes through the Houses.
The Rising Sign; often called the Ascendant Sign; is that sin of the Zodiac which was ‘Rising’ in the Eastern sky at the time of one’s birth.
The Rising Sign is the way one will act, how one projects the self out into the public arena.
Here is a list of those with Sun Signs, which will have a Cancer Rising Sign…
Cancer Sun in the First House…
Leo Sun in the Second House.
Virgo Sun in the Third House…
Libra Sun in the Fourth House…
Scorpio Sun in the Fifth House…
Sagittarius Sun in the Sixth House…
Capricorn Sun in the Seventh House…
Aquarius Sun in the Eighth House…
Pisces Sun in the Ninth House…
Aries Sun in the Tenth House…
Taurus Sun in the Eleventh House…
Gemini Sun in the Twelfth House…
Next comes a brief write giving the basics of the Cancer Rising Sign as it goes through the Houses.
Soft is the silver touch of this Luna Lady's hand
Quiet are the memories which structure the mind
No bold approach would this Lady understand
Needs time to sense comfort's feel, intuitively find
Love's no big rush to guarantee such fast-fit fool
More lasting is this emotion's intentional sense
Stand back to inspect while the feelings are cool
Luna Lady's love is not cheapened, no recompense
Emotional security's dire to the nurturing breast
Feed from family's love and give whole in return
Life's import is wholesale, to feather the nest
To keep whole the roof and history is to learn
Lady Luna's love is emotional, the family's home
Fond memories, to keep silver memories in store
To keep things as they are, there's no wish to roam
To treasure the love shared, to have evermore
It matters little wherever you feel you ought to go
All your actions are on a strong managing run
As if intuitive antenna empowers you to know
What needs caution, when reflection’s done
Poem by Ron S King.
Soft is the silver touch of this Luna Lady's hand
Quiet are the memories which structure the mind
No bold approach would this Lady understand
Needs time to sense comfort's feel, intuitively find
Love's no big rush to guarantee such fast-fit fool
More lasting is this emotion's intentional sense
Stand back to inspect while the feelings are cool
Luna Lady's love is not cheapened, no recompense
Emotional security's dire to the nurturing breast
Feed from family's love and give whole in return
Life's import is wholesale, to feather the nest
To keep whole the roof and history is to learn
Lady Luna's love is emotional, the family's home
Fond memories, to keep silver memories in store
To keep things as they are, there's no wish to roam
To treasure the love shared, to have evermore
It matters little wherever you feel you ought to go
All your actions are on a strong managing run
As if intuitive antenna empowers you to know
What needs caution, when reflection’s done
Poem by Ron S King.
Friday, March 28, 2008
When the Sun sits in the Twelfth House, then you might simply hide your light, stay in the shadows and simply dream about personal ownership, your sense of worth. Not that you might dream of owning but what the value of possessions are worth. You would have sympathy with those who have nothing, your mind empathising with what you read or hear about, those of the ‘Third World’, who are homeless and starve.
One has to understand that the complexity of mind can become confused, that emotive and spiritual sense over-rides the more material nature, so that you are to proud to accept anything offered, but to give away what you have.
In a way, you might spend some time alone, seeking solace, deep within your own thoughts, needing some idea of personal identity, of what you are worth and how you might evolve, so you work for the benefit of others. Your mind is a restless spirit and you can often seek escape from all the noise, so that you give yourself ‘Time to think.’ It can be that you will become a writer, one who can earn financial security through the art of being able to put down, in words, the creative drama which comes through from the sense of imagination. Perhaps you are capable of creating children’s books or able to create impressions which are very readable.
Psychologically; you would have a problem as to how you deal with finance. You do have rational dreams, of being able to afford all that you dream about, all that impresses you, yet, at the same time, how do you make dreams come true when, all the time, you simply dream about such riches? In the end, you might well gain insight through areas of dream interpretation or hand-writing analysis!
When the Sun sits in the Twelfth House, then you might simply hide your light, stay in the shadows and simply dream about personal ownership, your sense of worth. Not that you might dream of owning but what the value of possessions are worth. You would have sympathy with those who have nothing, your mind empathising with what you read or hear about, those of the ‘Third World’, who are homeless and starve.
One has to understand that the complexity of mind can become confused, that emotive and spiritual sense over-rides the more material nature, so that you are to proud to accept anything offered, but to give away what you have.
In a way, you might spend some time alone, seeking solace, deep within your own thoughts, needing some idea of personal identity, of what you are worth and how you might evolve, so you work for the benefit of others. Your mind is a restless spirit and you can often seek escape from all the noise, so that you give yourself ‘Time to think.’ It can be that you will become a writer, one who can earn financial security through the art of being able to put down, in words, the creative drama which comes through from the sense of imagination. Perhaps you are capable of creating children’s books or able to create impressions which are very readable.
Psychologically; you would have a problem as to how you deal with finance. You do have rational dreams, of being able to afford all that you dream about, all that impresses you, yet, at the same time, how do you make dreams come true when, all the time, you simply dream about such riches? In the end, you might well gain insight through areas of dream interpretation or hand-writing analysis!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
When the Sun sits in the Eleventh House then you can be certain that you will project yourself as a leading light where friendships and social attitude is concerned. This is where you shine, among your friends, networking through updated areas, always full of fresh ideas, your notebook full as you venture out into an exciting world. In many respects, you will have friends who you value, those who can help drive you up the social ladder… It’s a case of ‘Knowing what you know and who you know’!
When it comes to socializing, you are always to be found upfront and proud to have so many social contacts, those you have cultivated. Mind you, you do have set ideas and will pursue them. What might started out as a hobby might well become the ‘Written Word’, the rules as you make them. Your mind is one of high ideals, you do value your humanitarian aims and might find work through such ideals. In many respects, what you do in life, what you hope to achieve, will give you a personal sense of identity, a name-plate so others know who you are and what you stand for.
There is no doubting you do have aspirations and ambitions, to be in a position whereby you can ‘Show-Off’ your worth. You do have personal goals and strong communicative skills. Mind you, there will be times when you use you words as a shock-tactic, suddenly changing tack, which makes others suddenly sit up and take notice of you. You do intend to be heard and will shout out and act in quick flashes of wit and brilliant thinking.
It’s all about putting yourself in front, so others see your are a person of your word, loyal to your friends and fixed in intention.
You are, indeed, your own showcase, one who leads the gang, socially, whether on a wild goose-chase or determined effort to
oust the ‘Old Brigade’, you are the shining light, never one to hide in the shadows!
When the Sun sits in the Eleventh House then you can be certain that you will project yourself as a leading light where friendships and social attitude is concerned. This is where you shine, among your friends, networking through updated areas, always full of fresh ideas, your notebook full as you venture out into an exciting world. In many respects, you will have friends who you value, those who can help drive you up the social ladder… It’s a case of ‘Knowing what you know and who you know’!
When it comes to socializing, you are always to be found upfront and proud to have so many social contacts, those you have cultivated. Mind you, you do have set ideas and will pursue them. What might started out as a hobby might well become the ‘Written Word’, the rules as you make them. Your mind is one of high ideals, you do value your humanitarian aims and might find work through such ideals. In many respects, what you do in life, what you hope to achieve, will give you a personal sense of identity, a name-plate so others know who you are and what you stand for.
There is no doubting you do have aspirations and ambitions, to be in a position whereby you can ‘Show-Off’ your worth. You do have personal goals and strong communicative skills. Mind you, there will be times when you use you words as a shock-tactic, suddenly changing tack, which makes others suddenly sit up and take notice of you. You do intend to be heard and will shout out and act in quick flashes of wit and brilliant thinking.
It’s all about putting yourself in front, so others see your are a person of your word, loyal to your friends and fixed in intention.
You are, indeed, your own showcase, one who leads the gang, socially, whether on a wild goose-chase or determined effort to
oust the ‘Old Brigade’, you are the shining light, never one to hide in the shadows!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
When the Sun sits in the Tenth House, then career and status, one’s reputation becomes a priority, in that one seeks to boost the ‘Ego’ by climbing high, as far as work and standing within the community goes. You will tend to be judged by the work you do and the effort you put into organizing your life. In this way, you will be cautious that no mistakes are made and that you learn the art of patience and timing.
You will learn, in your life, to accept responsibility for your actions and for any written or spoken words that becomes public information. In this way, you will, in your life, undergo examinations, be judged, take written tests and learn to stop dreaming, to come down to earth. You will know that taking high responsibility means there is no play-time, no time for childish efforts; life is a serious business.
Your life can be somewhat solitary, in that you might spend much time in study so that you fulfill obligations, what is expected of you. There’s no doubt you will have high office in life, this can come through writing and communicative skills. Mind you, the aim is not to be too severe on yourself, to become too self-critical and to be constructive when others are critical, to see criticisms as advice and not meant to lower the value of your work.
At the same time, you would have to learn to be less severe on those who are not as bright or as studious as yourself.
One has to watch out for ambition, that you do not place your dreams of high authority, career and social status, to become the over-riding factor in life, that it does not rob you of family and social life; or that you lock yourself in through forms of inferiority, that you will never get up there and fear of failure; you have to set your mind to the task.
When the Sun sits in the Tenth House, then career and status, one’s reputation becomes a priority, in that one seeks to boost the ‘Ego’ by climbing high, as far as work and standing within the community goes. You will tend to be judged by the work you do and the effort you put into organizing your life. In this way, you will be cautious that no mistakes are made and that you learn the art of patience and timing.
You will learn, in your life, to accept responsibility for your actions and for any written or spoken words that becomes public information. In this way, you will, in your life, undergo examinations, be judged, take written tests and learn to stop dreaming, to come down to earth. You will know that taking high responsibility means there is no play-time, no time for childish efforts; life is a serious business.
Your life can be somewhat solitary, in that you might spend much time in study so that you fulfill obligations, what is expected of you. There’s no doubt you will have high office in life, this can come through writing and communicative skills. Mind you, the aim is not to be too severe on yourself, to become too self-critical and to be constructive when others are critical, to see criticisms as advice and not meant to lower the value of your work.
At the same time, you would have to learn to be less severe on those who are not as bright or as studious as yourself.
One has to watch out for ambition, that you do not place your dreams of high authority, career and social status, to become the over-riding factor in life, that it does not rob you of family and social life; or that you lock yourself in through forms of inferiority, that you will never get up there and fear of failure; you have to set your mind to the task.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
When the Sun sits in the Ninth House, then you will certainly hope to travel, possible to write about your roving abroad. There is no doubt you will seek to experience life, to broaden your horizons and expand your knowledge in many ways, especially through areas of group efforts and networking. The Internet is one way of going around the world and back, expanding your knowledge of cultural differences and breaking down language barriers.
Mentally; you are bright, although you might have to tone down the nature, in that you may decide you are far brighter than the norm. You are full of bright ideas and visions, you seem to be very good, using some for of intuitive guesswork to arrive at answers, to know things, to be prophetic and become known as some sort of ‘Seer’.
You would have high hopes and wishes for the future, often there is some form of spiritual significance within your thinking and humanitarian aims, a wish to spread your thoughts and views around the world. You can always be the one who breaks away from main-line thinking, to create your own group, who share the same written expressions.
You are often quite restless, feeling the need to be on the move, to preach a sermon, and to learn what defines you, who and what you are, to learn about higher moral and spiritual values. You can be a reader of books, one who strives to learn, who might suddenly go off into unknown territories, in search of the truth.
