Tuesday, October 14, 2008


You may never really be into group games or social pleasure, unless, of course you can lead the pack. In many respects, you would prefer to stand out from the crowd, you may never have time for just ‘Being Nice’, putting on ‘Airs and Graces’ and being one of the lads or lasses.
You know you are different, one who doesn’t need friends to get to where you want. You reach up the social ladder on your own, in your own way, and you don’t change your style simply because others expect it or it is fashionable.
You will learn to trust only those you feel, instinctively you can trust, you are not into quick friendships, or life-long close ties. You will learn, as you go, that making future plans, having hopes and wishes, can have a sudden way of having changes which alter the course of your life. It can be that you stick to tried and tested methods, disliking changes which swerve round bends, so you can’t see what’s coming.
You might fancy the idea of a secret club, where only a few know the times and dates of the doors’ opening. You share yourself with just the few who share your ideas and suggestions. In a strange way, you hold yourself back, from moving into the future, fearing what lies ahead, yet might send a scout ahead to see what’s going on!

Saturday, October 11, 2008


Now; can you ever explain why it is you try so hard to succeed in life, why it is so important to come first in everything and to fear failure? Was it parents who expected so much of you, or some tiny clock which ticks away in the brain which causes you to relate to high office?
All these questions, these self-tests and self-examinations. It can seem much of your life is a time of testing, of climbing ladders, of a dire need to be seen as someone who has reached the top. In a way, the idea behind it is to graduate, so you can be on the same level as those in high-powered positions, the need to relate and communicate with those who have succeeded in life.
But you want success for your own self-esteem, it’s not all about getting public acclaim, you are not one who really likes to face the glare of the public, to stand high on a platform and give speeches. It’s enough to know you have made it under your own steam. However; you might have to learn to balance yourself, to be tactful and diplomatic; to be able to choose the right times and whom to trust; as well as learn how to relate to the public opinion.
You will learn that one small mistake up there, one little slip and you will fall to your relative doom. You will try so hard to get to the top but, first, you must overcome your fear of heights!

Friday, October 10, 2008


How would you feel if you were told to sit down and study Shakespeare, while your friends were allowed to do what they wanted? Or told you were to be sent to places you had no wish to go to?
Such demands on your personal freedom, to force study on you while a teacher watched over your shoulder, would put you on a short fuse. You really are not into long-term study or travel, until you realise that you have no chance of gaining a good career unless you have qualifications.
In this way, you might learn more out of school that in it, that the second part of your life is more about learning, to gain self-assurance and self-reliance. Even though you may never want to sit still long enough to learn as a scholar or world traveller, one who goes off and stays away for years on exploratory expeditions, you will succeed at work.
The fact is, you might have to put in the hours and work harder and be more dutiful than all the rest, to keep above those who have higher qualifications. You will probably have to depend on output rather than input; in this way you gain a reputation for being someone who can be trusted to turn up on time and fulfil all promises.
The ultimate joy is in having faith in yourself and having those around you, have faith in your ability. It’s really all about self-belief!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Are you really secretive? Do you keep things to yourself, even your feelings, repress them rather than share that part of yourself? If you do, then life can seem awfully hard for you, all that inner tension which can suddenly make you ‘Blow your top’, like some dormant volcano which erupts.
This is all about ‘Do You…’, in that do you fear being let down by others, or fear being blamed because you cannot create what others want?
So you hold yourself back and keep yourself in, afraid, for some unknown reason, to let yourself go and just be ’One of the In-Crowd’. Do you seek a position of higher authority, needing to remain aloof and unreachable, so that you remain untainted by criticism or dirt?
It is often the case, there is a desire to be seen as a figure of authority, one whom serves a purpose or a ‘Duty’, so career can be the motivator, to create high status. Certainly, you might find it hard to let your hair down or share responsibilities.
It can be very hard to let go, to accept changes in the life, to let go of what you have and who you are. Pride can also have a responsible part to play in your life, to be determined to be proud of what you achieve, for yourself and for children you bear.
Most often, it’s a case of working alone and sweating it out, but time will force changes on you!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


