You may never really be into group games or social pleasure, unless, of course you can lead the pack. In many respects, you would prefer to stand out from the crowd, you may never have time for just ‘Being Nice’, putting on ‘Airs and Graces’ and being one of the lads or lasses.
You know you are different, one who doesn’t need friends to get to where you want. You reach up the social ladder on your own, in your own way, and you don’t change your style simply because others expect it or it is fashionable.
You will learn to trust only those you feel, instinctively you can trust, you are not into quick friendships, or life-long close ties. You will learn, as you go, that making future plans, having hopes and wishes, can have a sudden way of having changes which alter the course of your life. It can be that you stick to tried and tested methods, disliking changes which swerve round bends, so you can’t see what’s coming.
You might fancy the idea of a secret club, where only a few know the times and dates of the doors’ opening. You share yourself with just the few who share your ideas and suggestions. In a strange way, you hold yourself back, from moving into the future, fearing what lies ahead, yet might send a scout ahead to see what’s going on!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Now; can you ever explain why it is you try so hard to succeed in life, why it is so important to come first in everything and to fear failure? Was it parents who expected so much of you, or some tiny clock which ticks away in the brain which causes you to relate to high office?
All these questions, these self-tests and self-examinations. It can seem much of your life is a time of testing, of climbing ladders, of a dire need to be seen as someone who has reached the top. In a way, the idea behind it is to graduate, so you can be on the same level as those in high-powered positions, the need to relate and communicate with those who have succeeded in life.
But you want success for your own self-esteem, it’s not all about getting public acclaim, you are not one who really likes to face the glare of the public, to stand high on a platform and give speeches. It’s enough to know you have made it under your own steam. However; you might have to learn to balance yourself, to be tactful and diplomatic; to be able to choose the right times and whom to trust; as well as learn how to relate to the public opinion.
You will learn that one small mistake up there, one little slip and you will fall to your relative doom. You will try so hard to get to the top but, first, you must overcome your fear of heights!
Now; can you ever explain why it is you try so hard to succeed in life, why it is so important to come first in everything and to fear failure? Was it parents who expected so much of you, or some tiny clock which ticks away in the brain which causes you to relate to high office?
All these questions, these self-tests and self-examinations. It can seem much of your life is a time of testing, of climbing ladders, of a dire need to be seen as someone who has reached the top. In a way, the idea behind it is to graduate, so you can be on the same level as those in high-powered positions, the need to relate and communicate with those who have succeeded in life.
But you want success for your own self-esteem, it’s not all about getting public acclaim, you are not one who really likes to face the glare of the public, to stand high on a platform and give speeches. It’s enough to know you have made it under your own steam. However; you might have to learn to balance yourself, to be tactful and diplomatic; to be able to choose the right times and whom to trust; as well as learn how to relate to the public opinion.
You will learn that one small mistake up there, one little slip and you will fall to your relative doom. You will try so hard to get to the top but, first, you must overcome your fear of heights!
Friday, October 10, 2008
How would you feel if you were told to sit down and study Shakespeare, while your friends were allowed to do what they wanted? Or told you were to be sent to places you had no wish to go to?
Such demands on your personal freedom, to force study on you while a teacher watched over your shoulder, would put you on a short fuse. You really are not into long-term study or travel, until you realise that you have no chance of gaining a good career unless you have qualifications.
In this way, you might learn more out of school that in it, that the second part of your life is more about learning, to gain self-assurance and self-reliance. Even though you may never want to sit still long enough to learn as a scholar or world traveller, one who goes off and stays away for years on exploratory expeditions, you will succeed at work.
The fact is, you might have to put in the hours and work harder and be more dutiful than all the rest, to keep above those who have higher qualifications. You will probably have to depend on output rather than input; in this way you gain a reputation for being someone who can be trusted to turn up on time and fulfil all promises.
The ultimate joy is in having faith in yourself and having those around you, have faith in your ability. It’s really all about self-belief!
How would you feel if you were told to sit down and study Shakespeare, while your friends were allowed to do what they wanted? Or told you were to be sent to places you had no wish to go to?
Such demands on your personal freedom, to force study on you while a teacher watched over your shoulder, would put you on a short fuse. You really are not into long-term study or travel, until you realise that you have no chance of gaining a good career unless you have qualifications.