In a way, you are always seeking the truth, learning, so you can write and speak words which will enthuse others. It is not that you want to change the world, but to update the laws and values and to have a mind which sees a world-wide group of friends, who understand the idea of social welfare.
When the Sun sits in the Ninth House, then you will certainly hope to travel, possible to write about your roving abroad. There is no doubt you will seek to experience life, to broaden your horizons and expand your knowledge in many ways, especially through areas of group efforts and networking. The Internet is one way of going around the world and back, expanding your knowledge of cultural differences and breaking down language barriers.
Mentally; you are bright, although you might have to tone down the nature, in that you may decide you are far brighter than the norm. You are full of bright ideas and visions, you seem to be very good, using some for of intuitive guesswork to arrive at answers, to know things, to be prophetic and become known as some sort of ‘Seer’.
You would have high hopes and wishes for the future, often there is some form of spiritual significance within your thinking and humanitarian aims, a wish to spread your thoughts and views around the world. You can always be the one who breaks away from main-line thinking, to create your own group, who share the same written expressions.
You are often quite restless, feeling the need to be on the move, to preach a sermon, and to learn what defines you, who and what you are, to learn about higher moral and spiritual values. You can be a reader of books, one who strives to learn, who might suddenly go off into unknown territories, in search of the truth.
In a way, you are always seeking the truth, learning, so you can write and speak words which will enthuse others. It is not that you want to change the world, but to update the laws and values and to have a mind which sees a world-wide group of friends, who understand the idea of social welfare.
Monday, March 24, 2008
When the Sun sits in the Eighth House, then you are one who will seek some form of reputation through sheer determination and mental drive. Your mind is alive with ideas and strong intuitive forces which help you gain a position you can be proud off.
In a way, you make gains through the sense of sharing your knowledge so that you gain a reputation through what and who you work with. You can produce creative ideas which are used to transform the mentality of others. You may also be into forms of mysticism and mysteries, such dark knowledge will always intrigue you.
In a way, you will seek another who works and thinks the same way as you, a crony who will partner you in your drive towards seeking applause for the discoveries you make. At times, you are very much into yourself, quiet and secretive, keeping things to yourself till you think you can bring them into the light.
You have the makings of a psychologist or detective, using deductions and intuition to uncover the truth of what is sought. Your mind can be very intense and researching, a writer who likes to delve into drama of the mind, to often work, simply for the applause from those who judge the work of others. In a way, you seek self-identity, to realize who and what you are. Chances are, you will go through mind-changes as to what career you take on. You may decide to change your whole career at some time in your life, or to work under an assumed name.
Transformation is the thing, perhaps a need to change everything and begin again, in such a way that you end up by accepting the responsibilities of high office, after all, you will want applause for the work you do and a partner who has the same interests, one who can read your mine and you theirs!
When the Sun sits in the Eighth House, then you are one who will seek some form of reputation through sheer determination and mental drive. Your mind is alive with ideas and strong intuitive forces which help you gain a position you can be proud off.
In a way, you make gains through the sense of sharing your knowledge so that you gain a reputation through what and who you work with. You can produce creative ideas which are used to transform the mentality of others. You may also be into forms of mysticism and mysteries, such dark knowledge will always intrigue you.
In a way, you will seek another who works and thinks the same way as you, a crony who will partner you in your drive towards seeking applause for the discoveries you make. At times, you are very much into yourself, quiet and secretive, keeping things to yourself till you think you can bring them into the light.
You have the makings of a psychologist or detective, using deductions and intuition to uncover the truth of what is sought. Your mind can be very intense and researching, a writer who likes to delve into drama of the mind, to often work, simply for the applause from those who judge the work of others. In a way, you seek self-identity, to realize who and what you are. Chances are, you will go through mind-changes as to what career you take on. You may decide to change your whole career at some time in your life, or to work under an assumed name.
Transformation is the thing, perhaps a need to change everything and begin again, in such a way that you end up by accepting the responsibilities of high office, after all, you will want applause for the work you do and a partner who has the same interests, one who can read your mine and you theirs!
Sunday, March 23, 2008
When the Sun sits in the Seventh House, then you are one who might well have pen-friends, internet friends from all over the world, friends who will broaden your intelligence and who you can pass on information they need. Basically; you can be a teacher, one who relates to those who want to broaden their horizons; you might even give speeches at social functions and write books on various subjects.
Mind you; it can also be the case that you seek another who is a Guru, who is a master of knowledge and one whom you allow to instruct you through forms of spiritual passage, enthuse you so you accept what this teacher tells you; and often, this Guru can be from far a-field, has a different way of talking and writing.
But you would learn from such a person, another who will stretch your mind, so that you have something to talk about when in company.
The mind can be drawn to philosophical studies and forms of social and cultural differences as far as politics and religions are concerned. However; you are not one who likes to dwell on one thing at a time and might have more than one teacher, those drawn from a world-wide collection. You are into relationships, flirtatious to a degree, having more than one ongoing at a time, but you prefer those who can mentally stimulate you and those who are never too serious.
While you might admire the Professors, the academics, and those who are intrepid travelers, you like to keep things light and on the move, not into concentration but into short bursts and short adventures.
It can be hard to relate to another unless a fine balance is drawn up, that there is ‘Give and Take’ within the relationship, otherwise you might always be the pupil and not the personal trainer!
When the Sun sits in the Seventh House, then you are one who might well have pen-friends, internet friends from all over the world, friends who will broaden your intelligence and who you can pass on information they need. Basically; you can be a teacher, one who relates to those who want to broaden their horizons; you might even give speeches at social functions and write books on various subjects.
Mind you; it can also be the case that you seek another who is a Guru, who is a master of knowledge and one whom you allow to instruct you through forms of spiritual passage, enthuse you so you accept what this teacher tells you; and often, this Guru can be from far a-field, has a different way of talking and writing.
But you would learn from such a person, another who will stretch your mind, so that you have something to talk about when in company.
The mind can be drawn to philosophical studies and forms of social and cultural differences as far as politics and religions are concerned. However; you are not one who likes to dwell on one thing at a time and might have more than one teacher, those drawn from a world-wide collection. You are into relationships, flirtatious to a degree, having more than one ongoing at a time, but you prefer those who can mentally stimulate you and those who are never too serious.
While you might admire the Professors, the academics, and those who are intrepid travelers, you like to keep things light and on the move, not into concentration but into short bursts and short adventures.
It can be hard to relate to another unless a fine balance is drawn up, that there is ‘Give and Take’ within the relationship, otherwise you might always be the pupil and not the personal trainer!
Saturday, March 22, 2008
When the Sun sits in the Sixth House, then you are proud of the way you work with others so that things are kept in good order. In a sense, your orders to those whom you delegate to, keep the ball rolling, you are the mental mainspring which winds the clock up and keeps things on time. It’s often the case that you will share your abilities and mental agility with a partner, becoming a partner within a business, though you might consider yourself the brains behind the outfit.
You do have a knack for solving problems, proud of the way in which you use your mind so that you deduce answers, bringing to light the files and folders which provide the clues. You can be seen as a researcher, the one who digs for the truth of things. You might also be one who likes to be on hand, to use your hands, in a method of reconstruction; taking a clock apart to see how it works, then use the parts to construct a clockwork model. You are inventive and mindfully inquisitive.
You really are not into dull or boring routines, often passing them onto junior partners. You like to keep fit and will enjoy anything which exercises the mind, solving cross-word puzzles and other games which tax the brain. Perhaps you like to keep busy so your active and ever-busy mind does not dwell on health problems; but you do put yourself to work, so that you gain recognition you’re the hours you put in and for the help and advice you give to others.
You are always a ‘Mine’ of information and keep up with the latest news, in this way others have to come to you, so you can point them in the correct way, make them see the light. When you set out to make discoveries, to uncover things, you are fixed in your endeavors and do not give up easily, working all hours in the dark
Till you bring things out into the open!
When the Sun sits in the Sixth House, then you are proud of the way you work with others so that things are kept in good order. In a sense, your orders to those whom you delegate to, keep the ball rolling, you are the mental mainspring which winds the clock up and keeps things on time. It’s often the case that you will share your abilities and mental agility with a partner, becoming a partner within a business, though you might consider yourself the brains behind the outfit.
You do have a knack for solving problems, proud of the way in which you use your mind so that you deduce answers, bringing to light the files and folders which provide the clues. You can be seen as a researcher, the one who digs for the truth of things. You might also be one who likes to be on hand, to use your hands, in a method of reconstruction; taking a clock apart to see how it works, then use the parts to construct a clockwork model. You are inventive and mindfully inquisitive.
You really are not into dull or boring routines, often passing them onto junior partners. You like to keep fit and will enjoy anything which exercises the mind, solving cross-word puzzles and other games which tax the brain. Perhaps you like to keep busy so your active and ever-busy mind does not dwell on health problems; but you do put yourself to work, so that you gain recognition you’re the hours you put in and for the help and advice you give to others.
You are always a ‘Mine’ of information and keep up with the latest news, in this way others have to come to you, so you can point them in the correct way, make them see the light. When you set out to make discoveries, to uncover things, you are fixed in your endeavors and do not give up easily, working all hours in the dark
Till you bring things out into the open!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
When the Sun sits in the Fifth House, then you can be overly proud of the way you can relate to others, your friendships and the way your social calendar is always fully booked. There are times when others might accuse you of being ‘Big-Headed’, simple because you do seem to have an answer for everything. But you really are no ‘Flash-In-The-Pan’, when you have something to say, you simply say it.
You can always be the one who sets the party scene, who brightens up the social function and makes the speeches. There can always be an aura of drama about you, for you will tend to act for an audience and like others to applaud what you do as a show of appreciation. You are never shy and will make approaches to those who catch your fancy, in fact you can always be a little mischievous and flirtatious. Out in front, though never meaning to be malicious of spiteful.
You can relate to children in a very easy way, having the younger set quickly joining your games and laughing at your sense of fun. When it comes to ‘Play’, you like to see ‘Fair Play’ and will quickly speak up for the ‘Underdog’ or those who are being treated unjustly. You have a keen sense of what is right or wrong and can bring diplomacy and tact into play, to cool matters down.
It can always be that romance and affairs of the heart will have some dramatic effects in your life. You are a natural romantic and will enjoy those who think as you do, certainly, you are one who will have the phone always in hand and letters arriving from admirers. You are full of novel ideas and creative interplay; not one to get caught, you like to be foot-loose and fancy-free; flitting about as a social butterfly… Always the life and soul of the party and always with something to say!
When the Sun sits in the Fifth House, then you can be overly proud of the way you can relate to others, your friendships and the way your social calendar is always fully booked. There are times when others might accuse you of being ‘Big-Headed’, simple because you do seem to have an answer for everything. But you really are no ‘Flash-In-The-Pan’, when you have something to say, you simply say it.
You can always be the one who sets the party scene, who brightens up the social function and makes the speeches. There can always be an aura of drama about you, for you will tend to act for an audience and like others to applaud what you do as a show of appreciation. You are never shy and will make approaches to those who catch your fancy, in fact you can always be a little mischievous and flirtatious. Out in front, though never meaning to be malicious of spiteful.
You can relate to children in a very easy way, having the younger set quickly joining your games and laughing at your sense of fun. When it comes to ‘Play’, you like to see ‘Fair Play’ and will quickly speak up for the ‘Underdog’ or those who are being treated unjustly. You have a keen sense of what is right or wrong and can bring diplomacy and tact into play, to cool matters down.
