Wednesday, April 30, 2008



The Rising Sign; often called the Ascendant Sign; is that sin of the Zodiac which was ‘Rising’ in the Eastern sky at the time of one’s birth.
The Rising Sign is the way one will act, how one projects the self out into the public arena.

Here is a list of those with Sun Signs, which will have a Virgo Rising Sign…

Virgo Sun in the First House…

Libra Sun in the Second House.

Scorpio Sun in the Third House…

Sagittarius Sun in the Fourth House…

Capricorn Sun in the Fifth House…

Aquarius Sun in the Sixth House…

Pisces Sun in the Seventh House…

Aries Sun in the Eighth House…

Taurus Sun in the Ninth House…

Gemini Sun in the Tenth House…

Cancer Sun in the Eleventh House…

Leo Sun in the Twelfth House…

Next comes a brief write giving the basics of the Virgo Rising Sign as it goes through the Houses.


Self-Projection means, the way one projects themselves out into the public eye; how others see them, though not necessarily how they really are. How one goes through life, the basic energy to secure what is needed is an instinctive self-projective measure, either within an aggressive or defensive mode.

You project yourself into the public arena as one who is always on hand to help out. The thing is, you like to think you are ‘Needed’, and will go wherever your talent is needed. You are very practical-minded and can solve problems, adhering to all the instructions. You like things to be perfect and will spend much time and patience in getting something right, otherwise you begin to worry like a dog over a bone.

You like to do things on your own, without interference, to go straight to the point of a problem, and will be quick to explain to another why things are not right. You do tend to be somewhat sceptical and doubting, and will point this out if you think something has no logical conclusion.

You can be fussy and point out the smallest defect…But when asked to help, you act very promptly. You really are not one to push yourself forward, preferring to watch and wait for a perfect time to appear to be on hand. You really are handy and can do many things with a neat and precise hand.

Patience can be your middle name, except when others get in your way or try to take over, that’s when you lose the art of patience.


What is meant by Financial Security is the way in which you protect yourself through a sense of material possessions. It implies the need to own, in a practical and material sense, so that it gives a solid foundation. You might buy a house so that roots are put down, a base from which you can work. The implication is what you would need to possess in life as a practical building block so that you feel secure.

When it comes to financial security, you are one who likes to ‘Balance the books’, to get your facts and figures right. You can become intoxicated with beauty, and spend money on Object D’Art…Sometimes unsettling the balance of your bank account, so that you work better when in some kind of business which has an accountant keeping the records straight.

You like to buy presents as well as receive them, small gifts which give you the sense of appreciation. You are not into keeping another as a free-loader, the idea of any relationship is that it is a working relationship and each partner must put in the same amount to even things out.

You can be impressed by finance, happy to relate with those who have plenty; psychologically, this implies a need to own, simply to be on the same level. You do have an eye for the beautiful things in life, although you will ask another what they think of whatever you are buying.

Spending money is a two-way affair, in that, on your own, you can be frivolous and spend over the top; in this way, you need a partner to help you keep the record straight.


The spirit of communication implies the way in which one thinks, one’s method of logic, expressed through mediums of speech and writing. It is how one communicates within the local environment, the way information is gained and communicated to others. This is an area of everyday conversation, what one might talk about and who to. The sense is light-hearted and conducted in a spirited way.

You can be considered to be the hardest of people to engage in any form of gossipy conversation. You like to keep your thoughts and opinions to yourself, unless another challenges you as to your thinking. It is then you might be sharp and incisive with your tongue-lashing, certainly if another upsets you.

It’s not that you are secretive, but you much prefer to relate to someone you trust, one you feel, you can relate to. Yours is the mind of the detective, digging and researching material, a psychological tool which investigates whatever the mind intends to give transformation to. Once your mind is set, then it is extremely hard for anyone to change it.

There are times when no-one knows what you are thinking about, not even yourself; and times when even your partner cannot share your thinking, feeling the wall of silence between you. In a way, you are one who uses a strong sense of intuition, feeling your way, rather than thinking. For this reason you might need a special kind of person to share your thoughts with, someone who has the same mental strengths and insights, someone to share an ’Inside’ joke with.


Emotional Security is all bout how one feels, one’s sense of atmosphere and how one ‘Feels’ about the past; in the way the past reflects on how one deals with the present. If you had had a good early home-life, the past kind to you, this would be reflected in the way you react to present situations, and vice-versa. Emotional Security is all about atmospheres and our reactions to them.

You will always feel enthusiasm for whatever you aim for. You will understand the expansive nature of emotions, non more happier than you when you score a ‘Home Goal’.
You will seek to expand your horizons, travel as far as you will, but, always, your home is like a beacon of bright fire which calls you back, to the roots where you grew from.

You may love to expand your knowledge and feel that history is something to read about, as is the need to go back into your past, to seek out all the branches of your family tree, in the hope that there is a family history of note.

A problem can be that you have so many aims, that you spread yourself out so that you have not enough hours in the day to accomplish what you feel you can; this can bring worries and the need to stay at home so you fulfil all the tasks, and this fact can, in turn, exaggerate your worries and keep you at home where you feel secure in your expanded castle.

A strange thing is that you are quite happy to study, to immerse yourself in books, but can find many excuses as to why you should rush about, lose yourself into the hurly-burly of the outside world!


Natural Creativity implies where one has natural flair, a need to show-off what comes naturally, be it your children, creative ideas or taking a chance on romance. A gamble and sense of fun comes under the influence of natural creativeness, as does poetry and other artistic forms.
Career and status symbols can be a matter of pride with you, there is no way you would stoop to beg; begging is for those without sense of pride!

You are not into ‘Showing Off’, because you feel that this is an undignified way of dealing with life and makes one an object of ridicule. Pride and dignity are your hallmarks, your golden standards.

You would hate to have others point the finger at you as any kind of failure, so you keep up a haughty sense of ‘Off-ishness’ which some might see as snobbishness; though you see it as your way of staying out of the spotlight, not hogging the stage. It is always a fact that you want your children, or offspring of ideas (Whatever has been created by you), to grab the footlights, to grow up to be your pride and joy which, eventually, gives you the status you have always wanted. You can be very careful as to how you act and tend to keep yourself in control.

A big problem can be that you allow your sense of pride to over-rule your naturally sunny nature; a reason why you do hold back when with others in a party mood. You are not one to start the ball rolling, to start the party off, preferring not to allow others to see you making a fool of yourself. It is a matter of pride that you keep yourself above such foolishness.


By Practical Co-Working is meant how you apply yourself to any form of practical work, and how you get along with co-workers. This also applies to your sense of time and how you deal with detail as well as the sense of tidiness within your work. This gives an idea of your method and practical knowledge as well as ideas about health and dietary habits.

When it comes to working with others, you are quite happy working within a group, although you do think that some of your ideas will work in a more effective and updated way if given the chance. You are quick to see the eventuality of things, quite inventive and futuristic in the logical way you think. You will put yourself into group efforts and you are a social animal at work, joining the gang even though you consider yourself an original thinker.

Once you consider your ideas and originality is not ‘Needed’, you will seek another group who will work with you, fulfilling your hopes and wishes to elevate you into a higher position. You would always seek forms of advancement, have ambitions for the future, though, often, you doubt your own talents within the group, leaving impulsively, to seek other opportunities elsewhere, where your particular brand of thinking is needed.

It is often the case that what is now a hobby will become a form of work, later in the life.
You may well suffer from some forms of insomnia which bring nervous effects at times, when too much work-pressure causes you to over-worry.


Love is a sense of equality, your sense of ‘Give and Take’ within a relationship. This implies what attracts you, a magnetic quality which draws you in. At the same time, relationships can also imply open relationships and friendships, which are not tied down to domestication. This can also have reference to business partnerships and partnerships which have similar tastes.

You might well seek a partner who you can idolise, your sense of the ‘Ideal’. Often, it can be the case that you look for the model partner in a relationship, an angel, in all senses of the word. You can seek a partner who is softly sympathetic and shares a sense of empathy with you. You might find that the one you chose is nothing like you imagined, although you allow your sense of imagination to cover the cracks.