In this way, you might learn more out of school that in it, that the second part of your life is more about learning, to gain self-assurance and self-reliance. Even though you may never want to sit still long enough to learn as a scholar or world traveller, one who goes off and stays away for years on exploratory expeditions, you will succeed at work.
The fact is, you might have to put in the hours and work harder and be more dutiful than all the rest, to keep above those who have higher qualifications. You will probably have to depend on output rather than input; in this way you gain a reputation for being someone who can be trusted to turn up on time and fulfil all promises.
The ultimate joy is in having faith in yourself and having those around you, have faith in your ability. It’s really all about self-belief!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Are you really secretive? Do you keep things to yourself, even your feelings, repress them rather than share that part of yourself? If you do, then life can seem awfully hard for you, all that inner tension which can suddenly make you ‘Blow your top’, like some dormant volcano which erupts.
This is all about ‘Do You…’, in that do you fear being let down by others, or fear being blamed because you cannot create what others want?
So you hold yourself back and keep yourself in, afraid, for some unknown reason, to let yourself go and just be ’One of the In-Crowd’. Do you seek a position of higher authority, needing to remain aloof and unreachable, so that you remain untainted by criticism or dirt?
It is often the case, there is a desire to be seen as a figure of authority, one whom serves a purpose or a ‘Duty’, so career can be the motivator, to create high status. Certainly, you might find it hard to let your hair down or share responsibilities.
It can be very hard to let go, to accept changes in the life, to let go of what you have and who you are. Pride can also have a responsible part to play in your life, to be determined to be proud of what you achieve, for yourself and for children you bear.
Most often, it’s a case of working alone and sweating it out, but time will force changes on you!
Are you really secretive? Do you keep things to yourself, even your feelings, repress them rather than share that part of yourself? If you do, then life can seem awfully hard for you, all that inner tension which can suddenly make you ‘Blow your top’, like some dormant volcano which erupts.
This is all about ‘Do You…’, in that do you fear being let down by others, or fear being blamed because you cannot create what others want?
So you hold yourself back and keep yourself in, afraid, for some unknown reason, to let yourself go and just be ’One of the In-Crowd’. Do you seek a position of higher authority, needing to remain aloof and unreachable, so that you remain untainted by criticism or dirt?
It is often the case, there is a desire to be seen as a figure of authority, one whom serves a purpose or a ‘Duty’, so career can be the motivator, to create high status. Certainly, you might find it hard to let your hair down or share responsibilities.
It can be very hard to let go, to accept changes in the life, to let go of what you have and who you are. Pride can also have a responsible part to play in your life, to be determined to be proud of what you achieve, for yourself and for children you bear.
Most often, it’s a case of working alone and sweating it out, but time will force changes on you!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
So; what is the matter with you? Do you feel that your face doesn’t fit, or that you wont get a look-in before you get rejected? Does this factor make you take what’s on offer, when it comes to relationships, afraid you will be left on the shelf?
Your problem is that you can be unsure of what it is you need in a partner. You might seek one who is older, who can offer you security, a home and financial security. Or you might choose another who is beneath your station, afraid to relate to one who is attractive to others, a socialite, a communicator.
When you think about it, your past can have a lot to do with your choice of relationships, in that you may simply be in a hurry to get away from an earlier home-life and better yourself, so anything is better than what you have at the time. No matter what, you do intend to climb some sort of social ladder. Would you consider marrying the boss… Why not?
Whatever the case, you would have difficulty in accepting who and what you are and where you came from, which, in turn can cause difficulty in forming a relationship, certainly when young.
But time will tell, if you give yourself the time to look outward and up, rather than inwards and back to your past. Life is not about looks, it is about self-confidence and self-assurance. You will learn to be self-reliant as you grow… In TIME!
So; what is the matter with you? Do you feel that your face doesn’t fit, or that you wont get a look-in before you get rejected? Does this factor make you take what’s on offer, when it comes to relationships, afraid you will be left on the shelf?
Your problem is that you can be unsure of what it is you need in a partner. You might seek one who is older, who can offer you security, a home and financial security. Or you might choose another who is beneath your station, afraid to relate to one who is attractive to others, a socialite, a communicator.
When you think about it, your past can have a lot to do with your choice of relationships, in that you may simply be in a hurry to get away from an earlier home-life and better yourself, so anything is better than what you have at the time. No matter what, you do intend to climb some sort of social ladder. Would you consider marrying the boss… Why not?