So; what is the matter with you? Do you feel that your face doesn’t fit, or that you wont get a look-in before you get rejected? Does this factor make you take what’s on offer, when it comes to relationships, afraid you will be left on the shelf?
Your problem is that you can be unsure of what it is you need in a partner. You might seek one who is older, who can offer you security, a home and financial security. Or you might choose another who is beneath your station, afraid to relate to one who is attractive to others, a socialite, a communicator.
When you think about it, your past can have a lot to do with your choice of relationships, in that you may simply be in a hurry to get away from an earlier home-life and better yourself, so anything is better than what you have at the time. No matter what, you do intend to climb some sort of social ladder. Would you consider marrying the boss… Why not?
Whatever the case, you would have difficulty in accepting who and what you are and where you came from, which, in turn can cause difficulty in forming a relationship, certainly when young.
But time will tell, if you give yourself the time to look outward and up, rather than inwards and back to your past. Life is not about looks, it is about self-confidence and self-assurance. You will learn to be self-reliant as you grow… In TIME!

Sunday, October 5, 2008


How do you feel, when you are busy working, keeping to a time-check, when along comes someone who starts to interfere with you and your work?
Can you feel the resentment building up already as you read this? Can it be true that you are far happier working alone, so you can finish what you are doing in the time you have, mentally, given yourself.
You like to work fast and hard, very conscientious and with duty in mind. So any ‘Glitch’, any form of hold-up can make you quite angry. You dislike having those around you who tend to work in a casual way, and half the time you have to bite your tongue and not say a work.
One problem you can have is that you rush off to do a project, without having studied the plans long enough, so that mistakes are made. This, again, can be frustrating to you, because once you’ve worked up a head of steam, you don’t want to stop and re-start or rectify mistakes. Even worse, is having to explain any mistakes to a superior.
In life, you will have to learn to work with others, not expecting them to work at such a speedy pace or expecting the same results. You have to also learn not to set yourself time-limits, when it comes to working on any project, otherwise, any hold-up can cause you amounts of pent-up stress, which can give you some real headaches!


When it comes to taking a gamble, or a chance on love for that matter, you can become rather cautious and might need to look at the form book!
Does this statement rankle you, hurt your pride? You know you take chances and will take the lead in any game, of chance, or whatever.
It is true that you might put yourself in front at times, but when you are pushed to the front, made to step out into the lime-light, what happens? Do you freeze up or feel shown-up? So you put on an act, you rush in and act like a leader, it’s all a matter of ego and self-pride.
Have you ever acted in a mean way, pretended that you have nothing, or even criticised poverty. Do you need to self-possess, need to own the heart and soul of those around you, or act as if you don’t need anyone. There can even be the feeling that, with property and ownership comes power, that riches will create a personality which can give orders, that wealth can buy others?
In life you will find that those with personal power create it through effort and a nature of organising things so they work for them. The ‘Boss’ demands your time, but the King and Queen command your attention… Seek applause through your own acts of delegation, that you are ready to hand over the crown when the time comes!

Saturday, October 4, 2008


The past has a strange way of repaying you. If you had a good family upbringing, with plenty of moral support from your parents, then you can find this gives a good reward in later life. But chances are, you will feel somehow left out of it, having to feel that you were left to fend for yourself.
This can have an effect whereby you may distrust those who try to get close, that you are the one who will do all the ‘Managing’ when it comes to your work and the home. You do tend to worry and like things to be on time, meals to be ready, with you at the head of the table.
In a strange way, you are liable to seek compensation by working hard and pressurising yourself, so you make some kind of name for yourself. This can cause you to want to be the winner in any popularity stakes, the ‘Breadwinner’, the ‘Head-Cook and Bottle-Washer’! You may never trust others to do the job you feel only you are capable of. In a way, you have to prove to those of the family unit who, in the past, doubted your ability. As you grow, you change from the rebel, the one who would not accept orders, to be the one who, not only learns the ‘House-Rules’, but gives the same orders as your parents gave. You may drag yourself up and learn from your past, or drag yourself down and others with you… It’s up to you!
But you really are into HEAVY-DUTY!

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Now, who told you to be quiet, not to say a word? Did someone in your past put a gag in your mouth?
So now you just open your mouth, without a thought about what you’re going to say or whether you are going to hurt another’s feelings.
You don’t mean to hurt others and can always be apologising for speaking out too quickly, or not waiting to hear what others have to say. There are times when you simply say the first thing which comes into your head and will even argue the point without a thought to the idea of logic and mental planning…. You might well attack with a verbally blunt sword.
There will be times when you listen to others, stay silent, yet fume underneath, especially if, what is said by another, seems to criticise you. Often you can get the wrong end of the stick, jump in with a retaliatory remark. Again, there are times when you simply ‘Butt’ in or try to ‘Ram’ your point home.
Mentally, you will hate to be challenged or tested. Your word is law and you’ll shout to ‘High-Heavens’ if another argues in your court of law! What is needed to be learned is to be patient, and learn to listen to those who seem to know what they are talking about. Once you determine what and who makes sense, then learn from that! Imagine how wise the Owl is when he doesn’t give a ‘hoot!’