It can always be that romance and affairs of the heart will have some dramatic effects in your life. You are a natural romantic and will enjoy those who think as you do, certainly, you are one who will have the phone always in hand and letters arriving from admirers. You are full of novel ideas and creative interplay; not one to get caught, you like to be foot-loose and fancy-free; flitting about as a social butterfly… Always the life and soul of the party and always with something to say!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
When the Sun sits in the Fourth House, then you are very mindful of your history, your past and the need to write yourself into a new lineage. You can have a mountain full of worries, which can reflect from the past, but you would have been determined to lift yourself out of the wherever you came from, using you mentality to give a sense of perfection, to have a perfect life and home.
You might well feel very much at home within a library, even have a collection of books and writing materials which make your home a work of literary art. Your knowledge could be within food and diets, so that you have books about these facts, in proud place on the bookshelf. Again; you would have an interest in medical facts and ways of staying healthy, you might even write a book on herbal influences and organic foods; your mind can be geared towards giving advice to others, helping those who need your opinions.
Your early conditioning may well have to do with how you receive advice, or give it, you might well state that things should be as they were in the ‘Old days’, or food should be cooked as your Mother cooked them. In a way, you are into history and the benefits gained from earlier times.
So, in way, you do derive a sense of personal identity from within your home and the past.
You would be a note-writer, one who keeps the self informed, about dates and shopping lists, so that you can have a waste-paper basket full of used scraps and walls full of ‘Pinned’ advice.You are always busy and ready to give a hand to whoever asks for help; a home full people who wish to pick your brain.
Your hands are continually at work, keeping your hand in with getting things right, sorting things out and putting things in perfect working order.
When the Sun sits in the Fourth House, then you are very mindful of your history, your past and the need to write yourself into a new lineage. You can have a mountain full of worries, which can reflect from the past, but you would have been determined to lift yourself out of the wherever you came from, using you mentality to give a sense of perfection, to have a perfect life and home.
You might well feel very much at home within a library, even have a collection of books and writing materials which make your home a work of literary art. Your knowledge could be within food and diets, so that you have books about these facts, in proud place on the bookshelf. Again; you would have an interest in medical facts and ways of staying healthy, you might even write a book on herbal influences and organic foods; your mind can be geared towards giving advice to others, helping those who need your opinions.
Your early conditioning may well have to do with how you receive advice, or give it, you might well state that things should be as they were in the ‘Old days’, or food should be cooked as your Mother cooked them. In a way, you are into history and the benefits gained from earlier times.
So, in way, you do derive a sense of personal identity from within your home and the past.
You would be a note-writer, one who keeps the self informed, about dates and shopping lists, so that you can have a waste-paper basket full of used scraps and walls full of ‘Pinned’ advice.You are always busy and ready to give a hand to whoever asks for help; a home full people who wish to pick your brain.
Your hands are continually at work, keeping your hand in with getting things right, sorting things out and putting things in perfect working order.
Monday, March 17, 2008
When the Sun sits in Gemini in the Third House, then you will always speak up, communicate in a way that is highly creative. You do have an ingenious mind, very capable of creating stories which are characterized by high drama and romance. Again; you will gain a reputation for quick thinking and the way you can take the lead, when it comes to public speaking, especially when it comes to lightening the seriousness of any situation and making others laugh with a quick wit and a joke.
You can always work with children, you know how to talk their language, to get them to listen to you and lose themselves in your creative stories. You are also very capable of gaining a reputation for travel. You are never happy being tied down to any laborious task or stuck in one place; in this way, you can always be on the move, some form of roving reporter, working for the media in some way, or within translation of foreign languages, you really do have many mental facets at your fingertips and can do many things at once as you multitask your way through life.
You might have to be careful that you do not seem mentally arrogant, in that you can always be at the top of the class, the leader of the ‘Mind-Gang’; so that you tend not to have time for those who are ‘Mentally’ beneath you, or that you ‘royally’ give little time to the lower classes. But the Gemini nature can get you in and out of trouble, your tongue can be brave and speak without thought, so that reactions to your speech can give dramatic escapades.
Here again, you can be too proud to bend at the knee and might find it very hard to apologise or back away, you are a skilled leader and mindful of your position, so you do know how far to go, except when challenged, then you will accept any examination, certain you will get top marks!
When the Sun sits in Gemini in the Third House, then you will always speak up, communicate in a way that is highly creative. You do have an ingenious mind, very capable of creating stories which are characterized by high drama and romance. Again; you will gain a reputation for quick thinking and the way you can take the lead, when it comes to public speaking, especially when it comes to lightening the seriousness of any situation and making others laugh with a quick wit and a joke.
You can always work with children, you know how to talk their language, to get them to listen to you and lose themselves in your creative stories. You are also very capable of gaining a reputation for travel. You are never happy being tied down to any laborious task or stuck in one place; in this way, you can always be on the move, some form of roving reporter, working for the media in some way, or within translation of foreign languages, you really do have many mental facets at your fingertips and can do many things at once as you multitask your way through life.
You might have to be careful that you do not seem mentally arrogant, in that you can always be at the top of the class, the leader of the ‘Mind-Gang’; so that you tend not to have time for those who are ‘Mentally’ beneath you, or that you ‘royally’ give little time to the lower classes. But the Gemini nature can get you in and out of trouble, your tongue can be brave and speak without thought, so that reactions to your speech can give dramatic escapades.
Here again, you can be too proud to bend at the knee and might find it very hard to apologise or back away, you are a skilled leader and mindful of your position, so you do know how far to go, except when challenged, then you will accept any examination, certain you will get top marks!
When the Sun in Gemini sits in the Second House, then you can bet you have your fingers in a few financial pies. It’ a case that you can have more than one job, or one which gives you room to maneuver and use your mental skills. You can be just as good working a cash register as you can in totting up accounts. However; if such work keeps you to a shop-floor, then you will quickly walk out, seeking somewhere whereby you can communicate with others, move about in the local environment.
When it comes to financial security; you do tend to worry about things, the phone bill, which is always high due to your need for communication and gaining information. But you can let things get out of hand in that you allow positive thought to over-ride the feelings of putting your house in order. You might have a diary but note what goes on around you and homes you have to visit, rather than noting when bills have to be met.
You can be attracted to buying collections, maybe small novelties which can amuse and keep your mind busy. You will be interested in anything which brightens up the home and posters of far-away places. You can also have an interest in visits to old castles and haunts, places which have a history to them. In a way, the past has a way of keeping you busy, as if the past holds the key to emotive and financial security and something to write home about.
You might always become an author, one who writes historical novels, or tales taken from you past, about adventures with siblings. When it comes to siblings, you might always write and keep in touch, especially if you travel away on business and need to keep in touch with the ‘Old Place’. Whatever happens in life, you will be proud of the way in which your mind works, when it comes to making sure you are financially secure.
When the Sun in Gemini sits in the Second House, then you can bet you have your fingers in a few financial pies. It’ a case that you can have more than one job, or one which gives you room to maneuver and use your mental skills. You can be just as good working a cash register as you can in totting up accounts. However; if such work keeps you to a shop-floor, then you will quickly walk out, seeking somewhere whereby you can communicate with others, move about in the local environment.
When it comes to financial security; you do tend to worry about things, the phone bill, which is always high due to your need for communication and gaining information. But you can let things get out of hand in that you allow positive thought to over-ride the feelings of putting your house in order. You might have a diary but note what goes on around you and homes you have to visit, rather than noting when bills have to be met.
You can be attracted to buying collections, maybe small novelties which can amuse and keep your mind busy. You will be interested in anything which brightens up the home and posters of far-away places. You can also have an interest in visits to old castles and haunts, places which have a history to them. In a way, the past has a way of keeping you busy, as if the past holds the key to emotive and financial security and something to write home about.
You might always become an author, one who writes historical novels, or tales taken from you past, about adventures with siblings. When it comes to siblings, you might always write and keep in touch, especially if you travel away on business and need to keep in touch with the ‘Old Place’. Whatever happens in life, you will be proud of the way in which your mind works, when it comes to making sure you are financially secure.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
When the Sun is within the first house, then you are known as a ‘Double Rising Sign’. This means that the Zodiac Sign of Gemini was ‘Rising’ in the Eastern sky at the moment of your birth.
A ‘Double Rising Sign’ means you act in a natural way, what one sees is what one gets with you, you do not hide behind a ‘Mask’.
You project yourself as one who will speak up for the ‘Self’, possibly your favourite word will be ‘I’, in that you will start off any conversation with your personal thoughts and sense of priority, simply because you would consider you do come first in line to voice an opinion… And you like others to listen, you can be inclined to ‘Voice -Over’ those who interrupt while you are speaking.
You like to laugh and see life as a joke most of the time, in a way, your voice lights up a room before you even enter. You enjoy taking the lead, a leading light, with flashes of inspiration, thoughts which run, one after the other so that there are times when they simply tumble out. Such times as these, you are liable to let the cat out of the bad, not with any malicious intent, but simply without thought.
You have a flair for communicative skills and use such skills to project yourself out into the world, you can wear name-tags and wear personal items with your name or brand on them, you might even talk about yourself as though you were not there, stating your name, giving import to the name, as though there were two of you speaking. You like to hear sounds and, should no-one be around, you might well talk to yourself, even remonstrate and argue with yourself. No matter what happens, you will make yourself heard and proudly proclaim that you have arrived!
When the Sun is within the first house, then you are known as a ‘Double Rising Sign’. This means that the Zodiac Sign of Gemini was ‘Rising’ in the Eastern sky at the moment of your birth.
A ‘Double Rising Sign’ means you act in a natural way, what one sees is what one gets with you, you do not hide behind a ‘Mask’.
You project yourself as one who will speak up for the ‘Self’, possibly your favourite word will be ‘I’, in that you will start off any conversation with your personal thoughts and sense of priority, simply because you would consider you do come first in line to voice an opinion… And you like others to listen, you can be inclined to ‘Voice -Over’ those who interrupt while you are speaking.
You like to laugh and see life as a joke most of the time, in a way, your voice lights up a room before you even enter. You enjoy taking the lead, a leading light, with flashes of inspiration, thoughts which run, one after the other so that there are times when they simply tumble out. Such times as these, you are liable to let the cat out of the bad, not with any malicious intent, but simply without thought.
You have a flair for communicative skills and use such skills to project yourself out into the world, you can wear name-tags and wear personal items with your name or brand on them, you might even talk about yourself as though you were not there, stating your name, giving import to the name, as though there were two of you speaking. You like to hear sounds and, should no-one be around, you might well talk to yourself, even remonstrate and argue with yourself. No matter what happens, you will make yourself heard and proudly proclaim that you have arrived!
Saturday, March 15, 2008
The basic nature of the Gemini Sun is termed as being…
This implies that the basic nature of the Gemini is positive and seeks to relate through areas of communication. The nature is adaptable and the tendency is for the mind to be quick and agile,
The reason the name ‘The Twins’ is given to Gemini is that there is a tendency for the Gemini to always be in two minds, or to use that quick mind to outfox another by saying one thing but meaning another. Gemini uses the sense of logic and method to rationalize what is said, this can often lead to an argumentative nature. Not that the Gemini mind is spiteful; the Gemini is happy by nature and can be mischievous; many comedians have a Gemini make-up and like to make others laugh with quick one-liners.