Whatever the case, you would have difficulty in accepting who and what you are and where you came from, which, in turn can cause difficulty in forming a relationship, certainly when young.
But time will tell, if you give yourself the time to look outward and up, rather than inwards and back to your past. Life is not about looks, it is about self-confidence and self-assurance. You will learn to be self-reliant as you grow… In TIME!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
How do you feel, when you are busy working, keeping to a time-check, when along comes someone who starts to interfere with you and your work?
Can you feel the resentment building up already as you read this? Can it be true that you are far happier working alone, so you can finish what you are doing in the time you have, mentally, given yourself.
You like to work fast and hard, very conscientious and with duty in mind. So any ‘Glitch’, any form of hold-up can make you quite angry. You dislike having those around you who tend to work in a casual way, and half the time you have to bite your tongue and not say a work.
One problem you can have is that you rush off to do a project, without having studied the plans long enough, so that mistakes are made. This, again, can be frustrating to you, because once you’ve worked up a head of steam, you don’t want to stop and re-start or rectify mistakes. Even worse, is having to explain any mistakes to a superior.
In life, you will have to learn to work with others, not expecting them to work at such a speedy pace or expecting the same results. You have to also learn not to set yourself time-limits, when it comes to working on any project, otherwise, any hold-up can cause you amounts of pent-up stress, which can give you some real headaches!
How do you feel, when you are busy working, keeping to a time-check, when along comes someone who starts to interfere with you and your work?
Can you feel the resentment building up already as you read this? Can it be true that you are far happier working alone, so you can finish what you are doing in the time you have, mentally, given yourself.
You like to work fast and hard, very conscientious and with duty in mind. So any ‘Glitch’, any form of hold-up can make you quite angry. You dislike having those around you who tend to work in a casual way, and half the time you have to bite your tongue and not say a work.
One problem you can have is that you rush off to do a project, without having studied the plans long enough, so that mistakes are made. This, again, can be frustrating to you, because once you’ve worked up a head of steam, you don’t want to stop and re-start or rectify mistakes. Even worse, is having to explain any mistakes to a superior.
In life, you will have to learn to work with others, not expecting them to work at such a speedy pace or expecting the same results. You have to also learn not to set yourself time-limits, when it comes to working on any project, otherwise, any hold-up can cause you amounts of pent-up stress, which can give you some real headaches!
When it comes to taking a gamble, or a chance on love for that matter, you can become rather cautious and might need to look at the form book!
Does this statement rankle you, hurt your pride? You know you take chances and will take the lead in any game, of chance, or whatever.
It is true that you might put yourself in front at times, but when you are pushed to the front, made to step out into the lime-light, what happens? Do you freeze up or feel shown-up? So you put on an act, you rush in and act like a leader, it’s all a matter of ego and self-pride.
Have you ever acted in a mean way, pretended that you have nothing, or even criticised poverty. Do you need to self-possess, need to own the heart and soul of those around you, or act as if you don’t need anyone. There can even be the feeling that, with property and ownership comes power, that riches will create a personality which can give orders, that wealth can buy others?
In life you will find that those with personal power create it through effort and a nature of organising things so they work for them. The ‘Boss’ demands your time, but the King and Queen command your attention… Seek applause through your own acts of delegation, that you are ready to hand over the crown when the time comes!
When it comes to taking a gamble, or a chance on love for that matter, you can become rather cautious and might need to look at the form book!
Does this statement rankle you, hurt your pride? You know you take chances and will take the lead in any game, of chance, or whatever.
It is true that you might put yourself in front at times, but when you are pushed to the front, made to step out into the lime-light, what happens? Do you freeze up or feel shown-up? So you put on an act, you rush in and act like a leader, it’s all a matter of ego and self-pride.
Have you ever acted in a mean way, pretended that you have nothing, or even criticised poverty. Do you need to self-possess, need to own the heart and soul of those around you, or act as if you don’t need anyone. There can even be the feeling that, with property and ownership comes power, that riches will create a personality which can give orders, that wealth can buy others?