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Money! Possessions! Does it make you angry, when you think that you have to struggle for material benefits, while the rich get richer. Did Robin Hood have the right attitude, to take from the rich; but the wrong attitude, to give it all to the poor?

You seek quick returns, quick profits, putting money down without reading the small script, without waiting for professional advice. Of course, you worry about the future and feel that, putting money into a bank needs time and patience to pay back dividends, that’s all into the future and you can only see the ‘Now’!
You want to go it alone, to be a self-made millionaire, a self-made person, who has relied on no-one except your own abilities. Bankruptcy is always a possibility, but you still climb up the greasy monetary pole towards financial security. But you forget, in your haste, to take a rope with you, to secure yourself; or a parachute, so that, if you fall from financial grace, you can float your balance, rather than go into free-fall.
So you learn not to trust the future’s market, knowing it can all get taken from you in a sudden turn of events, a cruel twist of fate. But you should have played safe and learned to ask for financial advice!

Sunday, September 28, 2008



You really are a train which runs, whether on the right track or not… You have a full head of steam and you’re puffing uphill for an early reputation!
A big problem can be is that you’re accident-prone, or an accident waiting to happen! You’re in a rush to get to the top of the hill, tree, pole…Who cares what it is as long as you get there!
And who cares how long it takes?
Well, you do, of course. You hate waiting, having things blocking your path. You’re the young pretender, impatient to knock the old ruler off the throne. It’s not that you want others to bow before you as you wave a regal hand; you simply want the rest to be beneath you, to look up at you with some kind of respect.
Most of all, you want to be your own ‘Boss’! Oh, how you like the feel of that, eh? With no-one to put things in your way or stop your rise to the top; no entrance exams or locked doors for you to break down?
Your upwardly mobile and want to get where you are heading fast! You are the steam engine and don’t want any carriages to add more weight to your climb; you don’t have time to take on passengers, you travel alone and you travel fast… Till you come off the rails or lose track of where you’re heading!

Saturday, September 27, 2008



A Birth-Chart is a circle, divided into twelve segments of 30 degrees each. These segments are called ‘Houses’. Each ‘House’ indicates a different area of life.

1st. House… The Self, how one goes through life.
2nd. House… Financial Security and Possessions.
3rd. House… Communicative ability and mentality.
4th. House… Emotional Security, home and the past.
5th. House…Creativity and one’s sense of pride.
6th. House… Helping and working with others.
7th. House… How one relates to others, partnerships.
8th. House… What is shared between partnerships.
9th. House… Deeper education and long travel.
10th. House… Reputation and a sense of career.
11th. House… Friendships, groups and the future.
12th. House… Sacrifice and spiritualistic feelings.

It has to be remembered that these examples of the Housings are very basic, but will give an idea what is felt when Saturn in Aries is placed within them.

What you have read so far is just the basic tensions felt when your Birth-Chart has Saturn in Aries placed there.

What is given now is the different areas of tension felt when Saturn in Aries is placed in any ‘House’ within the Birth-Chart.
The idea here is to read all the next twelve pages and see which one of them suits you best; not that you feel comfortable with it, rather it seems to get uncomfortably close to your nature.
Of course; there are many factors within the Birth-Chart which can enliven or negate the action, but the basic nature is always there and will cause a sense of frustration and heat if criticised.
I trust you all, who have Saturn in Aries, have a safe and careful journey; and do not rush but read each sentence so you do not miss your turn or race to get ahead of yourself…
As one man said…”I ran so fast, I met myself coming back!”… He had Saturn in Aries!
Find yourself in the next twelve pages of Saturn in Aries and deal with it. Seek help, even though asking for it will go against your nature. Asking for help will find you a teacher and make life easier!

Friday, September 26, 2008


So here we have the Aries nature.

(This does not imply you are an Aries Sun-Sign, simply that you have the planet Saturn sitting in the Zodiac Sign of Aries within your chart!)