Gemini does not like anything which will keep the mind occupied on one subject for too long, the Gemini is a nimble thinker, quickly grasping a content then moving on, the mind full of commas and full-stops, which, when seen, makes a certain sense to the reader.
Gemini can become bored and restless, always seeking new avenues of communicative adventure, gaining information and passing it on to others.
Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury; and wherever this planet sits, under what Zodiac Sign, will give an idea of how the mentality will work. But in whatever house of the Zodiac Gemini occupies, will show what area of the life the mind is active in a positive way. While the mentality of the Gemini can seem a little frenetic and illogical at times, a mind-madness, it has to be known that, with Gemini, there is always a method in the ‘Madness’.
The basic nature of the Gemini Sun is termed as being…
This implies that the basic nature of the Gemini is positive and seeks to relate through areas of communication. The nature is adaptable and the tendency is for the mind to be quick and agile,
The reason the name ‘The Twins’ is given to Gemini is that there is a tendency for the Gemini to always be in two minds, or to use that quick mind to outfox another by saying one thing but meaning another. Gemini uses the sense of logic and method to rationalize what is said, this can often lead to an argumentative nature. Not that the Gemini mind is spiteful; the Gemini is happy by nature and can be mischievous; many comedians have a Gemini make-up and like to make others laugh with quick one-liners.
Gemini does not like anything which will keep the mind occupied on one subject for too long, the Gemini is a nimble thinker, quickly grasping a content then moving on, the mind full of commas and full-stops, which, when seen, makes a certain sense to the reader.
Gemini can become bored and restless, always seeking new avenues of communicative adventure, gaining information and passing it on to others.
Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury; and wherever this planet sits, under what Zodiac Sign, will give an idea of how the mentality will work. But in whatever house of the Zodiac Gemini occupies, will show what area of the life the mind is active in a positive way. While the mentality of the Gemini can seem a little frenetic and illogical at times, a mind-madness, it has to be known that, with Gemini, there is always a method in the ‘Madness’.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Self-Projection means, the way one projects themselves out into the public eye; how others see them, though not necessarily how they really are. How one goes through life, the basic energy to secure what is needed is an instinctive self-projective measure, either within an aggressive or defensive mode.
When the Zodiac Sign of Gemini covers the First House then you really project yourself as one who is curious-minded about most things. You are not one to take things too seriously and like to laugh, even gossip at times.
You are one of those who is nimble-minded, who can also be contrary at times, saying one thing while meaning another; this is the sense of being in two minds.
You are not into boring and dull routines, you like to be busy, you eyes twinkling, while your hands are always on the move. This means you are good at multitasking, you are capable of reading a newspaper, doing the crossword, watch a television programme and, at the same time, hold a telephone conversation.
You can talk…This is the way you publicly project yourself, you will open up a conversation, just to get communication going. It’s often the case that siblings, brothers and sisters play an important part in your life and are always part of your communicative spirit when you air your views. There is no doubting your cleverness and the way you use your mind in a logical way. One might say, there is method in your madness!
What is meant by Financial Security is the way in which you protect yourself through a sense of material possessions. It implies the need to own, in a practical and material sense, so that it gives a solid foundation. You might buy a house so that roots are put down, a base from which you can work.
The implication is what you would need to possess in life as a practical building block so that you feel secure.
Financial security is a thing with you. While money isn’t everything, you do like to have a nest-egg hidden somewhere so that, should the worst happen, you can pay the mortgage/rent and buy the food which feeds the family. You don’t mind going without yourself, but, with others under your roof and mouths to feed, it is your duty to protect them within the home. While you will always worry about security and reflect on any past happening, you know you will always manage to rule the roost, in fact you can manage quite well.
You will spend money on things which are needed in the home and normally buy the same foodstuffs each week, using only one shopping list.
It is often the case that you find work serving the public in some way, even following into a family business. Your main concern is managing to afford to keep the roof over your head. If you do have the funds, then property will be on your shopping list, and you like the old traditional things and places, so you buy whatever suits you, whatever makes you feel good!
The spirit of communication implies the way in which one thinks, one’s method of logic, expressed through mediums of speech and writing. It is how one communicates within the local environment, the way information is gained and communicated to others. This is an area of everyday conversation, what one might talk about and who to. The sense is light-hearted and conducted in a spirited way.
You have a flair for being creative within writing and speaking, often your voice has a laugh to go with the sunny mind. There is not much that will depress you, for you like to have an organised mind that speaks from the heart.
In many respects; you will want to make your mark in life, put your own brand, your stamp on things, so that you might always put your name to whatever you own so others recognise it as yours.
It’s not that you flirt, but you do see the romantic side of life and this can always show in your style of writing and in speech. You are also very good with children and can easily correspond with their ideas and mentality.
You would like your own children to be bright and intelligent, so they make you proud of them; and there is nothing better than a ‘Heart to Heart’ chat about things dear to your heart. You might well want to see your name in lights, to write your name in gold letters on gilt-edged visiting cards.
In a way, you do have the Midas touch but, even if you are poor, your thinking is rich, with a strong creative flair. Whatever happens in life, whatever you create will be as good as gold!
Emotional Security is all bout how one feels, one’s sense of atmosphere and how one ‘Feels’ about the past; in the way the past reflects on how one deals with the present. If you had had a good early home-life, the past kind to you, this would be reflected in the way you react to present situations, and vice-versa. Emotional Security is all about atmospheres and our reactions to them.
You might worry over whatever makes you feel uncomfortable. You like method and order, things to be in good health; you may even have a few medical books on shelves, just in case. When it comes to eating habits, you will feel that certain foodstuffs should not be eaten; again, this can stem from health-fads, so diets and steam-cooking might always be on your mind. It might be that your mother was quite fussy within the home and so you follow the rule of habit.
You can always be writing notes and diaries about living habits and shopping lists. In a way, you do have a habit of tidying up after everyone, putting things in drawers and compartments. This is how your mind works, by rote, keeping things neat and tidy so the mess does not blow up, all out of proportion.
You are not happy walking into untidy places, feeling you would like to start clearing-up and sorting things out; such feelings worry you.
You have this knack of being able to solve problems with ease, to sort the wheat from the chaff. You are very much at home when giving advice and like to feel that others need your source of comfort and care.
Natural Creativity implies where one has natural flair, a need to show-off what comes naturally, be it your children, creative ideas or taking a chance on romance. A gamble and sense of fun comes under the influence of natural creativeness, as does poetry and other artistic forms.
You relate happily to the romance of life and sunny days with a partner who feels the same way. In some respects, when it comes to relationships, you are not above taking a gamble and might even enjoy a holiday romance. You can relate very easily to children, acting out plays with them so you are their favourite person, some might well say you are a very confident parent. You are very much into ‘Give and Take’, and will not suffer anyone who appears mean or simply abuses your good nature.
You are into peaceful harmony with nature as well as being the social butterfly at party-times, the child in you sees to that. Music and being entertained are things you like, a balance between fun and work is your social scale, though you are at your best when communicating with others who enjoy banter and the flirting scene.
You can often be the one who draws partners together, organising it so that like-minds meet, to relate with each other. You might easily find work as a personal secretary, or one who organises a dating agency, even a party organiser; and politics can be in with a chance as well, party politics.
You do have a great sense of fun and relate to having a good time. It would take a lot to depress you, and you are never sad with children around!
By Practical Co-Working is meant how you apply yourself to any form of practical work, and how you get along with co-workers. This also applies to your sense of time and how you deal with detail as well as the sense of tidiness within your work. This gives an idea of your method and practical knowledge as well as ideas about health and dietary habits.
You may not always be happy working with others and offer to do most of the work, providing you can do it in your own way. When it comes to work effort, you work like a Trojan and will work all hours. However; you will need to learn to relax at times otherwise nerves can get frayed when things go wrong and you are determined to see the end of it all. When things do not appear to be perfect, you will destroy it and start all over again.
You don’t mind having to share your workload although you feel, underneath, that you may not share the way things are done. In many respects; your output and endeavour to fulfil tasks are an insurance, so that you make yourself indispensable! You are the one who knows where everything is, after all, you were the one who got ‘Rid’ of the old filing system and rebuilt your own ‘New’ one.
Psychologically; the idea of restructuring anything in the home or office is so that only you know where everything is, and others come to you for that information. The feeling that others need your service makes you feel good and put you in a dominating position!
Love is a sense of equality, your sense of ‘Give and Take’ within a relationship. This implies what attracts you, a magnetic quality which draws you in. At the same time, relationships can also imply open relationships and friendships, which are not tied down to domestication. This can also have reference to business partnerships and partnerships which have similar tastes.
You relate to anything with great enthusiasm and try to really get the party going. You can always try any adventurous journey and want to experience many things in the life, certainly long-distance travel is not out of the question, just as long as you have the right partner going with you.
You find it very easy to deal with people and can understand the needs of those from far-distance lands. You are one who has a lot of faith in those you relate to, simply because it is you who installs hope and aims in others, However; one has to guard against over-optimism in all this. It is possible that your search for a relationship can take you abroad, or you find yourself attracted to someone with a different culture and custom. In many respects, you are a great romantic, though you may expect a lot more from a relationship than is possible; but your optimism covers a huge ocean.
In a strange way, you relate to another who enjoys a great sense of freedom, one who allows you to be free to see and do what you want. There can also be a spiritual connection within the relationship, some religious flavour. Whatever, you will relate to the spirit of adventure!
Shared Resources imply the way one gains from any partnership and how one deals with beginnings and endings. This gives an idea of how one secures the self through areas of joint venture and how one sees any sense of loyalty from another. It is also assessment of basic emotions and hidden qualities which can come to light in the life.
Is it fate that intends you to share some major part of the work-load? There is no intentional choice but fate decrees that the partner you choose becomes more a working, or business, partner than the domesticated relationship you hoped for. It is often the case that you are determined to rise within the social scene, so as to give your children a solid platform from which to start life from. This sense of purpose remains within the sub-conscious, even if it means role-reversal or restarting the procedure, reconstructing from what was already established.
The main theme within any relationship you form with another is that you ‘Work’ together; that you make the union ‘Work’ for both of you and you see it as a joint venture! You do care about reputation and would not be very happy with a partner who sits back while you do all the work, you want a partner who helps you reach the top of the tree; when you are sharing the load together, it works.
You will find that you can start a business venture of some kind which restructures your sense of values, that career comes first!
What is meant by expansion through experience is a measure of how and what one might learn through Deeper studies, or travel to far off lands, or a mixture of both, that one might travel to distant lands and gain experience of foreign cultures which enlivens the mind. Often, this experience is geared towards a spiritual uplift.
It’s not that you are brilliantly brainy, it’s just that you have sudden inspired ideas which simply pop into your head…And you simply enthuse about your future, as if you already know what you want from life. In many respects, you are prophetic and can visualise what is needed within the world.
Your spiritual views are more ‘Humanist’ than conformed to the normal sense of spiritual worship. You would have groups of friends from all over and are interested in anything which seems unusual. You do tend to travel and luck is something which has a way of producing some shocks!
Even so; you are one who will study for the future so that it pays you in a certain way, you will seek friendships which can help you up the social ladder and are not into mixing it with the riff-raff. Saying that; you can be drawn into mixing with those who have a certain reputation. You are broad-minded and can even have a way of thinking which might shock the staid society. You like to keep ahead with the news and be informed.