There is some kind of artistic interpretation within, when it comes to whom you choose to relate to, and you can allow this sense of emotive beauty to influence your judgement. There is also the feeling that, whoever you choose, can be easily influenced by you (This works either way and it might well be you who is influenced by your partner). In a way, you need a copy-cat of yourself, a dream which can be moulded so you relate as one soul, that you relate to the same dreams.

Often, the need is to have someone who can set you on a road to success, someone who would push you up the working ladder. To you, love is ideal and you may well put another on a pedestal to prove your love.


Shared Resources imply the way one gains from any partnership and how one deals with beginnings and endings. This gives an idea of how one secures the self through areas of joint venture and how one sees any sense of loyalty from another. It is also assessment of basic emotions and hidden qualities which can come to light in the life.

When it comes to shared resources within any relationship, you tend to give your all, put all your energy into making things count. Mind you; you dislike being dominated and will not easily tolerate another trying to force you into decisions or making changes you disagree with. You have to be aware of a somewhat selfish nature within you, you see yourself as the driving force within any partnership and will take a larger share if you sense you are being fooled in any way.

It has to be understood that you work on instinctive levels when it comes to what you gain from any partnership, you need to see proof of what is in the pot, otherwise you will become suspicious and begin to undermine any operation. In many respects, you go for what you want and once you are determined to have something, you go straight for it!

You will see that you get the better end of any barter, or at least, you do not lose sight of what you want. You can be a very good poker-player, remaining straight-faced and keeping your thoughts to yourself. You can be very quick to react against those who try to undermine your orders.


What is meant by expansion through experience is a measure of how and what one might learn through Deeper studies, or travel to far off lands, or a mixture of both, that one might travel to distant lands and gain experience of foreign cultures which enlivens the mind. Often, this experience is geared towards a spiritual uplift.

The idea of knowledge can lead you into studies of Geography and Accountancy! Why the mix? The tendency here is to seek knowledge which will expand the sense of financial security through ownership and possessions, to build up a secure foundation through land and property gains. It can always be that you end up with property in a foreign land and have to deal with foreign currency, or that you deal with things like designer labels.

You are in no rush to accrue. You understand the slow and dependable build-up of acquisition and can be made for the long haul. You will travel, with an intention of speculation and will always hope to get your moneys’ worth. You have the patience to outlast the most patient of bidders, but you know when to stop bidding. In many respects, you are an empire builder, always hopeful of a gain and you don’t believe in luck; you study the form and look far and wide for information.

You can always be a collector of sorts, although you do adhere to traditional values; liking things which hold to the idea of beauty and charm, and you will outbid anyone, paying top quality prices if something really catches you eye.


By reputation and career, is meant how one wants to be seen by those in authority, and how one wants to be looked-up to, with respect, depending on what kind of reputation one gets. The implication is what one wants to achieve, within career and status in life, especially within maturity. In all, this is about how one deals with those in authority.

Speech can be an important factor with you, for it gets you to the highest levels, speaking with those of importance… So you will learn to speak up for yourself in life, and speak when you are spoken to; that way you can gauge the sense of the person speaking to you. You might never have time for fools or those whose accents grate on the nerves.

In many respects, grandiloquence will open many doors and gain high regard. Any intelligence is an advantage in this world and so you appreciate the order of logic and method within thought. You are a teacher, one who will teach others to speak up and out for themselves. You can work as a go-between, one who moves between the higher echelons of society, always on an upward curve.

Reputation is important to you and you will do nothing which causes others to talk about you in a disrespectful manner, even though you seem to dismiss it easily as being beneath you.The pointing finger is a sharp verbal sword, so you learn to appreciate those who speak highly of you. You will become adept at writing out your own references, for you do intend to put in writing exactly what you want from life.


By stating future hopes and wishes is meant what is expected to happen with regards to the future. There is also social order to reason with, friends, too, who might rise one up the social ladder. This is all about the future prospects, although the element of reversals are always present, and not always taken into account.

It can always be that the emotions can act in an unsettled way, the feelings needing to be in a secure atmosphere with settled roots. However; this might always cause problems, in that you might always be looking for a future moves which then unsettles the nerves once again. But you can be a ‘Social Animal’, putting yourself out amongst your friends and more ‘At home’ in a social club or group outing.

You much prefer to have things stay as they are, disliking change, but changes can come in sudden ways so you have to experience moves from normality. You might even turn your home into a ‘Club-House’ or group-meeting centre; yet wish to make progress, move up a class, on life’s ladder. In many respects, you may always be looking forward to changing a habit of a lifetime; though you dislike change, so that you can suddenly become moody when forced to make changes.

While you might not like to see yourself classified, stating you are simply a ‘Home-Owner’, you would not see yourself as being strictly working-class or belonging to the lower ranks of society. You can be sure that any home-moves you make will be to a classier district; that’s if you ever change your habitat!


The implication here is that one makes sacrifices within the life and gives an impression to others of acting like a Samaritan; whether good or bad, depends on the nature of the personality. This is creativity of a high order, emotive and poetic, the giving without expecting anything in return.

You would impress others by the desire to help through areas of imaginative creativity. Often; you may prefer to follow another’s ideas, sacrificing your own sense of identity so that you give in to the ‘Will’ of a higher knowledge. You are seen as one who helps through the goodness of your ‘Heart’…Seen as being ‘Soft-hearted’, who enthuses others to accept the applause rather than the self!

However; this tendency can often be seen as nebulous, inspiring illusions; it can give impressions of good, whilst the reality being that one uses the sense of spiritual goodness to be the receptor rather than the giver! It can be that one escapes the ‘Will’ to work, through the use of standing back and giving applause to another so another does the ‘Lion’s’ share of the work! This is the impression of the one might give, that one might be the Sinner or Saint, even a mixture of both!

In this case, one might rather ‘Direct’ the action, than take the centre-stage. There are strong creative dreams which need to be earth-bound before anything materialises, a need to stand out from behind the director’s chair and be counted. It can be really hard to fathom your worth because you put on an act which does not portray the real you!

Monday, April 28, 2008



Was the analytical mind probed to passion's fierce pull
Understanding all the joy of a lonely heart's need
Is now the perfection of emotion time’s consuming full
The withdrawal till all incorrect are positive freed

Cool lies any decision till reason gives the common sense
And passion is roused through the needs of mind's advice
If the heart needs a practical cure and cries no expense
Then is it accepted, should it help but not at any price

Will you seek the flawless share of an impassioned cup
See no spot which deflects the fast discerning lady's eyes
There will never be the noise of love's welcomed cup
The reasonable timing which Virgo's heart ne'er denies

Is the act of coolness one's saving grace in face of all
Your love is strengthened by resolve to make repair
You have practical nature and a sense of purpose at call
And, at loves end, your Virgo love still stands there

Your mind is qualified to take care of all things small
To care about imperfections and order all the files
You can see where things need the watching, if at all
To service the needing with a sense of smiles

Poem by Ron S King.




24 August - 23 September.


LEO SUN in 12th. HOUSE.


When the Sun sits in the Twelfth House, then you can direct all the dash and daring dramas you like from behind the scenes. You will be the flash of lightning which comes from a dark sky, fill others with an energy so that they carry out your orders in such a classical way, that you win all the gold awards as the film’s director.
There can be times when you can lose your confidence, just when things are going so well and you dream of higher praise, when the bubble bursts and you feel yourself fading into the background; such times as these, you might well put on an act, that all is well, the act being so good that you become confused and take it as a personal sign that all really is well.

However; you are very creative and can produce some brilliant treasures of artistic value. You also have the power to make dreams come true for those who need spiritual comfort and guidance, this is an area whereby you can shine. Others who need to have faith will find it easy to have belief in you, you can be their shining example, taking great pride in the dreams and scenes you have created so others get the picture.

In a strange way, before you gain recognition, you might well have to sacrifice your own personal ambitions, lose your sense of ‘Ego’, so that you humble yourself before the multitude, in this way understand and feel compassion for those who suffer, become their champion and suffer on their behalf. With this in mind, you can then wear the uniform of authority, for the benefit of others, and rise high within the ranks, till you can organize others so they accept delegation.
This is a strong and spiritual combination and should be accepted as such, so you stand out as a shining example to the world and not hide your light behind shadows so you appear as just a glimmer of hope.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

LEO SUN in 11th. HOUSE.