In life you will find that those with personal power create it through effort and a nature of organising things so they work for them. The ‘Boss’ demands your time, but the King and Queen command your attention… Seek applause through your own acts of delegation, that you are ready to hand over the crown when the time comes!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
The past has a strange way of repaying you. If you had a good family upbringing, with plenty of moral support from your parents, then you can find this gives a good reward in later life. But chances are, you will feel somehow left out of it, having to feel that you were left to fend for yourself.
This can have an effect whereby you may distrust those who try to get close, that you are the one who will do all the ‘Managing’ when it comes to your work and the home. You do tend to worry and like things to be on time, meals to be ready, with you at the head of the table.
In a strange way, you are liable to seek compensation by working hard and pressurising yourself, so you make some kind of name for yourself. This can cause you to want to be the winner in any popularity stakes, the ‘Breadwinner’, the ‘Head-Cook and Bottle-Washer’! You may never trust others to do the job you feel only you are capable of. In a way, you have to prove to those of the family unit who, in the past, doubted your ability. As you grow, you change from the rebel, the one who would not accept orders, to be the one who, not only learns the ‘House-Rules’, but gives the same orders as your parents gave. You may drag yourself up and learn from your past, or drag yourself down and others with you… It’s up to you!
But you really are into HEAVY-DUTY!
The past has a strange way of repaying you. If you had a good family upbringing, with plenty of moral support from your parents, then you can find this gives a good reward in later life. But chances are, you will feel somehow left out of it, having to feel that you were left to fend for yourself.
This can have an effect whereby you may distrust those who try to get close, that you are the one who will do all the ‘Managing’ when it comes to your work and the home. You do tend to worry and like things to be on time, meals to be ready, with you at the head of the table.
In a strange way, you are liable to seek compensation by working hard and pressurising yourself, so you make some kind of name for yourself. This can cause you to want to be the winner in any popularity stakes, the ‘Breadwinner’, the ‘Head-Cook and Bottle-Washer’! You may never trust others to do the job you feel only you are capable of. In a way, you have to prove to those of the family unit who, in the past, doubted your ability. As you grow, you change from the rebel, the one who would not accept orders, to be the one who, not only learns the ‘House-Rules’, but gives the same orders as your parents gave. You may drag yourself up and learn from your past, or drag yourself down and others with you… It’s up to you!
But you really are into HEAVY-DUTY!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Now, who told you to be quiet, not to say a word? Did someone in your past put a gag in your mouth?
So now you just open your mouth, without a thought about what you’re going to say or whether you are going to hurt another’s feelings.
You don’t mean to hurt others and can always be apologising for speaking out too quickly, or not waiting to hear what others have to say. There are times when you simply say the first thing which comes into your head and will even argue the point without a thought to the idea of logic and mental planning…. You might well attack with a verbally blunt sword.
There will be times when you listen to others, stay silent, yet fume underneath, especially if, what is said by another, seems to criticise you. Often you can get the wrong end of the stick, jump in with a retaliatory remark. Again, there are times when you simply ‘Butt’ in or try to ‘Ram’ your point home.
Mentally, you will hate to be challenged or tested. Your word is law and you’ll shout to ‘High-Heavens’ if another argues in your court of law! What is needed to be learned is to be patient, and learn to listen to those who seem to know what they are talking about. Once you determine what and who makes sense, then learn from that! Imagine how wise the Owl is when he doesn’t give a ‘hoot!’
Now, who told you to be quiet, not to say a word? Did someone in your past put a gag in your mouth?
So now you just open your mouth, without a thought about what you’re going to say or whether you are going to hurt another’s feelings.
You don’t mean to hurt others and can always be apologising for speaking out too quickly, or not waiting to hear what others have to say. There are times when you simply say the first thing which comes into your head and will even argue the point without a thought to the idea of logic and mental planning…. You might well attack with a verbally blunt sword.
There will be times when you listen to others, stay silent, yet fume underneath, especially if, what is said by another, seems to criticise you. Often you can get the wrong end of the stick, jump in with a retaliatory remark. Again, there are times when you simply ‘Butt’ in or try to ‘Ram’ your point home.
Mentally, you will hate to be challenged or tested. Your word is law and you’ll shout to ‘High-Heavens’ if another argues in your court of law! What is needed to be learned is to be patient, and learn to listen to those who seem to know what they are talking about. Once you determine what and who makes sense, then learn from that! Imagine how wise the Owl is when he doesn’t give a ‘hoot!’
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