You are very sociable and mix easily, although not with the lower classes, those who would give you a bad name. In a way, your aim is to move up in the world!
By reputation and career, is meant how one wants to be seen by those in authority, and how one wants to be looked-up to, with respect, depending on what kind of reputation one gets. The implication is what one wants to achieve, within career and status in life, especially within maturity. In all, this is about how one deals with those in authority.
It can always be hard to figure out exactly what you intend to work at, the idea of career and status is often involved in the creativity of dreams and confused feelings. You might dream of being a film-star, or an artist, or wherever fancy takes you. It will take time for you to realise that dreams are not enough and you would have to learn that life can be hard, the rat-race is what life is all about. You may try to escape the realisation of reality, although the realisation is the ’Coming down to earth with a Bump!’.
However; time, and an allowance of constructive criticism can make your dreams come true, although, not in the way you dreamed! It can be a case of following in the footsteps of someone you admire, or just simply following bad advice when it comes to career. Later in the life, you will stop dreaming and learn where your priorities are, and that dreaming doesn’t pay, or gain you the reputation you wanted.
There are certain jobs you would not ’Dream’ of working at, those which are beneath your dignity, or have others laughing at you. But, later, you will learn that what you work at means very little, it is how you are seen that does!
By stating future hopes and wishes is meant what is expected to happen with regards to the future. There is also social order to reason with, friends, too, who might rise one up the social ladder. This is all about the future prospects, although the element of reversals are always present, and not always taken into account.
If you are in a rush to get to places, then your ambitions and social life can often be unpredictable, in that you can often find yourself out there, on your own, rushing into the opposition, or a team-player who passes the ball in a game which hopes to score a goal. It is always likely that a thing is ‘No sooner thought than acted upon’… With some very startling results.
Your future hopes and wishes might always seem to be out of reach, near yet so far, like tomorrows that never come. You have to admit it, even in team-games, you are competitive, though you will, in the end, have to take a break from chasing your goals and driving ambitions. When freedom and independence call you, you are always liable to suddenly break loose and then all hell can break loose along with you!
Your actions are all geared towards creating ambitious moves, to do well in the future and get an early start. You will be ahead of others in life, but you have to plan things so that you do not find yourself all alone in the world. There is no doubting you personal ambitions and aspirations, and the knowledge you want to do it under your own steam, but haste can be your undoing, if you jump the gun, it can be a lonely run!
The implication here is that one makes sacrifices within the life and gives an impression to others of acting like a Samaritan; whether good or bad, depends on the nature of the personality. This is creativity of a high order, emotive and poetic, the giving without expecting anything in return.
The complexities of guilt are strange sensations and can work in such a way that you would be inclined to feel sorry for those who do not have, so that their appeals would touch your heart and you would give what you can to the needy. You are the spiritual giver in a material sense and might well make collections and give donations to those of the Third-World, who suffer. The feeling can be that… ‘There, but for the Grace of God go I’.
However; because the sense is often nebulous and inspires illusions; it can also give impressions of good, whilst the reality being that one uses the sense of spiritual goodness to be the receptor rather than the giver. It can be that one might give to charity, seen as a charitable person, but claiming the money back in tax.
You do not give up possessions easily, or the dreams of making it rich through property deals or the ideal of ownership; and in the same way, you might give up some but not all of your material goods. This is the impression of the sacrifice, one might be aware of charitable causes and see the plight of those who suffer, but there has to be practical solutions, not just giving financial aid without structure, to give land and no buildings…There’s no point!
Self-Projection means, the way one projects themselves out into the public eye; how others see them, though not necessarily how they really are. How one goes through life, the basic energy to secure what is needed is an instinctive self-projective measure, either within an aggressive or defensive mode.
When the Zodiac Sign of Gemini covers the First House then you really project yourself as one who is curious-minded about most things. You are not one to take things too seriously and like to laugh, even gossip at times.
You are one of those who is nimble-minded, who can also be contrary at times, saying one thing while meaning another; this is the sense of being in two minds.
You are not into boring and dull routines, you like to be busy, you eyes twinkling, while your hands are always on the move. This means you are good at multitasking, you are capable of reading a newspaper, doing the crossword, watch a television programme and, at the same time, hold a telephone conversation.
You can talk…This is the way you publicly project yourself, you will open up a conversation, just to get communication going. It’s often the case that siblings, brothers and sisters play an important part in your life and are always part of your communicative spirit when you air your views. There is no doubting your cleverness and the way you use your mind in a logical way. One might say, there is method in your madness!
What is meant by Financial Security is the way in which you protect yourself through a sense of material possessions. It implies the need to own, in a practical and material sense, so that it gives a solid foundation. You might buy a house so that roots are put down, a base from which you can work.
The implication is what you would need to possess in life as a practical building block so that you feel secure.
Financial security is a thing with you. While money isn’t everything, you do like to have a nest-egg hidden somewhere so that, should the worst happen, you can pay the mortgage/rent and buy the food which feeds the family. You don’t mind going without yourself, but, with others under your roof and mouths to feed, it is your duty to protect them within the home. While you will always worry about security and reflect on any past happening, you know you will always manage to rule the roost, in fact you can manage quite well.
You will spend money on things which are needed in the home and normally buy the same foodstuffs each week, using only one shopping list.
It is often the case that you find work serving the public in some way, even following into a family business. Your main concern is managing to afford to keep the roof over your head. If you do have the funds, then property will be on your shopping list, and you like the old traditional things and places, so you buy whatever suits you, whatever makes you feel good!
The spirit of communication implies the way in which one thinks, one’s method of logic, expressed through mediums of speech and writing. It is how one communicates within the local environment, the way information is gained and communicated to others. This is an area of everyday conversation, what one might talk about and who to. The sense is light-hearted and conducted in a spirited way.
You have a flair for being creative within writing and speaking, often your voice has a laugh to go with the sunny mind. There is not much that will depress you, for you like to have an organised mind that speaks from the heart.
In many respects; you will want to make your mark in life, put your own brand, your stamp on things, so that you might always put your name to whatever you own so others recognise it as yours.
It’s not that you flirt, but you do see the romantic side of life and this can always show in your style of writing and in speech. You are also very good with children and can easily correspond with their ideas and mentality.
You would like your own children to be bright and intelligent, so they make you proud of them; and there is nothing better than a ‘Heart to Heart’ chat about things dear to your heart. You might well want to see your name in lights, to write your name in gold letters on gilt-edged visiting cards.
In a way, you do have the Midas touch but, even if you are poor, your thinking is rich, with a strong creative flair. Whatever happens in life, whatever you create will be as good as gold!
Emotional Security is all bout how one feels, one’s sense of atmosphere and how one ‘Feels’ about the past; in the way the past reflects on how one deals with the present. If you had had a good early home-life, the past kind to you, this would be reflected in the way you react to present situations, and vice-versa. Emotional Security is all about atmospheres and our reactions to them.
You might worry over whatever makes you feel uncomfortable. You like method and order, things to be in good health; you may even have a few medical books on shelves, just in case. When it comes to eating habits, you will feel that certain foodstuffs should not be eaten; again, this can stem from health-fads, so diets and steam-cooking might always be on your mind. It might be that your mother was quite fussy within the home and so you follow the rule of habit.
You can always be writing notes and diaries about living habits and shopping lists. In a way, you do have a habit of tidying up after everyone, putting things in drawers and compartments. This is how your mind works, by rote, keeping things neat and tidy so the mess does not blow up, all out of proportion.
You are not happy walking into untidy places, feeling you would like to start clearing-up and sorting things out; such feelings worry you.
You have this knack of being able to solve problems with ease, to sort the wheat from the chaff. You are very much at home when giving advice and like to feel that others need your source of comfort and care.
Natural Creativity implies where one has natural flair, a need to show-off what comes naturally, be it your children, creative ideas or taking a chance on romance. A gamble and sense of fun comes under the influence of natural creativeness, as does poetry and other artistic forms.
You relate happily to the romance of life and sunny days with a partner who feels the same way. In some respects, when it comes to relationships, you are not above taking a gamble and might even enjoy a holiday romance. You can relate very easily to children, acting out plays with them so you are their favourite person, some might well say you are a very confident parent. You are very much into ‘Give and Take’, and will not suffer anyone who appears mean or simply abuses your good nature.
You are into peaceful harmony with nature as well as being the social butterfly at party-times, the child in you sees to that. Music and being entertained are things you like, a balance between fun and work is your social scale, though you are at your best when communicating with others who enjoy banter and the flirting scene.
You can often be the one who draws partners together, organising it so that like-minds meet, to relate with each other. You might easily find work as a personal secretary, or one who organises a dating agency, even a party organiser; and politics can be in with a chance as well, party politics.
You do have a great sense of fun and relate to having a good time. It would take a lot to depress you, and you are never sad with children around!
By Practical Co-Working is meant how you apply yourself to any form of practical work, and how you get along with co-workers. This also applies to your sense of time and how you deal with detail as well as the sense of tidiness within your work. This gives an idea of your method and practical knowledge as well as ideas about health and dietary habits.
You may not always be happy working with others and offer to do most of the work, providing you can do it in your own way. When it comes to work effort, you work like a Trojan and will work all hours. However; you will need to learn to relax at times otherwise nerves can get frayed when things go wrong and you are determined to see the end of it all. When things do not appear to be perfect, you will destroy it and start all over again.
You don’t mind having to share your workload although you feel, underneath, that you may not share the way things are done. In many respects; your output and endeavour to fulfil tasks are an insurance, so that you make yourself indispensable! You are the one who knows where everything is, after all, you were the one who got ‘Rid’ of the old filing system and rebuilt your own ‘New’ one.
Psychologically; the idea of restructuring anything in the home or office is so that only you know where everything is, and others come to you for that information. The feeling that others need your service makes you feel good and put you in a dominating position!
Love is a sense of equality, your sense of ‘Give and Take’ within a relationship. This implies what attracts you, a magnetic quality which draws you in. At the same time, relationships can also imply open relationships and friendships, which are not tied down to domestication. This can also have reference to business partnerships and partnerships which have similar tastes.
You relate to anything with great enthusiasm and try to really get the party going. You can always try any adventurous journey and want to experience many things in the life, certainly long-distance travel is not out of the question, just as long as you have the right partner going with you.
You find it very easy to deal with people and can understand the needs of those from far-distance lands. You are one who has a lot of faith in those you relate to, simply because it is you who installs hope and aims in others, However; one has to guard against over-optimism in all this. It is possible that your search for a relationship can take you abroad, or you find yourself attracted to someone with a different culture and custom. In many respects, you are a great romantic, though you may expect a lot more from a relationship than is possible; but your optimism covers a huge ocean.
In a strange way, you relate to another who enjoys a great sense of freedom, one who allows you to be free to see and do what you want. There can also be a spiritual connection within the relationship, some religious flavour. Whatever, you will relate to the spirit of adventure!
Shared Resources imply the way one gains from any partnership and how one deals with beginnings and endings. This gives an idea of how one secures the self through areas of joint venture and how one sees any sense of loyalty from another. It is also assessment of basic emotions and hidden qualities which can come to light in the life.
Is it fate that intends you to share some major part of the work-load? There is no intentional choice but fate decrees that the partner you choose becomes more a working, or business, partner than the domesticated relationship you hoped for. It is often the case that you are determined to rise within the social scene, so as to give your children a solid platform from which to start life from. This sense of purpose remains within the sub-conscious, even if it means role-reversal or restarting the procedure, reconstructing from what was already established.