When the Sun sits in the Eleventh House, then you can be as popular as you like, leading you gang or your band with a loud golden trumpet; it’s a fact that you create an atmosphere of total good-natured fun, that friends just flock to your banner. You are one who gains a reputation for always being out in front, proud to be the instigator, the creator of any new drama which is played out on the stage of life. You make friends very easily and can always be the leader of a group who seek to make this world a better and safer place. You are very ambitious and determined to get ahead, to climb the social ladder and reach the top of the net-working tree, be in touch with royalty and have royalty proud to call you their friend!

You are one who will create openings, arrive early at social functions so you get the best seat in the house and so get yourself noticed. While you understand class-rules and nobility, there is in you a desire to establish a new working order, a new role for humanity; you might well become the champion of causes, holding your own royal court, where others hear your roar of disapproval at the poverty and social role the poor play in the drama of life. You are not one to sit back and do nothing; your purpose is to lead and cause an uproar till you get things organized and updated.

You are at your best in an organizing role, organizing group activities and hobbies, functions and amateur theatre nights. You are the one who strikes up the band, the conductor, the key figure, the one who is recognized as a person who gets things going; indeed, you are a supremely confident net-worker and socialite, with enough drive and determined energy to make dramatic changes within the political and humanitarian fields.
You do have ambitions and will use what power you have to ensure that changes will be made.

LEO SUN in 10th. HOUSE.


When the Sun sits in the Tenth House, then you are one who seeks applause and many encores for the way you handle your career, that you gain a reputation for being all-powerful, gaining a high position. You are determined to gain status in life, to climb high and to organize it so that you are seen as a person who, though generous and good natured, will rule the organization with a well-judged hand. You are proud to think that you can judge others and that you act accordingly when asked to make decisions as far as your high office is concerned… You do work to rule and will delegate to those, you judge, are best suited to the position of junior ministers.

It has to be remembered that, throughout life, you will be on a learning curve. You have high creative talents and will have to learn to bring such talents out, to be judged by the public. So you will have to learn the art of timing and strategy, patience and the temptation not to try to laud it over those beneath you. Again; you will have to learn to accept criticism in a positive and constructive light, without feeling slighted or that you have failed. Through your sense of creativity will you find your level, that stage whereby you can act with a knowledge that you have learned your stagecraft well and play the role with honour.

Should you over-stage your act, then your audience might judge you as being haughty or too proud to bow to common assent. It’s a case of obtaining a position of ‘High-Ground’ so you can command what goes on below, yet at the same time not demand attention from your army of fans. You will be seen for what you show, that’s the key to your success. No matter what, you will be determined to reach a high position in life, whether it be the Headmaster of a school or the popular ‘Show-Person’!

Friday, April 25, 2008

LEO SUN in 9th. HOUSE.


When the Sun sits in the Ninth House, then you are proud of your achievements which can be gained through areas of knowledge or travel, possibly both, gained so that expand your borders, extend your horizons, project your kingdom, in your quest to gain an understanding of what exactly you need so you can help make the world a better place and teach the world-classes about different cultures, teach on many subjects.

You are one who can lead expeditions, seek excitement through many dramatic quests for the truth. You are proud of your heritage and your own sense of identity, although you might have to watch out for becoming pretentious or over-bearing in your teaching, or by taking everything on so that you run out of time and are too proud to make excuses so that you walk away, your mind already set on the next exercise. There are occasions when you will over-act and take a chance so that you have to pay for it. But you are very sportive and will win others over with your warm and generous nature. In a way, you like to do things in a big way and this is where you might gamble your crown and lose it.

In life, you want to be a champion, to rule the world, but you might spread yourself too thin and so there is not enough of you to go around. In this respect, you will learn to delegate, to share the purse, the crown, the golden boot, play the ‘Team’ game and know you can’t do it all on your own. If you cannot lower your sights, allow delegation, then you just might organize your own defeat and subject yourself to ‘Class-Rule’!

You will be crowned with many honours and credits, travel the world and subject yourself to many cultures, before you realize that your quest was for the ‘Holy Grail’, not for the cornucopia of knowledge, but for the knowledge of spirituality, the truth of God’s words.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

LEO SUN in 8th. HOUSE.


When the Sun sits in the Eighth House, then you are one who gets exactly what you want through sheer grit and determination. This is where you shine, through shared resources, the strength of both you and a partner to create whatever is desired. This is where you will search for your inner identity, through personal drives and achievements and allowing changes within the nature so that whatever is hidden is brought to light.

There is often a strong sense of drama, in that you can be the power behind any form of life and death situations, you have the power to create life, to bring to life whatever you wish, within a sense of sharing, you are the light-switch, the one who can give life or bring death to a situation, depending on your ‘Will’. You have the energy to light up ‘New Beginnings’; this obviously means that you can create a dramatic ending to whatever, so that new beginnings take place.

You would be very proud of what is created by you, as if you are fated to bring something to life which is a ‘Masterpiece’, which would earn applause, whether what is born to you is a child whom you expect great things from, so that, through the child, you gain recognition as the creator; or whether, what you create, is an idea, a discovery of great worth which earns you all the glory and gold which lies hidden within the mine.

Mind you, it can also be that you need to discover another soul who can provide a shared sense of power, for it is hard to ‘Go it alone!’ In some cases it can be a ‘Father/Son or Mother/Daughter act’; that the one who supplied the energy in the beginning fades away and the created child, or idea, becomes the main partner, a case of birth creating the partner, with which you share the crown of authority.

LEO SUN in 7th. HOUSE.


When the Sun sits in the Seventh House, then you can be liable to seek a partner who is the life and soul of the party, one in whose warmth you flourish and are proud off. This does not mean that you are a shrinking violet, no way, this implies that you would want someone who could balance your need to be the best, to be at your side, the ‘King and Queen’ of the social scene.

In a way, you will have to balance your need for applause and crowd appeal within a relationship, though careful that you do not give too much power to a partner so that you lose your shine under the partner’s show, so that you stay in the shadows or behind the scenes. When it comes to relationships, you seek forms of drama and excitement, a relationship whereby you set the scene alight, that all heads turn when you arrive on the scene, that the watchers bow to your grace.

It all depends as to your feelings of worth and sense of humility, whether you can lower your sights, when it comes to relationships, as to how you act and whom you get. You might act in too royal a way, so that you expect a partner to walk ten paces behind you, too proud to lower your expectations. This is where you may have to balance your demands when it comes to relating. You will always be in demand and have some powerful friends. By nature you are very warm and generous; here again, with this is mind, you might be too generous and give all you have away!

Your approach is very enthusiastic, a brilliant personality, which will light up any room and get you wherever you want to go. Yours is a nature which creates a dramatic sense of aura and you really know how to turn the lights on and revel in your own personal act, which has the audience calling for an encore.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

LEO SUN in 6th. HOUSE.


When the Sun lies in the Sixth House, then you are one who is at the helm when it comes to organizing the work-load, and proud to see that all you set out to do is achieved. You are the one others come to, for advice, for allowance to continue the work you have set out. It’s not that you are a hard or harsh task-master, your nature is such that your co-workers, those beneath you, will love the sense of fun and light which you bring to the workplace.

You are at your best when in charge of situations where by work has to be delivered on time, you will gain a reputation for your sense of timing and the hours you put in so that everything works like clockwork. Mind you, you have to learn to take it easy at times, to make light of the work, otherwise you can over-stress the self, put too much heart into your work so that it affects the nerves.

You can always win gold medals for your service to others, those who cannot help themselves, you care about others and are worth your weight in gold when it comes to handing out optimism and good, positive, advice. You are one that bosses are proud off, one whom they trust and recognize the way you run things, and you get your rewards within positions of power. Again; if you run your own empire of industry, then you are not afraid of getting your hands dirty and being one of the ‘Lads’.

At work, you will not be ignored, others will know when you are around because you act with full authority. Others will appreciate your generosity and warmth, these are qualities which get you full co-operation from your co-workers and bosses alike. Though you like to take centre-stage, you are also determined to see that everyone get a royal seal of approval and that work gets done on time.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

LEO SUN in 5th. HOUSE.