Saturn is a restrictive planet, its measure of time means it can hold you up or set you back…Can you feel that tension already; the times when you have wanted to rush ahead and something happens which upsets the apple-cart, the temper snaps and you lose your cool!

Saturn teaches one to take time, to learn the art of patience… ‘Patience’!... Now there’s a word for the Aries nature to swallow and spit out.
You lot, who have Saturn in Aries, hate waiting. You simply want to be off and at it, heading out into the unknown without a plan in your head.
You wont listen or take notice of those who have a wise and old head on their shoulders… You have no time to waste on planning or learning. You simply gallop off into the sunset at a youthful top-speed.

But here’s a funny thing; while you can be ‘Gung-Ho’ and impatient; when Saturn sits in Aries, it does rob you of that heated nature, which allows you to volunteer your services.
You will stand back, refusing to put yourself up front. It’s a psychological thing, in that you want to be up there, in the lead, yet wait till another gets ahead, then you become critical, feeling you are somehow robbed of your rightful place.
You want the ‘Reputation’ but fear the ‘Testing’.
Is it that you have an underlying fear of not being able to go the distance, to complete the course? Or is it that you don’t wish to put yourself ahead, in case you make a fool of yourself, whilst others are watching?
Take you time; think about what you have read here, does it make sense to you? Or do you immediately get hot under the collar, burn with resentment, as if this writer is being critical of your nature?

Are you a born leader, or does the question make you shrug, as if you couldn’t care less. What makes you hold back from leading the pack? Perhaps the answer lies in being alone and doing your own thing.

Ask yourself this; can you walk into a packed hall without feeling that everyone is looking at you… And if they do look at you, do you resent the fact?

Saturn in Aries is all about learning to be secure in yourself and to seek a reputation through leadership.
What you do and how you act is what gets you a good or bad reputation!

Saturn in Aries is all about gaining a reputation, having others look up to you in some way. It has, both, positive and negative actions, in that, if you learn to wait, to evolve and grow, you will find that you will get the reputation you seek.
But Aries, by nature, is full steam ahead, so the restrictive action of Saturn can be very trying; like the parent or adult who is always trying to stop you from going out, placing rules and authority over you. Or the teacher who makes you sit down in class, watching you and criticising you for getting things wrong; making you go over things, redoing them, till you get it right!
Saturn in Aries holds you back and ties you down, it has you in a headlock, so you can’t move, no matter what you do. It’s just that you have not learned to wait until you feel the restraining arm-lock relax, a time when you can simply walk away free!

Know this, the first part of your life is hard, but the second part pays dividends if you have learned from the lessons in life!


Before I go on about Saturn in Aries, let’s have a look at this Fire Sign…The sign of Aries.

Aries is a Cardinal Fire Sign, which means that you lads and lasses who are born with your Sun in Aries do like to take the lead, to spear-head the attack.
You tend to go directly to the point, not a thought in your mind, except to get to where you’re going, or to obtain what you’re after.
It’s not that you’re greedy, even though you will take the biscuit as a trophy, if that’s the prize… The point is to win, to get there first, without a thought of what is left behind (And there’s often a mess left behind for others to clear up!)

Your outlook is youthful, to always be on the move and you act aggressively if another blocks your way. You will ‘Ram-Raid’ your way through and act in a ‘Rambunctious’ way, to get where you’re heading.
Words beginning with ‘Ram’ are very Arian. The planet Mars is your ruler and you can be the iron which, when rubbed-up the wrong way, becomes the magnet, the attraction for trouble.
You never mean to hurt, you are ‘Strong-Willed and ‘Hard-Headed’ but your mettle has a soft core which can mean you are not made for long drawn-out fights, simply because you can melt in the heat of the battle!





Thursday, September 25, 2008



The Fire Signs are naturally direct, bright and optimistic in their approach. They like to take the lead in an enthusiastic way. Should Saturn sit in a Fire Sign, then the nature will be less showy and fiery.

The Air Signs are communicative and direct, with speech being the operative word. Should Saturn sit in an Air Sign, then communication will not be so forthright in coming.

The Earth Signs are practical and persevering, cautious and careful in the build-up to what is needed in a material sense. When Saturn sits in an Earth Sign, then practicality has to be learned, as is patience to make gains.