The main theme within any relationship you form with another is that you ‘Work’ together; that you make the union ‘Work’ for both of you and you see it as a joint venture! You do care about reputation and would not be very happy with a partner who sits back while you do all the work, you want a partner who helps you reach the top of the tree; when you are sharing the load together, it works.
You will find that you can start a business venture of some kind which restructures your sense of values, that career comes first!
What is meant by expansion through experience is a measure of how and what one might learn through Deeper studies, or travel to far off lands, or a mixture of both, that one might travel to distant lands and gain experience of foreign cultures which enlivens the mind. Often, this experience is geared towards a spiritual uplift.
It’s not that you are brilliantly brainy, it’s just that you have sudden inspired ideas which simply pop into your head…And you simply enthuse about your future, as if you already know what you want from life. In many respects, you are prophetic and can visualise what is needed within the world.
Your spiritual views are more ‘Humanist’ than conformed to the normal sense of spiritual worship. You would have groups of friends from all over and are interested in anything which seems unusual. You do tend to travel and luck is something which has a way of producing some shocks!
Even so; you are one who will study for the future so that it pays you in a certain way, you will seek friendships which can help you up the social ladder and are not into mixing it with the riff-raff. Saying that; you can be drawn into mixing with those who have a certain reputation. You are broad-minded and can even have a way of thinking which might shock the staid society. You like to keep ahead with the news and be informed.
You are very sociable and mix easily, although not with the lower classes, those who would give you a bad name. In a way, your aim is to move up in the world!
By reputation and career, is meant how one wants to be seen by those in authority, and how one wants to be looked-up to, with respect, depending on what kind of reputation one gets. The implication is what one wants to achieve, within career and status in life, especially within maturity. In all, this is about how one deals with those in authority.
It can always be hard to figure out exactly what you intend to work at, the idea of career and status is often involved in the creativity of dreams and confused feelings. You might dream of being a film-star, or an artist, or wherever fancy takes you. It will take time for you to realise that dreams are not enough and you would have to learn that life can be hard, the rat-race is what life is all about. You may try to escape the realisation of reality, although the realisation is the ’Coming down to earth with a Bump!’.
However; time, and an allowance of constructive criticism can make your dreams come true, although, not in the way you dreamed! It can be a case of following in the footsteps of someone you admire, or just simply following bad advice when it comes to career. Later in the life, you will stop dreaming and learn where your priorities are, and that dreaming doesn’t pay, or gain you the reputation you wanted.
There are certain jobs you would not ’Dream’ of working at, those which are beneath your dignity, or have others laughing at you. But, later, you will learn that what you work at means very little, it is how you are seen that does!
By stating future hopes and wishes is meant what is expected to happen with regards to the future. There is also social order to reason with, friends, too, who might rise one up the social ladder. This is all about the future prospects, although the element of reversals are always present, and not always taken into account.
If you are in a rush to get to places, then your ambitions and social life can often be unpredictable, in that you can often find yourself out there, on your own, rushing into the opposition, or a team-player who passes the ball in a game which hopes to score a goal. It is always likely that a thing is ‘No sooner thought than acted upon’… With some very startling results.
Your future hopes and wishes might always seem to be out of reach, near yet so far, like tomorrows that never come. You have to admit it, even in team-games, you are competitive, though you will, in the end, have to take a break from chasing your goals and driving ambitions. When freedom and independence call you, you are always liable to suddenly break loose and then all hell can break loose along with you!
Your actions are all geared towards creating ambitious moves, to do well in the future and get an early start. You will be ahead of others in life, but you have to plan things so that you do not find yourself all alone in the world. There is no doubting you personal ambitions and aspirations, and the knowledge you want to do it under your own steam, but haste can be your undoing, if you jump the gun, it can be a lonely run!
The implication here is that one makes sacrifices within the life and gives an impression to others of acting like a Samaritan; whether good or bad, depends on the nature of the personality. This is creativity of a high order, emotive and poetic, the giving without expecting anything in return.
The complexities of guilt are strange sensations and can work in such a way that you would be inclined to feel sorry for those who do not have, so that their appeals would touch your heart and you would give what you can to the needy. You are the spiritual giver in a material sense and might well make collections and give donations to those of the Third-World, who suffer. The feeling can be that… ‘There, but for the Grace of God go I’.
However; because the sense is often nebulous and inspires illusions; it can also give impressions of good, whilst the reality being that one uses the sense of spiritual goodness to be the receptor rather than the giver. It can be that one might give to charity, seen as a charitable person, but claiming the money back in tax.
You do not give up possessions easily, or the dreams of making it rich through property deals or the ideal of ownership; and in the same way, you might give up some but not all of your material goods. This is the impression of the sacrifice, one might be aware of charitable causes and see the plight of those who suffer, but there has to be practical solutions, not just giving financial aid without structure, to give land and no buildings…There’s no point!
Thursday, March 13, 2008
The Rising Sign; often called the Ascendant Sign; is that sin of the Zodiac which was ‘Rising’ in the Eastern sky at the time of one’s birth.
The Rising Sign is the way one will act, how one projects the self out into the public arena.
Here is a list of those with Sun Signs, which will have a Gemini Rising Sign…
Gemini Sun in the First House…
Cancer Sun in the Second House.
Leo Sun in the Third House…
Virgo Sun in the Fourth House…
Libra Sun in the Fifth House…
Scorpio Sun in the Sixth House…
Sagittarius Sun in the Seventh House…
Capricorn Sun in the Eighth House…
Aquarius Sun in the Ninth House…
Pisces Sun in the Tenth House…
Aries Sun in the Eleventh House…
Taurus Sun in the Twelfth House…
Next comes a brief write giving the basics of the Gemini Rising Sign as it goes through the Houses.
The Rising Sign; often called the Ascendant Sign; is that sin of the Zodiac which was ‘Rising’ in the Eastern sky at the time of one’s birth.
The Rising Sign is the way one will act, how one projects the self out into the public arena.
Here is a list of those with Sun Signs, which will have a Gemini Rising Sign…
Gemini Sun in the First House…
Cancer Sun in the Second House.
Leo Sun in the Third House…
Virgo Sun in the Fourth House…
Libra Sun in the Fifth House…
Scorpio Sun in the Sixth House…
Sagittarius Sun in the Seventh House…
Capricorn Sun in the Eighth House…
Aquarius Sun in the Ninth House…
Pisces Sun in the Tenth House…
Aries Sun in the Eleventh House…
Taurus Sun in the Twelfth House…
Next comes a brief write giving the basics of the Gemini Rising Sign as it goes through the Houses.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
POEM... The Gemini Sun.
Mercurial sign in communication's robe
Silver-tongued is all gossip's ready guise
Would you message others around the globe
To keep them in mind’s attention wise
So versatile is the ready spirited mind
That you may always seek to be multi-task
And have your hands in whatever they find
Keeps them busy, whatever mind asks
Sometimes in a sense of contrary thought
Does Gemini change the mind real fast
To lose any fixed mind’s logical thought
In stale suffocated Air, Gemini will never last
Some might accuse the thought of madness
Of thinking outside of all conscious mode
But no Gemini’s mind has this brain’s sadness
For method in madness is this sign's code
Although you have a capabilities strength
Of positive outlook and such mental clout
One thing is, you have long talking length
And communication you can’t do without
Poem by Ron S King.
Mercurial sign in communication's robe
Silver-tongued is all gossip's ready guise
Would you message others around the globe
To keep them in mind’s attention wise
So versatile is the ready spirited mind
That you may always seek to be multi-task
And have your hands in whatever they find
Keeps them busy, whatever mind asks
Sometimes in a sense of contrary thought
Does Gemini change the mind real fast
To lose any fixed mind’s logical thought
In stale suffocated Air, Gemini will never last
Some might accuse the thought of madness
Of thinking outside of all conscious mode
But no Gemini’s mind has this brain’s sadness
For method in madness is this sign's code
Although you have a capabilities strength
Of positive outlook and such mental clout
One thing is, you have long talking length
And communication you can’t do without
Poem by Ron S King.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
When the Sun in Taurus sits in the Twelfth House, then there would be a strong spiritual influence in the way you deal with finance. It can be in your nature to feel pity for those who starve and are without, you are one who will be charitable and give.
However; one has to realize that you can always give to the poor and gain rewards for your work, or seek tax-returns which outweigh the money given to charity.
When the Sun sits in the Twelfth House, it can work in two ways, for good or bad.
Often, there can be periods when you might simply go into forms of hiding, it can be that you need the solitude to think things over, to even consider giving everything away and living the simple life, give your mind up to higher ideals, to speak up for those of the ‘Third World’, to write and make speeches. Often, the Twelfth House gives a sense of inferiority and disillusionment; and you might sacrifice all you have the good of humanity.
It can be that ‘Silence is Golden’.
Mentally; you can keep your thoughts to yourself, but you would intend to have your say, to espouse your ideals. But again, you do have strong materialistic values and it can be hard to have high ideals, to make sacrifices which leave you homeless and financially short. In this way, you might have hidden agendas, secret accounts which will keep you high and financial sound, when others think you as poor as the proverbial ‘Church Mouse’.
You are in this life to do a higher good and to gain recognition for that fact, to have others talk of your good and generous nature; the fact is, you would certainly know the difference between a ‘Giver’ and a ‘Taker’. Whatever road is taken, yours is a good one, simply because you need to have a name to be proud of.
When the Sun in Taurus sits in the Twelfth House, then there would be a strong spiritual influence in the way you deal with finance. It can be in your nature to feel pity for those who starve and are without, you are one who will be charitable and give.
However; one has to realize that you can always give to the poor and gain rewards for your work, or seek tax-returns which outweigh the money given to charity.
When the Sun sits in the Twelfth House, it can work in two ways, for good or bad.
Often, there can be periods when you might simply go into forms of hiding, it can be that you need the solitude to think things over, to even consider giving everything away and living the simple life, give your mind up to higher ideals, to speak up for those of the ‘Third World’, to write and make speeches. Often, the Twelfth House gives a sense of inferiority and disillusionment; and you might sacrifice all you have the good of humanity.
It can be that ‘Silence is Golden’.
Mentally; you can keep your thoughts to yourself, but you would intend to have your say, to espouse your ideals. But again, you do have strong materialistic values and it can be hard to have high ideals, to make sacrifices which leave you homeless and financially short. In this way, you might have hidden agendas, secret accounts which will keep you high and financial sound, when others think you as poor as the proverbial ‘Church Mouse’.
You are in this life to do a higher good and to gain recognition for that fact, to have others talk of your good and generous nature; the fact is, you would certainly know the difference between a ‘Giver’ and a ‘Taker’. Whatever road is taken, yours is a good one, simply because you need to have a name to be proud of.
Monday, March 10, 2008
When the Sun in Taurus sits in the Eleventh House, then you are one who thrives in an atmosphere of ambitious takeovers. You do have aspirations to belong to groups who deal in areas of high finance. It can always be a case of ‘Keeping up with the Joneses!’
Inside; you will wish to become successful, hope to create ways of making it to Capital Hill, to move up the social scale, to have a house on top of a hill, a mansion, a secure property which can only rise in value.