When the Sun sits in the Fifth House, then you are the one who creates and sets the scene, whether it be a right royal romance, or a dramatic play staged for a world’s audience. In a way, you are the consummate Actor/Actress. You would really have to watch out for the way you act, because you can over-act and others might find you over-bearing, your act too rich. But you do mean to have your creative abilities on show.

You do have the power to demand attention, whatever you produce can bring applause and win the golden prize. You are all about bringing joy and pleasure to others and can create a sense of fun and games wherever you go. You will take charge and organize affairs so they suit you and, especially, if children enjoy the effects. There is a child in you, one who likes to act in a way that you get others to join in, charades can be your favourite game.

There are times when you can take chances, act in a most reckless way and gamble with life and love. Romance can always be a dramatic display for you, because you are one who might decide to become a knight in shining armour and travel abroad, seeking conquests. You are never happy sitting at the back of the class and will hog the footlights, be on centre-stage, you are a Romeo or Juliet, one half of a love, who seeks the other half in a love-match.

You have plenty of talent and it really is up to you how you use them, you can be the hairdresser who gives dramatic or drastic cuts to your takes, one who can create a brand new style of dress-code or other form of artistic interpretation, but you can also colour the work with such rich colours, that it dazzles the watching audience.
You do have a large ‘Ego’ and this shows in how you act, you lead the cast and will organize it so that you take your bows on stage, alone, then allow the extras to join you and take theirs!

LEO SUN in 4th. HOUSE.


When the Sun sits in the Fourth House, then you can be exceedingly proud of the family unit and the dense of atmosphere you create within the home. You are the one who sets your stamp, your mark, within the home, within the grand design you have created. You really are the ‘King/Queen’ of the castle, the one who makes the rules, the laws and the orders, so that those who live within the castle walls give you utmost respect.

Again; pride is for children, your ‘Princes/Princesses’, who enjoy the principality, the royal courts. You will have friends in and enjoy social evenings, with a gathering enjoying the banquet you have had prepared. Indeed; you are very proud and can ‘Shine’ when it comes to creating grand dishes, a supreme cook, one who provides a family roast and who sits at the head of the table as others applaud the eating.

You are welcome wherever you go, in that you have a flair for lighting up any home, as you would give visitors to your home a right royal welcome, so would you expect the same in return when you make your appearance to members of your family. In some ways, you can be the one who creates a new lineage, proud to say that, through you industry, you have raised a new heritage, gone from ‘Rags to Riches’, given your children a better home than where you came from.

It is very rare that you are in a bad mood, though you like the sun to shine and might move to warmer climes. But even if that is not possible, your sunny nature makes up for it and it is you who brightens up the whole atmosphere within the home. You are the one who is the architect of fun and beauty, the one who leads the way and the one others give a right royal respect to; and, in a strange way, you expect all to be proud of you.

Friday, April 18, 2008

LEO SUN in 3rd. HOUSE.


When the Sun sits in the Third House, then you really do want to see your name up in lights in some way, have others speak of you in a royal way for the scenes you create. Pride comes from the way you communicate and you will seek credits, in that you will want to see your name printed on any work which you project, especially it comes in large gold letters.

You are full of ideas and will seek to further these ideas through forms of travel and work within the local environment, when you speak, you intend to be heard. Your voice is rich in context, you get yourself listened to and can light up any hall or royal court when you start to communicate your ideas. Your smile says a thousand words; your writing, flamboyant and grandiloquent in effect.

You can always be an actor/ actress, for you know how to stand on centre-stage and communicate to an audience with words and dramatic gestures, all you wish to convey. There are times when you might expect too much, a royal applause for your act and can dismiss your audience, should they not clap loud enough. In this way you can seen intellectually arrogant at times, it’s not your intention, but you can hog the conversational footlights.

There is no doubting you will have your name on the lips of others, you can make it your business that this is so; then again, can others keep up with you, act-up the way you do and create such drama in communication. You can talk with your hands if you like, from royal gestures down to dismissive hand-waves, when you are not happy with someone. Generally; you do have a bright smile for everyone and voice your appearance so that others, all your friends, your retinue, know you are on the scene!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

LEO SUN in 2nd. HOUSE.


When you Sun sits in the Second House, then you can always be very proud of what you own and how you have created your wealth. It’s not that it comes easy, you may have to work your heart out to obtain the gold business cards or the gold you wear about your body. One has to watch out for being over-proud of possessions and ownership, simply because, you make a royal show of your wealth, your finances, then you can bank on others trying to take it from you.

But you are a ‘Good-Hearted’ person, one with a heart of gold and you will give to those who do not have you instinct to create wealth. Mind you, you do expect a show of applause for your extravagance; you don’t expect a medal (Well, you would take it if it were gold!).
What is known is that you are not one who will stoop to begging, you are too proud to ask and would hate to have to go, cap in hand with a begging bowl, to those who might spare a few copper coins. Your pride is one reason why you set about securing wealth, becoming financially secure, simply because created wealth means you can stand up, on show, as a person who does not have to beg, rather…You are a giver and proud owner of gold medals to prove it!

You might buy yourself a royal regalia, wear a regal crown, but it’s a case that children do come first and so your own children can be dressed quite royally; this is where money can be spent, no expense spared; after all, you created them and you are not going to allow others to see your creations under-dressed and in need. But, till off-spring comes along, you might just create your own wardrobe, manufacture your own jewelry, walk out royally; what you own, your possessions and the way you create things in a dramatic way is well staged!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

LEO SUN in 1st. House.


When the Sun is within the first house, then you are known as a ‘Double Rising Sign’. This means that the Zodiac Sign of Leo was ‘Rising’ in the Eastern sky at the moment of your birth.
A ‘Double Rising Sign’ means you act in a natural way, what one sees is what one gets with you, you do not hide behind a ‘Mask’.

You are very quick to act, to take charge of situations, to be up-front and, should anyone or anything get in your way, then you will create a scene until the fault is removed. You can always be there, showing off your prowess in an often dramatic way.
You are a natural leader, one who seeks the golden prize, the warrior King or Queen, the one who lights the way and moves in an acted blaze of glory. You can put on a grand display, the leader of the gang, the great romantic; it’s all part of your act.

You are highly creative and take great pride in the way you act, whatever you do has an air of dramatic presentation. You are one who is sure of your personal identity, you have a big heart and wear a badge of courage on your sleeve. Although some might see you as an ‘Egotist’, you are the first in the queue, when it comes to championing the ‘Underdog’, you take chances and gamble on the outcome. Others are proud to have you as their friend, and you will help anyone in trouble, the trouble is, you feel, you are never really appreciated by those you help. Is it that you expect wild applause from your audience; or just a pat on the back?

Until you learn to organize your life, you might go from one dramatic situation to another, there’s a child in you somewhere who is the champion of the nursery. You have a quick pride which can have you roaring at any who offend your ruler-ship but you are certainly proud of who and what you are; what you have made of yourself!



The basic nature of the Cancer Sun is termed as being…
This implies that the basic nature of the Leo Sun-Sign is to be direct in action, dealing with things in a positive and openly active light. The nature is fixed, very stubborn, in that, when the back is up then the Leo will refuse to move, back away or back down from whatever stands in front of it.

The Leo Sun-Sign is very protective by instinct, especially when it comes to protecting the children, the cubs which they have created in their likeness and of whom the Leo is very proud. The nature is to be very creative and to reflect a proud, often haughty, nature. The Leo is a friendly person and will often see with a group of friends, organizing the net outing or party. In a way, the Leo likes to court attention, to show-off in some way, to be admired and have an audience surrounding them. This is another reason why the Leo takes such pride in then children, because they have created them and so show the children off with a great show of pride.

Leo Sun is a born organizer and will take charge of anything which needs straightening out; Leo will be at the head and then happily delegate the work. Not that this Sun-Sign is afraid of work, the Leo will work His/Her heart out for a cause, seeking only, as a reward, a show of gratitude for the work or help given.
One understands the idea of friendship when one has a Leo friend. The Leo is courageous and loyal, a true friend who helps out, whatever the situation, as long as one does not tread on the Lion’s Tale or gets the Leo’s back up; it’s then you will hear the Lion roar!