The Water Signs are emotive and use sensitivity to express themselves. The feelings are close to the surface and not easy to control. When Saturn sits in the Water Signs, there is a need to allow emotions to flow with ease, so there is no ‘Bottling-up’ of natural feelings.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008



Check here first to find your Saturn Sign...Just read down till you find your birth-date and then read across to see your Saturn Sign...


Aug13th...1919.... Oct7th...1921…. VIRGO.
Oct8th......1921.... Dec20th...1923.... LIBRA.
Dec21st....1923.... Apr6th.....1924.....SCORPIO.
Jan15th.....1938....Jul5th........1939..... ARIES.
Jun4th……2003.…Jul20th….2005…. CANCER.
Jul20th…2005…. Sept2nd… 2007…… LEO.

From the 2nd of September 2007… Saturn moves into VIRGO.



Saturn is the psychological driving force which causes a person to fear the unknown. Often it is deeply rooted, so that it is never quite understood.

In this book is the means of finding out where your Saturn Sign lies within your Birth-Chart and then understanding there is no real need to fear through uncertainty and insecurity. Saturn is not a ‘Bogey-man’, hiding under the bed, it is part of one’s evolvement and can be fun to realise why and what it is there for.

Saturn is your big ‘Brother or Sister’, a friend who will help you find a way up to the top of the hill, the rocky mountain path, if you allow it to. Simply find your inner self, that part of you which is your ‘Shadow-soul’ and bring it out into the light. That’s when the fun can begin.

Follow your friendly Saturn round the circle till it points out where you sit and then read the lesson and follow the clues. Once you see how easy the road ahead is, you will see the funny side of life and understand there was nothing to be frightened of after all. Then it’s all about lightening up your life and running free!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


It has to be remembered, about Astrology, that the planets are not the controlling factor in the life. The planet Saturn is used to symbolise what affects our inner structure.
In effect, Saturn symbolises the sense of ‘Learning’, what we need to ‘Learn’ as we go through life. Thus, we can say that Saturn is a ‘Teacher’. It teaches how to handle things in the life which, if the lessons are not learned, will cause untold frustration.

It has to be understood, that we all have Saturn in our lives, none is exempt from a time of learning.
We have our Saturn expressed in different ways, a reason why, what might upset or frustrate one person, will be accepted quite calmly by another.

Saturn is seen as ‘Father-Time’, a ‘Grim-Reaper’ figure which carries a scythe. This is one reason why people have ‘Learned’ to dislike the idea of Saturn, terming it as ‘Satan’. We have words deriving from Saturn, such as ‘Saturnine’, cold and authoritative.
The real truth is, Saturn is a wise teacher and beneficial to those who are willing to be examined, having become knowledgeable. In all, exams can be fun, once one sees the funny side of Saturn.

Monday, September 22, 2008



I first became interested in Astrology about 30 years ago. It was introduced to me by a very strange old lady and in even stranger circumstances. I shall not go right into details, except to state that I put all work aside, not returning home for two weeks, almost hermit-like in existence until I had mastered the elements of basic Astrology.

I realised, within astrology, lay secrets of the human nature, the way one reacts to circumstances which trigger off feelings of frustration… Astrology contained the secrets of one’s natural ‘Psychology’!
Throughout my years of study, I felt that the planet Saturn was my favourite, for it offered the real explanations of ‘Hold-Ups’ and ‘Hold-Backs’ in the life…
So; once understanding our ‘Saturn-Stress’, life could then become a ‘Saturn-Full’ bundle of fun, teaching us to laugh at life and at ourselves.
I trust you enjoy this book and see the funny side of life…



Saturday, September 20, 2008



It has to be remembered, in finishing this work on the Sun Signs; not everyone, astrologically, will agree with my findings, be critical of my explanations…But that is their right, as long as they do not assume their own interpretations to be the only ones that are correct. Like most things, it is up to the serious student to glean all forms of information they can, to gain the basics and then, only then, to set about determining what they believe to the one which works for them.
I am at pains to write that, should you be seriously considering to take astrology as a subject, then you might be also well instructed in the Bible and other religious works, as well as reading up on Mythology (Especially Greek Mythology, which I found to be very instructive as to basic lessons in characterization and natural psychology!)