Whether you are rich or poor, you look to future prospects and might take a gamble with cash, then learn that only a careful build-up and hard work can secure the amount you need to get your foot on the bottom of the property ladder. You can always be a City-Whizz-kid, working among those who deal with stocks and shares, or within a financial group who speculate on property deals. You might have to get used to the prices suddenly rising and falling; but you are proud of the way you might lead the project, one who stands proudly out in front, often a financial rebel who will take a chance.
You can be drawn into working with ‘Humanitarian’ aims, updating Social housing projects, or finding that you are the chief fund-raiser for a political group. You are ambitious, there’s no doubt about it, and will proudly put yourself forward; and, always, there will be some financial reward for the work you to, whatever you do, it pays you to do so. And you also know that, when it comes to moving up the financial market and social ladder, it’s not what you know but ‘Who’ you know!
You will seek applause for the help you give, from those who benefit from your work. It’s a matter of appreciation and recognition, this drives you on towards high office!
When the Sun in Taurus sits in the Eleventh House, then you are one who thrives in an atmosphere of ambitious takeovers. You do have aspirations to belong to groups who deal in areas of high finance. It can always be a case of ‘Keeping up with the Joneses!’
Inside; you will wish to become successful, hope to create ways of making it to Capital Hill, to move up the social scale, to have a house on top of a hill, a mansion, a secure property which can only rise in value.
Whether you are rich or poor, you look to future prospects and might take a gamble with cash, then learn that only a careful build-up and hard work can secure the amount you need to get your foot on the bottom of the property ladder. You can always be a City-Whizz-kid, working among those who deal with stocks and shares, or within a financial group who speculate on property deals. You might have to get used to the prices suddenly rising and falling; but you are proud of the way you might lead the project, one who stands proudly out in front, often a financial rebel who will take a chance.
You can be drawn into working with ‘Humanitarian’ aims, updating Social housing projects, or finding that you are the chief fund-raiser for a political group. You are ambitious, there’s no doubt about it, and will proudly put yourself forward; and, always, there will be some financial reward for the work you to, whatever you do, it pays you to do so. And you also know that, when it comes to moving up the financial market and social ladder, it’s not what you know but ‘Who’ you know!
You will seek applause for the help you give, from those who benefit from your work. It’s a matter of appreciation and recognition, this drives you on towards high office!
Saturday, March 8, 2008
When the Sun sits in Taurus in the Tenth House, then reputation and status is all about financial security, the final outcome, the last stock-take and cashing in at the end of the life.
You are one who will take on responsibility, gain a reputation for making sure that all commitments are kept, that the reckonings and earnings are without blemish, so others cannot accuse you of making mistakes and that those under you have to go without. You are the chief cashier, the manager of the bank, the one who deals with property which has high maintenance.
This is the way you project yourself, proudly; as one who can be trusted and who takes pride in having high office. There is no doubt, you will gravitate in life, through efforts of career, within possessions, property and ownership. Although; you might have to be careful with such power, in that you do not allow power to make you appear pompous and over-proud of what you own.
In a way, others might feel that you look down on them, or that possessions and finance is your ‘Power-Point’, that you have no personal power and that, by having finance makes you more powerful than those who do not have it.
You would be proud of any achievements and success you gain, and this can only be got by accepting a position of responsibility and hard work. Again, the drive is to gain a standing in life, so that career and social standing are placed above any other cause in life.
You are the one who creates the openings for others to find financial relief under your banner.
Mind you, while you will help others, you are cautious as to your own ends, that, by helping, it does not jeopardise your position.
It can take you most of your life to build up a reputation, possibly following in your Father’s footsteps, so you do not care to lose out
In any kind of financial venture.
When the Sun sits in Taurus in the Tenth House, then reputation and status is all about financial security, the final outcome, the last stock-take and cashing in at the end of the life.
You are one who will take on responsibility, gain a reputation for making sure that all commitments are kept, that the reckonings and earnings are without blemish, so others cannot accuse you of making mistakes and that those under you have to go without. You are the chief cashier, the manager of the bank, the one who deals with property which has high maintenance.
This is the way you project yourself, proudly; as one who can be trusted and who takes pride in having high office. There is no doubt, you will gravitate in life, through efforts of career, within possessions, property and ownership. Although; you might have to be careful with such power, in that you do not allow power to make you appear pompous and over-proud of what you own.
In a way, others might feel that you look down on them, or that possessions and finance is your ‘Power-Point’, that you have no personal power and that, by having finance makes you more powerful than those who do not have it.
You would be proud of any achievements and success you gain, and this can only be got by accepting a position of responsibility and hard work. Again, the drive is to gain a standing in life, so that career and social standing are placed above any other cause in life.
You are the one who creates the openings for others to find financial relief under your banner.
Mind you, while you will help others, you are cautious as to your own ends, that, by helping, it does not jeopardise your position.
It can take you most of your life to build up a reputation, possibly following in your Father’s footsteps, so you do not care to lose out
In any kind of financial venture.
Friday, March 7, 2008
When the Sun sits in Taurus in the Ninth House, then you really can push your luck to whatever financial horizons you see as possible new ventures, dreams which have hidden values. However; you would have to watch the markets, and be wary of stretching your finances too far, otherwise you can find yourself lost on foreign grounds, confused by all the enthusiasm of a strange language.
Often, this combination will bring a sense of restlessness to the nature, a need to evolve and grow, to self-define the self through deeper studies, to grow rich in a soulful way, to grow in a moral and spiritual way, which can take you on trips to places which have a religious and mythological feel to them, places like India and the Middle East, cradles of belief.
You do have a strong self-belief, which can lead you on many strange journeys. You may dream of owning a home somewhere where you can live in peace and spiritual harmony; even sell your dreams to others, so that finances are secured in this way, holidays abroad, in ‘Out of the way places’.
You are not one to shout your business abroad, in fact others might find you hard to assess in company. You are a listener, rather than a talker, though your mind is taking stock of those who do talk. In many respects, this is the nature of a shrewd businessman, one who can play poker, or who plays it cool. But you do know how to strike up a good deal of enthusiasm when it comes to talking a good deal, that’s when the listening pays off.
Whatever broadens your mind, any experiences which will pay you to study, will capture your imagination, travels which can impress you; you can be a mine of information, on a practical level, but the dream ends when you come down to earth.
When the Sun sits in Taurus in the Ninth House, then you really can push your luck to whatever financial horizons you see as possible new ventures, dreams which have hidden values. However; you would have to watch the markets, and be wary of stretching your finances too far, otherwise you can find yourself lost on foreign grounds, confused by all the enthusiasm of a strange language.
Often, this combination will bring a sense of restlessness to the nature, a need to evolve and grow, to self-define the self through deeper studies, to grow rich in a soulful way, to grow in a moral and spiritual way, which can take you on trips to places which have a religious and mythological feel to them, places like India and the Middle East, cradles of belief.
You do have a strong self-belief, which can lead you on many strange journeys. You may dream of owning a home somewhere where you can live in peace and spiritual harmony; even sell your dreams to others, so that finances are secured in this way, holidays abroad, in ‘Out of the way places’.
You are not one to shout your business abroad, in fact others might find you hard to assess in company. You are a listener, rather than a talker, though your mind is taking stock of those who do talk. In many respects, this is the nature of a shrewd businessman, one who can play poker, or who plays it cool. But you do know how to strike up a good deal of enthusiasm when it comes to talking a good deal, that’s when the listening pays off.
Whatever broadens your mind, any experiences which will pay you to study, will capture your imagination, travels which can impress you; you can be a mine of information, on a practical level, but the dream ends when you come down to earth.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
When the Sun in Taurus sits in the Eighth House, then you can be sure that finance will undergo some drastic changes in the life. You might well have to lose everything and then start all over again, to restructure the whole sense of financial security; to understand that having everything is not the ‘Be-All and End-All’ of life, that there are more important things than the dramatic scenes which ownership puts you through.
You will find that friendships and group efforts will play a large part in the life, you will find the value of sharing among friendships, those who can help move you further up the financial and social ladder which benefits you. In a strange way, it is possible that you will meet your partner within a group, or some social function and this can lead to higher financial expectations, simply because you will relate to sharing the partner’s expectations.
You are a passionate person and intensely loyal, although you keep much inside and hide things away from others. This comes from a sense of psychological mistrust, that if you allow others to know where you hide what you own, then, chances are, it will be taken. You do look to the future and can really go without, if you have to, so that you leave something behind which makes others realize your true value.
In a sense, you are one who insures your self and property against losing it. To own is an inner driving force, there’s no doubt you can be possessive and can be revengeful if another takes what is yours.
To a degree, you work long and hard to accumulate, so no-one is going to take what belongs to you and your partner; the one you share resources with, the one who see your worth as part of the company.
When the Sun in Taurus sits in the Eighth House, then you can be sure that finance will undergo some drastic changes in the life. You might well have to lose everything and then start all over again, to restructure the whole sense of financial security; to understand that having everything is not the ‘Be-All and End-All’ of life, that there are more important things than the dramatic scenes which ownership puts you through.
You will find that friendships and group efforts will play a large part in the life, you will find the value of sharing among friendships, those who can help move you further up the financial and social ladder which benefits you. In a strange way, it is possible that you will meet your partner within a group, or some social function and this can lead to higher financial expectations, simply because you will relate to sharing the partner’s expectations.
You are a passionate person and intensely loyal, although you keep much inside and hide things away from others. This comes from a sense of psychological mistrust, that if you allow others to know where you hide what you own, then, chances are, it will be taken. You do look to the future and can really go without, if you have to, so that you leave something behind which makes others realize your true value.
In a sense, you are one who insures your self and property against losing it. To own is an inner driving force, there’s no doubt you can be possessive and can be revengeful if another takes what is yours.
To a degree, you work long and hard to accumulate, so no-one is going to take what belongs to you and your partner; the one you share resources with, the one who see your worth as part of the company.
When the Sun sits in Taurus in the Seventh House, then you are liable to seek growth through areas of relationships. Often this means that you will relate to a partnership which can be more of a business than a domesticated harmony; in that it can become a working partnership, whereby you might allow another to take the reigns, to make the decisions when it comes to spending finances.
It is not that you are weak, it’s just that you might be one who overspends, or can never quite make up your mind as to what to purchase, so it is far easier to let the partner be the head of the company you keep. You are not into disharmony or disruptions, rather you take pride in keeping the peace and will pay anything for a quiet life. All you might really want is some appreciation and applause for what you do and for what you own.
You want a partner who you can be proud of, one who gives stability, that others look up to, another who has a reputation for good business sense, one who knows the price of love and who values your worth. In a way, it is through partnerships that you do gain the sense of ‘Self-Worth’, that a partner gives you an idea of how much they treasure you. Mind you, love might be weighed up in carats, worth its weight in diamonds or gold; it can be that financial stability and security is what relationships is all about.
The thing is, how much would you pay out for friendship, or to have friends in high places you are proud to have?
You have a taste for beauty and the good things in life and are willing to pay out for them. You are attracted to power and those with a reputation; but you also know you cannot buy love or friendships, nor will your sense of pride allow you to be bought, not for love or money.
When the Sun sits in Taurus in the Seventh House, then you are liable to seek growth through areas of relationships. Often this means that you will relate to a partnership which can be more of a business than a domesticated harmony; in that it can become a working partnership, whereby you might allow another to take the reigns, to make the decisions when it comes to spending finances.