Monday, April 14, 2008



The Rising Sign; often called the Ascendant Sign; is that sin of the Zodiac which was ‘Rising’ in the Eastern sky at the time of one’s birth.
The Rising Sign is the way one will act, how one projects the self out into the public arena.

Here is a list of those with Sun Signs, which will have a Leo Rising Sign…

Leo Sun in the First House…

Virgo Sun in the Second House.

Libra Sun in the Third House…

Scorpio Sun in the Fourth House…

Sagittarius Sun in the Fifth House…

Capricorn Sun in the Sixth House…

Aquarius Sun in the Seventh House…

Pisces Sun in the Eighth House…

Aries Sun in the Ninth House…

Taurus Sun in the Tenth House…

Gemini Sun in the Eleventh House…

Cancer Sun in the Twelfth House…

Next comes a brief write giving the basics of the Leo Rising Sign as it goes through the Houses.


Self-Projection means, the way one projects themselves out into the public eye; how others see them, though not necessarily how they really are. How one goes through life, the basic energy to secure what is needed is an instinctive self-projective measure, either within an aggressive or defensive mode.

You really do have the power to light up the room when you walk in, such is the way you can create projected warmth. There are times, in enthusiasm, when you will show off, certainly in front of an admiring crowd of friends, and you will take centre-stage in any drama that is going on. But, however you act, you are very warm-hearted and will help those in need. It’s a strange fact that, whoever you help, they never seem to give you thanks; and where are people when you need help?

Often, it’s a case that pride can stand in your way, you are self-possessed and it can gall you, if you have to lose face, if you have to bow to another. You are more into delegation than accepting rules from others and it can be very hard for you to back down from any sense of danger. You believe you really are the master or mistress of your own destiny and will create any play you want, and take the leading role in that play.

You can bet your life that there will be some created dramas somewhere within your life. There is a romantic wrapped up in your nature; a sunny climate and a paradise island would soon have you purring with pleasure!


What is meant by Financial Security is the way in which you protect yourself through a sense of material possessions. It implies the need to own, in a practical and material sense, so that it gives a solid foundation. You might buy a house so that roots are put down, a base from which you can work. The implication is what you would need to possess in life as a practical building block so that you feel secure.

You may only buy the things you personally need. But the strange thing is that you are also aware of the needs of others and will help them out if you can. You will tend to worry about personal hygiene and dietary habits; so finance will be spent on all kinds of healthy foods and things like toothpaste, soaps and perfumes equipment.

Clothes too, are not bought for simply fashion, but for comfort ability and what is best suited for the weather. You do have a practical financial sense but are not quick to follow the advice of others, for this reason, you might never accrue the larger things in life but care more about the things which are of immediate use.

You will always use finance to secure the sense of personal hygiene which gives you a perfect sense of acceptance by others. You might always purchase things which are needed for work, while things like watches and timing devices will always catch your eye. You would be aware of the smaller things in life, forgetful or ignoring the bulk orders…

Beware catalogues and Mail-Order companies, because they can bankrupt you!


The spirit of communication implies the way in which one thinks, one’s method of logic, expressed through mediums of speech and writing. It is how one communicates within the local environment, the way information is gained and communicated to others. This is an area of everyday conversation, what one might talk about and who to. The sense is light-hearted and conducted in a spirited way.

There are times when you might never stop talking about whatever comes into your mind. This is because you can gain some sense of what another thinks of you, by engaging in conversation. Relationships are always in with a chance and you might well be the original marriage guidance councillor!

You really are a social butterfly, the mind buzzing with dates of the next dance or meeting whereby those with interesting things to say might always attract your attention. In a sense, you like to ask questions which can balance your own sense of indecision; asking whether something or someone would suit you.

You dislike the quiet and over-noisy atmospheres too, which can depress you, you’re into laughter and flirtation, music and dance. Nimble-minded, you will talk to anyone at anytime. You are very agreeable, not liking to seem discourteous. You tend to be positive and direct, relating quickly to those who, you think, ’Like’ your way of communicating.

When you communicate ideas, it is often about your likes and dislikes, and your pet like is relating to attracting partnerships.


Emotional Security is all bout how one feels, one’s sense of atmosphere and how one ‘Feels’ about the past; in the way the past reflects on how one deals with the present. If you had had a good early home-life, the past kind to you, this would be reflected in the way you react to present situations, and vice-versa.

Emotional Security is all about atmospheres and our reactions to them.
You may never feel quite comfortable when out and about, simple because you are so sensitive to atmospheres.

You much prefer the sense of peace when alone, into the comfort of your home, sharing it only with others who do not try to dominate or take over the place, creating an atmosphere which causes you to leave. In many respects; you will tend to only share your space with another who has proved their loyalty, you are never into crowds, all messing up your private quarters. Often, you prefer to be home-alone, you don’t mind the quiet where you can sleep and recharge your batteries.

Feelings, for you, are hard to share, like your moods; feelings can ebb and flow like tidal waves, times when you hide away and others, when you don’t seek the light. It’s a fact, no-one knows you till they live with you, and no-one lives with you unless you have control in the home-share. If you have to share a home with more than one mate, then you can seek your own company, secretly feeling that the other two might side against you.

You really are a secretive soul when it comes to sharing your feelings.


Natural Creativity implies where one has natural flair, a need to show-off what comes naturally, be it your children, creative ideas or taking a chance on romance. A gamble and sense of fun comes under the influence of natural creativeness, as does poetry and other artistic forms.

Many people regard you as a very good sport and you do like to play games in a way. You are not one for standing around and watching, you like to participate, all-action, and proud of the skills you possess as an all-rounder. When it comes to games of chance and romance, you are always willing to take a gamble, and may end up by having to get away from the dramas you create; it’s often the case you can go over the top.

Travel can be your ace-card; the idea of travel can always give you romantic notions, but again, you can always chance your arm and go overboard!

Pride is a big thing with you, there will be times in your life when you will have to climb down off your high horse and not allow your pride to stand in your way. It’s the same with those who dare you, for you will take a chance simply because pride, once again, keeps you on a high; and you will be the centre of attention within the dramas you get caught up in on your travels. You can be particularly good with children, not as a teacher, but as one who will join in with their games and even act in a very youthful way so children quickly accept you. At times you can get high-spirited and really run away with yourself; but you like to show how big-hearted you are!


By Practical Co-Working is meant how you apply yourself to any form of practical work, and how you get along with co-workers. This also applies to your sense of time and how you deal with detail as well as the sense of tidiness within your work. This gives an idea of your method and practical knowledge as well as ideas about health and dietary habits.

You really are into time and working conditions; it’s not that you like work, rather it’s that you are conditioned to work. You prefer to see yourself as a working ‘Number Two’, the one who sorts out the problems and can delegate the smaller tasks. You pay attention to duty and like to feel that you are indispensable to those above you.

You know the rules and regulations and will take instructions if they seem to be practical and logical to you. You will be critical of orders which don’t make sense and even disobey them as a show of discontent. You are not one who like others interfering in your work and will even walk away if this happens or if the boss puts another person over you.

Psychologically; having someone placed over you without reason, gives you the idea that you are not capable enough, that you can’t handle the job, that you are not ‘Needed’. These are critical factors to you, as if your working schedule is being criticised, hence you are judged inadequate. You worry about time and efficiency, hate being late for work and being evaluated. But; whatever happens, you are back to work the next day!


Love is a sense of equality, your sense of ‘Give and Take’ within a relationship. This implies what attracts you, a magnetic quality which draws you in. At the same time, relationships can also imply open relationships and friendships, which are not tied down to domestication. This can also have reference to business partnerships and partnerships which have similar tastes.

It’s often the case, you prefer your friends to your partner; at least, this might always be what your partner states. The fact is, you relate to those who communicate in your language, know the short-cuts of speech and can text a fast message. You can always have many friends and go round in a group, or join associations where you can stay or leave as the fancy blows.

You are not always stable when it comes to friendships, liking to feel you can come and go as you please, independently free. Often; you might not see friends for a long time, then suddenly bump into them in a chance meeting. It’s a fact you would meet your partner within a group of friends and at a social gathering. You may well be happier in an open relationship or drawn to the strangest of ties’ you are not into convention at all, uncaring about the class of people you mix with; although friends do have a way of lifting you up the ladder in the future.

In respect; you might decide to wait till the future offers better prospects, as far as marital relationship seem, but that’s always in the future. One day, far off into the future, you might relate to a class of your own!


Shared Resources imply the way one gains from any partnership and how one deals with beginnings and endings. This gives an idea of how one secures the self through areas of joint venture and how one sees any sense of loyalty from another. It is also assessment of basic emotions and hidden qualities which can come to light in the life.

If another asked you exactly what you wanted from a partner, what would you most want to share with the person closest to you, you might well be stuck for an answer as to what dreams you really do share. At first it might seem that your dream would be to have a partner who would be a dream in bed, a sexual fantasy, someone you could share fantastic dreams with.

In many respects, this dream of fantasy could be your escape route from harsh reality, these secret thoughts which you share with no-one except your imagination. Often it’s the case that you might well dream of meeting the right partner, and when you do, to dominate the mating act. But, having done this, the dreams then becomes reality and a harsh disappointment. So you get rid of the reality and start rebuilding a new dream to conquer.

It is not as ruthless as it sounds, simply an abstract representation of shared resources which is hard to find. If ever you find such a partner who will share your dream, you will be in heaven. Perhaps the dream is to fins yourself a slave, one who devotes the self entirely to you; or is it the other way round, with you making all the sacrifices?


What is meant by expansion through experience is a measure of how and what one might learn through Deeper studies, or travel to far off lands, or a mixture of both, that one might travel to distant lands and gain experience of foreign cultures which enlivens the mind. Often, this experience is geared towards a spiritual uplift.

When it comes to far-off lands or deeper studies, you are off, like a racer from out of the blocks. The only problem with this speedy projection can be is that you run before you can walk and trip yourself up in the process. There might be no planning or working things out, as long as you get there fast. But in this rush to be there first, you can always leave personal things and others behind.

You much prefer to go it alone and might rush off to some unheard-of destination like an intrepid explorer without a water-bottle, not having checked first that it is a barren desert where you have run to. You do see things at first hand and will quickly explore whatever catches your fancy, in the sense that what you see will broaden your horizons. You like to be free to run, to have plenty of space to roam in. In this respect, deeper studies will not appeal, study is something you try to get over as quickly as possible.

Give you space and speed… And there, scientifically, you have motion, the get up and go. Speed and a clear run are the important things, and you will be very impatient with anyone or anything which stands in your way. One day, your quick spirited actions, will slow you down!


By reputation and career, is meant how one wants to be seen by those in authority, and how one wants to be looked-up to, with respect, depending on what kind of reputation one gets. The implication is what one wants to achieve, within career and status in life, especially within maturity. In all, this is about how one deals with those in authority.

You tend to take a very practical and down-to-earth approach when it comes to career and status. You realise that work is the commodity which earns you the finance which, in turn, affords you the things you need in life. You also realise that money is a source of power which earns you respect and the more hours you work, the more money you earn, the more respect you gain for those things which you possess.

When you think about it, career is a revolving circle of life which is your eternal treadmill. You would respect those who have good financial sense, certainly those who pay your wages. You like the finer things in life and will pay a high price for quality. It’s the same with work; you know you can earn good money through labouring, but that kind of work gives no credit, no status; so you will find work which has forms of status which gives you credit and gains you elevation…

It all boils down to taste, you do have good taste and work from there. High-class industry is like good food and wine to you, you have a taste for the high-life. In a sense; It’s not how high you get but how high-class is the establishment you work for!


By stating future hopes and wishes is meant what is expected to happen with regards to the future. There is also social order to reason with, friends, too, who might rise one up the social ladder. This is all about the future prospects, although the element of reversals are always present, and not always taken into account.

You can safely bet that you are one who will form many friendships and group Associations, because communication is always the theme. You are an ideas person, one who is always looking to the future and times when you can get together and have fun. Your mind is geared towards electronics and futuristic things like computers and games at the touch of a button.

You are not one who will stay in for long, your mind dictates your actions, so far into the future that the mind is often forgetful of the past! It is often the case that ‘You are where and what your friends are’! You never stay long in one sitting, always off onto future meetings, the mind wishing to explore the next positive situation, to make new friends, have new conversations about a date with the next day.

Conversations with friends can always get you a move up the social ladder or a place at work; in a way, this is what friends are for, to help one another in times of trouble. You can bet there is always someone who you know who can help you, someone on the end of a telephone line or in text.

You can move in an impulsive way, no sooner does an idea hit your brain, then you are thinking of making a move!


The implication here is that one makes sacrifices within the life and gives an impression to others of acting like a Samaritan; whether good or bad, depends on the nature of the personality. This is creativity of a high order, emotive and poetic, the giving without expecting anything in return.

You can always be at ‘Home’ to those who you shelter and feed, even feeling pity for the starving, that you give them the food from your mouth. You do make sacrifices and go without, giving up your bed for the night and offering ‘Mother-comforts’ to those who flock under your roof.

You are one who sacrifices the past hurts, forgiving those who had hurt you. You can be very sensitive and highly emotional at times, when the mood affects! You will always have to be careful of those who know how to soft-soap you, because yours is a trusting nature and quick to feel emotions, you soak up another’s tears like a large sponge and then offer all kinds of comfort.

This is why you have to be wary of those who cry crocodile tears for your benefit. Emotional insecurity sits heavy on you at times, so that you might often stay at home, feeling insecure and vulnerable when out in the open or in strange surroundings.

You do like to feel there are those around, members of the family, who will help you if ever things go wrong. Those, you know, who would put you up for the night, or a year, and give you a meal. Your biggest fear can be to be out on the street, homeless, in the wet and cold night with nothing to eat, even imagining it can curl your toes!



Should all this Queenly love in brightness shine
When the lioness prides herself to the joys of life
Fierce are impassioned eyes to her cubs align
This protective nature against the jungle's strife

Purrs soft in maternal greeting, paw's affection
This proud love within the savage beast's breast
This love for cub has only one onward direction
To guard the safety and this one love's interest

No brighter Sun can rise in blue heaven's skies
Than the shining example of mother-child bond
No more prouder joy lies in any mother's eyes
Leonine creativity drawn from birthing wand

No stronger spirit played in all nature's worth
No finer hand could write in gentle poet's hand
Is love's bond extended from the baby’s birth
Forever, through life, Leo's love always stands

Warm, too, is this Leo's romantic, gambling, bent
Which surely creates the heat of mystical ride
No more is the flair of Sun's sky-ride lend
No more loyal is the Leo to have by your side

Poem by Ron S King.


24 July - 23 August.


Sunday, April 13, 2008



When the Sun sits in the Twelfth House, then you are well at home within an environment of peaceful rest and within the elements of a dream. You will look for a home which is naturally peaceful, which is safe and secure for your family, whom, you feel, it is your duty to protect, to stand behind. This is where you gain a sense of pride, to show out that you will fight if you have to, that you will not back down or away from any thread to those you are so proud of. You are the Lion, or Lioness, who protects the cubs!

It is often the case that you are somewhat insecure within the self and will dream up some emotive castle, which will fortify you against anyone or thing. In a sense you will sacrifice your own ‘Ego’, your own sense of security, when it comes to the ‘Family’. You will put up a spirited fight to save them, even if it means martyring yourself or your own beliefs. You are the natural leader, one who leads the young to a promised land. You will go without, so that others, the weak, will be fed and watered… You have a natural empathy and sympathy for those who are ‘Homeless’ and, in those cases, you will champion their cause, become the Knight in shining armour, natural instincts will come to the fore.

Basically; your instincts are to find a dream home, somewhere in natural surroundings which provide comfort and security, somewhere you can feel proud of; you might never feel secure until you have found such a ‘Haven’ and, having found this ideal place, will never want to leave.
You are spiritual and can find that security and peace will allow you time to produce more creative outlets, artistic in nature, areas whereby you can ‘Show-Off’, bring out for public display. There will be signs of this creativity within the home, in design and through inspirations, prompted by the security you feel, the settled feelings inside.