It is not that you are weak, it’s just that you might be one who overspends, or can never quite make up your mind as to what to purchase, so it is far easier to let the partner be the head of the company you keep. You are not into disharmony or disruptions, rather you take pride in keeping the peace and will pay anything for a quiet life. All you might really want is some appreciation and applause for what you do and for what you own.
You want a partner who you can be proud of, one who gives stability, that others look up to, another who has a reputation for good business sense, one who knows the price of love and who values your worth. In a way, it is through partnerships that you do gain the sense of ‘Self-Worth’, that a partner gives you an idea of how much they treasure you. Mind you, love might be weighed up in carats, worth its weight in diamonds or gold; it can be that financial stability and security is what relationships is all about.
The thing is, how much would you pay out for friendship, or to have friends in high places you are proud to have?
You have a taste for beauty and the good things in life and are willing to pay out for them. You are attracted to power and those with a reputation; but you also know you cannot buy love or friendships, nor will your sense of pride allow you to be bought, not for love or money.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
When the Sun sits in Taurus in the Sixth House, then you are liable to be drawn towards forms of service which may help others gain financial benefits, especially within the property markets.
In a way, this is your specific area of growth, that you give time to others and, for this service, you gain recognition and applause.
You can work within housing development and the technical details, which are needed to become an architect or surveyor. You would really be in your element working with the finer details, working to scales and giving financial advice. In fact, the property markets would be a good place of work, even working for those who seek homes or property in far-away places. This implies that you do have an aptitude for travel and study, to pride yourself for the work you do and the places you go to.
Time and space are your thing, to set up large-scale plans and time things so the benefits are yours. You might never work for yourself, this can be because you have taken chances and lost, or because you are very down-to-earth and see the sense of not putting all your eggs into one basket. Some see you as a ‘Doubting Thomas’, one who keeps a tight track and control over what you work at, never liking to make a mistake.
Within your work, you are honest and reliable, a time-keeper who has a world-wide clock ticking. In fact, you are the mainspring behind any company you work for, the driving power, one who solves problems. You know how to delegate and how to work with others, the time-keeper and the cashier, who pays out the money.
When it comes to finances; you will work the hours and are diligent. You believe that honesty is the best policy; and, whatever you earn your money from, as a Doctor or Architect, it pays you!
When the Sun sits in Taurus in the Sixth House, then you are liable to be drawn towards forms of service which may help others gain financial benefits, especially within the property markets.
In a way, this is your specific area of growth, that you give time to others and, for this service, you gain recognition and applause.
You can work within housing development and the technical details, which are needed to become an architect or surveyor. You would really be in your element working with the finer details, working to scales and giving financial advice. In fact, the property markets would be a good place of work, even working for those who seek homes or property in far-away places. This implies that you do have an aptitude for travel and study, to pride yourself for the work you do and the places you go to.
Time and space are your thing, to set up large-scale plans and time things so the benefits are yours. You might never work for yourself, this can be because you have taken chances and lost, or because you are very down-to-earth and see the sense of not putting all your eggs into one basket. Some see you as a ‘Doubting Thomas’, one who keeps a tight track and control over what you work at, never liking to make a mistake.
Within your work, you are honest and reliable, a time-keeper who has a world-wide clock ticking. In fact, you are the mainspring behind any company you work for, the driving power, one who solves problems. You know how to delegate and how to work with others, the time-keeper and the cashier, who pays out the money.
When it comes to finances; you will work the hours and are diligent. You believe that honesty is the best policy; and, whatever you earn your money from, as a Doctor or Architect, it pays you!
When the Sun sits in Taurus in the Fifth House, then you can always be over-proud of whatever you create, especially if there is a financial gain from it. To a degree, you will spend a princely sum on making sure that what you create is well catered for; this means that, children born to you, will get the very best money can buy, it is a matter of principal and pride.
You can achieve quite a lot in life, you have the capability to do well and create the chances which can bring in funds which are then used to purchase those things which are passed on for further gain. Mind you, there are times when you can become reckless and gamble on a chance which loses you all you have acquired, so that you might have to start all over again, In a strange way; it is not until you create a child that your ideas about property and a need to acquire security take a change, Before that, you might well have spent money on those things which gave you pleasure.
You do have a rich taste when young, with a sensual need for love and romance, as, too, you are passionate about whatever you do. Again; love can have a dramatic effect within the life, enforcing changes and new beginnings, though you do have the patience to time things so they work for you. There is a need to gain recognition and the hope can be that a child will do very well in life, for which you get the praise; well worth paying out for and playing the waiting game for a return of dividends.
By nature, you are a cautious person and may not let everyone know what you are up to. You dislike being criticized or have mistakes pointed out by others; but you also learn, in life, to curb your pride and take your time in building up the stockpile. Even so, your talent for creativity gets you renown.
When the Sun sits in Taurus in the Fifth House, then you can always be over-proud of whatever you create, especially if there is a financial gain from it. To a degree, you will spend a princely sum on making sure that what you create is well catered for; this means that, children born to you, will get the very best money can buy, it is a matter of principal and pride.
You can achieve quite a lot in life, you have the capability to do well and create the chances which can bring in funds which are then used to purchase those things which are passed on for further gain. Mind you, there are times when you can become reckless and gamble on a chance which loses you all you have acquired, so that you might have to start all over again, In a strange way; it is not until you create a child that your ideas about property and a need to acquire security take a change, Before that, you might well have spent money on those things which gave you pleasure.
You do have a rich taste when young, with a sensual need for love and romance, as, too, you are passionate about whatever you do. Again; love can have a dramatic effect within the life, enforcing changes and new beginnings, though you do have the patience to time things so they work for you. There is a need to gain recognition and the hope can be that a child will do very well in life, for which you get the praise; well worth paying out for and playing the waiting game for a return of dividends.
By nature, you are a cautious person and may not let everyone know what you are up to. You dislike being criticized or have mistakes pointed out by others; but you also learn, in life, to curb your pride and take your time in building up the stockpile. Even so, your talent for creativity gets you renown.
Monday, March 3, 2008
When the Sun sits in Taurus in the Fourth House, then you can be expected to promote yourself through what you own and the possessions that are arranged as a show-case within the home. Often; property can be high on the agenda, as well as relating to collectables, collections which can evoke memories of the past.
It can be the case that you might take over as the head of a company which was a family concern, especially if it is a property market venture, which you can manage to cope with in a proud way, proud of your portfolio.
In a way, your financial ventures are strongly tied up with emotional values; to have a settled sense of comfort and a partner who will back you up, is all you need to ‘Feel’ at Home’ in yourself. It can be the case that you might even marry another who brings you into the family business.
Again; you will need a home, a palace which you are very proud of, having built up yourself up from nothing, a mansion within which, you can relate to business and work from.
You can be drawn to food, to open a restaurant or a range of shops which have taste and style.
But there would have to be a sense of age to whatever you do, for your nature is to look back at earlier times, a need to leave it all behind you, to acquire forms of properties which gives a sense of pride, yet, always, you will relate to what you have left, perhaps feeling it to be a stigma, that, should anyone criticize your past, you would be quick to become angry and retaliate.
Generally; you rely on tact and diplomacy, becoming well used to dealing with others, relating well to those who want the best from you; to you, it’s all a matter of business and creating an atmosphere, an ambience, which puts others in a good mood, always ready to applaud your worth.
When the Sun sits in Taurus in the Fourth House, then you can be expected to promote yourself through what you own and the possessions that are arranged as a show-case within the home. Often; property can be high on the agenda, as well as relating to collectables, collections which can evoke memories of the past.
It can be the case that you might take over as the head of a company which was a family concern, especially if it is a property market venture, which you can manage to cope with in a proud way, proud of your portfolio.
In a way, your financial ventures are strongly tied up with emotional values; to have a settled sense of comfort and a partner who will back you up, is all you need to ‘Feel’ at Home’ in yourself. It can be the case that you might even marry another who brings you into the family business.
Again; you will need a home, a palace which you are very proud of, having built up yourself up from nothing, a mansion within which, you can relate to business and work from.
You can be drawn to food, to open a restaurant or a range of shops which have taste and style.
But there would have to be a sense of age to whatever you do, for your nature is to look back at earlier times, a need to leave it all behind you, to acquire forms of properties which gives a sense of pride, yet, always, you will relate to what you have left, perhaps feeling it to be a stigma, that, should anyone criticize your past, you would be quick to become angry and retaliate.
Generally; you rely on tact and diplomacy, becoming well used to dealing with others, relating well to those who want the best from you; to you, it’s all a matter of business and creating an atmosphere, an ambience, which puts others in a good mood, always ready to applaud your worth.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
When the Sun sits in Taurus in the Third House, then you promote yourself through areas of communication and the need to project a perfect marketing packet. You do intend to make your mark in the world, creating areas of work within the local environment, so that your ‘Name-Plate’, etched in gold letters, is fixed to an office door.
You can be quite proud of your communicative skills, seeking perfection within your work and quick to spot flaws in any work which comes under your notice. You can build up quite a reputation within forms of advisory service, offering written forms and make speeches which you ‘Doctor’ with your own brand of service to those who need your advice. Anything whereby you gain applause, or work which allows you to make the rules, can appeal to you. However; there can be those who see you as being intellectually arrogant. This implies a need to lower, or limit, your expectations, depending on just who you are dealing with. It’s just that some are not as ‘Word-Perfect’ as you are.
No matter what happens, you will gain a sense of appreciation, even applause, once you put yourself in service to others. It can be that you work within writing, creating books which have a more mechanical nature, than one of romance. You are more into ‘Down-To-Earth’ creativity, rather than any sense of abstractions. Mind you, there will always be a build-up of drama within the way to talk and write.
Your nature, while expressed through your communicative skills, can not be easy to classify, because you will tend to hide behind an act, be the Clark Kent, who reports incidences, but has the secret alto-ego of Superman! You may be a secret ‘Agony-Aunt’ or ‘Uncle’, someone who is always on hand to give advice on health and diets. Whatever happens, you will be proud to make your mark.
When the Sun sits in Taurus in the Third House, then you promote yourself through areas of communication and the need to project a perfect marketing packet. You do intend to make your mark in the world, creating areas of work within the local environment, so that your ‘Name-Plate’, etched in gold letters, is fixed to an office door.
You can be quite proud of your communicative skills, seeking perfection within your work and quick to spot flaws in any work which comes under your notice. You can build up quite a reputation within forms of advisory service, offering written forms and make speeches which you ‘Doctor’ with your own brand of service to those who need your advice. Anything whereby you gain applause, or work which allows you to make the rules, can appeal to you. However; there can be those who see you as being intellectually arrogant. This implies a need to lower, or limit, your expectations, depending on just who you are dealing with. It’s just that some are not as ‘Word-Perfect’ as you are.
No matter what happens, you will gain a sense of appreciation, even applause, once you put yourself in service to others. It can be that you work within writing, creating books which have a more mechanical nature, than one of romance. You are more into ‘Down-To-Earth’ creativity, rather than any sense of abstractions. Mind you, there will always be a build-up of drama within the way to talk and write.
Your nature, while expressed through your communicative skills, can not be easy to classify, because you will tend to hide behind an act, be the Clark Kent, who reports incidences, but has the secret alto-ego of Superman! You may be a secret ‘Agony-Aunt’ or ‘Uncle’, someone who is always on hand to give advice on health and diets. Whatever happens, you will be proud to make your mark.
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