Friday, April 11, 2008



When the Sun sits in the Eleventh House, then you would have flair for dealing with whatever might arise, so that you manage to act in an efficient and calm manner in any emergencies. You can reflect a calming nature and find you manage better when in familiar surroundings, working with friends or family and within a social atmosphere. You can have a large family of friends, groups with whom you network and meet up for meetings which might well have humanitarian aims.

You are rather spiritual and can work behind the scenes, for some large or parent organization, which has high ideals about the future prospects of the nation. When it comes to high ideals and thoughts of a peaceful existence, you do have a spirited outlook and are proud to be a member of that organization, even if that means rebelling against those who work against moral and family values.

In a way, this is how you realize your own worth, your personal identity, through areas of work and who you befriend. You are loyal to a cause and may show this by wearing a uniform or badge as an honour. Again; this will identify you as being a member of an organisation, a ‘Brotherhood/Sisterhood’, members of the same family; and it is within this organization that you will find the security of a reputation, status as one who stands up for what they believe in.

In a strange way, you can deal with forms of secret meetings, which create an air of drama. You might well be an actor, one who plays out family charades; it’s a fact that you may want to act as others do, with a sense of excitement and surrealism. Whatever the source of your spirited actions, your family rebellions and familiar slogans, you really want to impress the other members of the group that you stand out from the crowd!

Thursday, April 10, 2008



When the Sun sits in the Tenth House, then you seek personal goals through areas of responsibility and diligence. You can become whatever you set your heart on, although you are not happy working in an atmosphere which keeps you on the move. You like stability and an occupation which follows a familiar routine; sometimes this implies working in the ‘Family Business’,
Taking on the ‘Mother-Load’, managing the work through a good organizing ability and being able to delegate. Again, this can mean that you take on what has been handed-down through family generations.

At times you might seem to be undecided as to how you approach life and, for this reason, would seek to relate to others as to what you should do and what decisions to make. Not that you will take advice, it’s just that another’s opinion will help you make your own mind up as to what to accept or not. Again; you are not really into inharmonious effort, relating to a peaceful course, but it can be that you often hear things you do not wish to hear.

You can be at your best when working within a group effort, working through forms of friendships, yet being the one they come to, look up to as the one in authority. This can apply to a family group, that you treat friends like members of your family and will make sure they feel secure under your ‘Protective’ roof, your ‘Parental’ umbrella.

When it comes to status and reputation, you are proud of how you manage when in charge, but you much prefer to be in a role whereby you feel at home within the environment of work, the working area must somehow feel like home, so that your are familiar with the routine. Again; you would have to learn to over-ride your emotions when dealing handling others, not treating them like children, but as future professionals.

CANCER SUN in 9th. House.


When the Sun sits in the Ninth House, then you are one who seeks a way in which you might learn the art of reputation. You are patriotic and can feel at home in any country, although always looking back over your shoulder from where you came.
There is always a need to seek personal experiences, to set out on a personal crusade, so that you feel more settled within the self. You might well search for a spiritual form of enlightenment, gain recognition for the way in which you conduct yourself as an ambassador for your country.

You might well search for a large house, a country mansion, because your goal is to expand in some way. You can feel very emotional at times, should you win an award for your work or in an atmosphere whereby tributes are being paid; your sense of sympathy can swell towards those who need help or who are starving, the ‘Third World’.
Your interests are far-ranging and your goal is to attain high rewards for your personal assistance, given to those who you give your time to. It is not that you seek medals or gold purses; more, it’s that you simply want applause for your actions, your ‘Homecoming’.

You take personal pride in being a responsible person, one who can manage things, with many strings to your bow, many and varied aims which you carry out with dignity. Often you work from home, or within a homely atmosphere, even though the work may cover many distances. You will learn to over-ride your feelings within your work, take pride in managing any occupation you take on, so you work without any emotively-gushing interest, able to perform with high authority. Your aims will give you a lot of personal satisfaction in time, though it can be very hard-going.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008



When you have the Sun in the Eighth House, then you might well be at home when exploring new avenues which broaden your emotional horizons. You are emotionally intense and may have to learn how to relax, through possible areas of meditation and exercises like Yoga, exercises which can have a strong spiritual essence and a taste of the exotic or Eastern culture.

In many respects you seek a knowledge of your spiritual nature, to understand your inner needs and, for this reason, might well go off in search of a teacher, a Guru, who might familiarize you with your inner ‘Soul’. You may have the gift of being able to become a medium, to sense atmospheres and have feelings of Déjà vu, able to go back to times past. You are driven by inner needs and will want to share what you feel with others that you trust. Often your mind can be lost in a maze of thoughts so you are not aware of those around you.

There will be times in the life when dramas can enforce changes, that you will make changes that help you evolve. You might well live abroad, travel to far-away places, in search of new beginnings. Though you are not one who likes changes, you much prefer a settled life, you will not be comfortable till you settle down in, what you feel, is ‘Home’, a place which has a nice atmosphere, that reminds you of the past in some way.

Inside, you do have constructive/destructive emotions which can be a controlling factor within the life, and it can be these emotive factors which can create havoc if you do not control them through sheer strength of will. You will journey through life, learning as you go and being taught. You will become familiar with changes and learn to accept them, ‘Endings and New Beginnings’.
Intimate relationships are the way through which you will find a settled and secure life.



When the Sun sits in the Seventh House, then you can be proud of the way in which you relate to others, how easily you can communicate to others and put them at their ease; you can create an air of familiarity which others find comfortable, so that they will share their thoughts and feelings with you. In one respect, you would make a wonderful psychologist. Though this can work in reverse, simply because you might feel more comfortable and at ease by allowing a partner to create the sense of atmosphere which can make you feel right at home in, so you might just simply hand over the reigns of power to another.

You will gain a sense of pride and stability within a partnership, find another who will share in the joy of creating a stable relationship within the home, a partner who becomes the rock, the foundation on which the relationship is formed; and one whom will provide for the family within the union. It can easily be the case that you will gain a sense of identity through a relationship, that a partner gives you the emotional security which you need, a home and family, which is well-balanced.

You will not feel settled until you gain a partnership which, you feel, you can trust. You do have a deep intuitive sense and use this to psyche out those you relate to. You are not one who will accept others quickly, you are cautious and need to familiarize yourself to the nature of those you deal with.
Again; if you have children, then they might take pride of place in the home, or, on the other hand, you might get the feeling that your partner pays the children more attention than to you. It has to be known that your feelings are in tune with your partner, or who you relate to, so that any inharmonious feelings can unbalance the relationship, it is all a matter of give and take, not a marriage of convenience.

Monday, April 7, 2008



When the Sun sits in the Sixth House, then you relate to those who will partner you, so that you both work to an efficient standard. In a way, you do take pride in your work and like to find work which gives you a sense of being useful and co-operative. You are not into hard and competitive work, whereby everyone is out to beat each other or causing an atmosphere of discontent. You will seek work in a peaceful atmosphere, in a homely and family-structured business, so that each person relates to the other in a familiar way.

You can pride yourself on being recognized as a hard and industrious worker, one who likes routine and the element of time. In a way, ‘Shift-Work’ or altered working hours can have an adverse effect on you, you like to know what is going to happen, that there are no changes from what happened in the past, it is important to keep to a routine, one you are familiar with.
In a way, this is the same when it comes to relating, you like a partner whop recognizes your value, the output you create and the good working atmosphere.

You are one who likes to serve and can easily relate to working in areas whereby you will serve up wholesome and nourishing food. In a way, you might admire another who has a healthy appetite, one who you are proud to serve and who truly appreciates all you do; one who might tip you royally.

You will understand the idea of ‘Give and Take’, disliking greed and those whop will take advantage of your nature. Greed, to you, is an unhealthy attitude; and health is a big thing with you, healthy homes and healthy relationships. You can often worry about health, yet this is where you can shine, in that you can be at your best when nursing another back to health. In this way, you are at home in a healthy atmosphere and relating to service!

Sunday, April 6, 2008



When the Sun sits in the Fifth House, then you are one who takes charge of events, well at home in organizing things in a very efficient way, always creating ideas so that you manage to delegate, so that any dramatic situation is sorted out with the minimum of effort.
You like to create an atmosphere of reason, whereby things work perfectly and make perfect sense. You are proud of what you achieve and know your capabilities. You are not into mess and will keep a clean house, with a strong sense of responsibility. When needed you are always on hand to give advice, you have a flair for calming things down and solving problems. In a way, you are the one the family come to for advice, whether it be medical or simply a judicial judge, to be the advocator between warring faction.

While you are very creative, you are into family welfare and hygiene. Health is important to you, as are dietary habits and well-prepared rations. You might easily be seen as the family doctor, or health visitor, one who goes round, making sure all are fit and healthy and that the home is clean. You know the importance of health and can make a mental note of things to be done.

When it comes to notes, you are one who will create rota’s and create areas where boards would be pinned up, so that those around you will familiarize themselves with the times of when things have to be done. You work easily with people and will act in a somewhat parental way, so that others trust your role within the work, knowing that you keep the ball rolling and create an atmosphere whereby everyone has a good time, you being the party organizer.

Self-confidence in what you do gains you recognition and gives a sense of pride. People trust you, simply because you keep to the rules and dislike those who try to interfere or change the way things work.

Saturday, April 5, 2008



When the Sun sits in the Fourth House, then you will be very proud of your home and those who live within it. You are very creative and have strong nurturing drives, you are one who will create a strong family bond and lead the family pack.
There is a need to create a sense of identity within the home, this means that you would fill the home with your creative ideas, designs and colours, romantic notions and an atmosphere of security which makes living so comfortable.

The idea might well include a houseful of children, those who make you so proud, who treat you in a royal way and you, in respect would treat them as royal, in return. You are the one who others turn to within the home, the Matriarch/Patriarch. You will rule, but are big-hearted and very protective of those under your roof.
Often; you will have the family round for a meal, and are likely to organize a banquet, fit for any King. You would know how to make a royal feast of whatever is within the cupboard; rich or poor, you can create a meal from a crust of bread and a glass of water. Whatever you do in the home is done with pride, and you wont allow anyone to make changes to what you have created. You like familiarity, so a chair will sit in its familiar place and stay there, just as those seated around the table will know their place.

You like to be naturally active and will do things to suit yourself. This does not mean you are selfish, it means that you will take direct action when the situation warrants it. Most of the action is to make yourself comfortable within your surroundings, so you can work within that atmosphere. Any dramas within the home are often created by children, or those who invade your space. You will have your quiet corner, your flowers and romantic dreams; that’s until you are called upon to serve up a meal.

Thursday, April 3, 2008



When the Sun sits in the Third House, then you are not one to forget anything and are proud of your knowledge. You learn through an emotive sense and can become emotional when talking about something which brings back memories of the Mother or has sentimental value.

You thinking and writing is often reflective of the past and it all depends on your upbringing as to how you feel when talking of your past; a hard upbringing can always bring depressive thoughts, but you will outgrow such feelings and feel the need to learn from your past so that you alter the course of such traditions.

You are passionate and quite proud of where you come from, patriotic and will say so. You might be full of old sayings, or quote the words your Mother used to say, as did her Mother before her. You may well have old books on your shelves and favour history above others. Again, you value knowledge and might show off your knowledge, which lies within the castle of your mind. In fact, what you learn can lift you out of the past and into a new future; even though you might consider yourself out of the ‘Old School’.

There’s no doubting you are bright and you shine via your communicative skills. But you do better after school, through ‘Home-work’ and within places where you feel comfortable. If the atmosphere feels wrong, then you can become restless and will move, always seeking a better location, a better home in a better class of neighbourhood.

You can always enjoy a family gathering, in a cosy atmosphere and talking about the ‘Old Days’, with a good spread on the table, especially with you at the head of the table, communicating your need to have the latest gossip, news that is not ‘Old Hat’

Wednesday, April 2, 2008



When the sun sits in the Second House, then you will surround yourself with personal possessions, each having a brand-name on it so other recognize it as yours. What you own, what you collect and buy will be through the effort of financial security. Obviously; you will be in the housing market, needing to possess the best of quality and put your personal stamp on it.

There can be a tendency to clutter up the place with items of a communicative value, you might even own a book-store or a stationers. In some ways, you will collect items which give something to talk about, that inform; you might well be a collector of words, learning a new one each day, or post-cards, which come from all parts of the world, postage stamps even, which have been mailed to you from relatives.

You will buy things which enhance your sense of ownership, things of material value, things of ‘Family value’, which make you feel secure and give comfort in the home. Certainly; you would have photos, maybe in silver frames, of siblings and parents, even buy ‘Samplers’, stitched memorabilia from way back, which children made as a keepsake.

You are not one who will keep anything which has no value, worth
talking about. You enjoy familiar haunts and can visit old mansions and castles, enjoy tranquility and places near water. Once you get a ‘Feel’ for something, you will read about the object, or subject, of your desire, tend to familiarize yourself, so you know what you’re buying; and you rarely forget what you learn because you will always carry a price-book in your pocket.
You can be into cookery books, have a shelf-load, but old ones which are not the fashion. Items may not be worth much to others but bring memories back for you!



When the Sun is within the first house, then you are known as a ‘Double Rising Sign’. This means that the Zodiac Sign of Cancer was ‘Rising’ in the Eastern sky at the moment of your birth.
A ‘Double Rising Sign’ means you act in a natural way, what one sees is what one gets with you, you do not hide behind a ‘Mask’.
You are quick to feel atmospheres and will resent anyone whom, you feel, makes a personal attack against you or anyone who belongs to the family unit. In a way, you are the aggressive defender, the Ruler of the Roost, the Cockerel or ‘Mother Hen’… You are in charge of all what goes on in the home.

In life, you are on a personal mission to secure a sense of ‘Ego’, so that you are capable of getting what is needed in life to make you proud. Generally; you will put yourself to work, building and feathering your nest from which you can defend yourself. Often this implies a need for a ‘Nest-Egg’, a bank account with which to buy a property. You would want a castle, a fortress, ownership so that you gain emotional and financial security, one goes along with the other. In a sense, finance is the ‘Power-Point’, because you can afford to step out in a proud way, your property an extension of your prowess.

You are not one to go where there are unfamiliar surroundings or where there are crowds, too much around you can confuse your sense of intuition, that sense of atmosphere which tells you when danger threatens. But others know when you are around, because of the loud ‘Crowing’ noise you make when you want to show off. If you are financially wealthy or own large collections of property, then you can ‘Crow’ all day long. You are born to wear spurs, to fight in a personal way to become secure, that when you feel in the mood, then aggression is what you use.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008



The basic nature of the Cancer Sun is termed as being…
This implies that the basic nature of the Cancer is somewhat cautious about opening out to the public and works through an emotional bias, sensitive to atmospheres and feelings, sometimes touchy about what is seen as ‘Personal remarks’.
Of all the Water Signs, Cancer is the one which will go directly for what it wants, emotional stability, a roof over the head and food in the larder as a secure feeling that it can nurture those under its roof.

Of course, the Crab can be moody (Crabby) at times, if it feels under the weather. The Cancer nature ‘Feels’ its way through life, always testing the atmosphere and is somewhat uncomfortable when out of its home. Cancer folk like to feel protected, a roof over the head, a castle from which they can defend if attacked. Cancer is not into open warfare and aggression, preferring to be a home-provider. Mind you, the nature is that Cancer can become defensively aggressive if they feel another is making personal remarks about the home and family.

Cancer folk have a long memory and often delve into the past as a way of escaping the hardships of the day, often referring to the past as ‘The Good Old Days.’. They are the collectors of the world, collecting memories and whatever takes their fancy, such collections become the ‘Family’ the ‘Children’ are cared for in a most sensitive way. They like familiarity and will dislike changes, anyone who attempts to rearrange the ‘Home-Feel’ in any way. Of all the Sun-Signs, Cancer is the most emotional and fluid, releasing tears and tantrums with ease. But the Cancer is a lot tougher than others think, a hard shell to break.