Again; I remember when first reading Linda Goodman’s Sun-Signs, how impressed I was by her words, that one should make astrology as simple as possible. In this way, I draw up my charts, using only ‘Equal Housing’. Now, this might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but it works for me. Then; I tend to keep only the major aspects in mind, the conjunctions, oppositions, trines and squares (More to the ‘Grand Aspects!). I dismiss retrogrades and the millions of ‘Clutter-Bugs’ which confuse a mind. My idea is to keep it simple, even though it is important to know all the details, the basics of astrology, so that you may argue with the astrological intelligentsia! And last of all, have fun with astrology and do not live by it. Use it as a tool whereby you can draw up another’s psychological ‘Fingerprint’. This is the modern-day usage of astrology; and do not be afraid to use all the computer software available.

Ron S King.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

SUN in PISCES in 12th. HOUSE.


When the Sun sits in the Twelfth House, then you might sacrifice everything for love, take a chance, imagining that love plays a romantic role, that you will be in heaven when you give yourself to an ideal relationship. This combination is all about sacrifices, giving yourself and what you own up to a higher ideal, it is a romantic dream, to martyr yourself for your beliefs. So you cast yourself in the role of saviour, of one who gives up the pleasures of live, the parties and the gaiety, so that you prefer the simple pleasures of life, the simple scene and practice what you preach.

You are one who does shy away from the spotlight, keep to the shadows, allowing your high sensitivity and imagination to put you into the picture. You may not actually be a ‘Hero’, one who wields a flaming sword, who show’s off to the world, but the simple joy of putting yourself into that position, imagining yourself as one who saves the world is always a bed-time comfort, and you can dream your life away unless you wake up to the dawning light and get on with the real competition which life offers.

In many respects, this need, to dream of a higher performance can come from deeper feelings of inferiority, in that yours is a very sensitive and highly impressionable nature. You are in sympathy with all those who suffer in the world, the ‘Simple Folk’ who have no champion. You have a universal cross to bear, so you imagine yourself on a crusade, you wear the badge of courage and would need others to see this show of courage, of your service and duty to those who cannot protect themselves. You may well join the Samaritans, some secret force who sets out to save lives, or the Salvation Army, fighting for a ‘Spiritual’ victory, that peace wins over war. You may sacrifice your identity, hide under a mask, so no-one knows of your good deeds, your act in ‘Life’s’ play!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

SUN in PISCES in 11th. HOUSE.


When the Sun sits in the Eleventh House, then you can just imagine how things will be for you in the future, how rosy life is, your friends in high places and your role as a group leader. But you are also aware that dreams are a way of escaping from reality, fanciful hopes and wishes which, though fancied, will not give you the comfortable feeling which a family and home can give. You might dream of becoming independent, free to make your own way.

It’s a strange fact, that you might be treated like a King or Queen at home, live in a palace; yet that can feel onerous, that there are strings attached, rules and regulations, tied in with family tradition.
So you dream of escape, running away, breaking with tradition and becoming a free agent, to be your own person in the future, even to build a home which can house all your friends, all of who you might treat royally so they see you as an ideal leader, one who leads the group to freedom, rather like Moses did with the Israelites, taking your group to a new and promised land, where the food is ‘High Hopes’, the table laden with ‘Wished-Dishes’ of ambrosia, the cups, which ‘Runneth over’ with Nectar. In a way, you can visualize yourself as one who leads your group of disciples, out from the lands of the past, into a world of ‘Future’ promised, the ‘Promised Land’.

It has to be seen that you are a visionary in many respects, that you do envision the future, but the reality is far different from the rosy view which you might imagine. It can be that you only imagine a ‘Utopian’ society, all in equality; but humanity is a frail nature, instinctively aggressive and greedy, never happy to accept change, to be nursed into a healthy future, it’s past is a habit which it lives by. You might sacrifice your future for your ideals, but the past will catch up with you in the future!

SUN in PISCES in 10th. HOUSE.


When the Sun sits in the Tenth House, then you might see yourself as a famous artist or one who works as a well-known designer, who creates high-fashion, having your own brands in windows of the very best shops in the most famous Capital Cities.
In many respects, you are determined to reach the top, have a reputation for working, being relied on to use your creative instinct so your name is a blaze of lights.

To some degree, this need for a working reputation can be a dream, to spend more time dreaming about a position at the top, to draw the picture in your mind, sketching it out, then painting it in vibrant colours. With this combination, it can be very hard to make this dream come true, to understand just where you fit in the world of commerce and graft. The truth is, you really are not built for the competitive spirit of business, of being grasping and greedy, of pushing others out, so that you can take their place. You are highly sensitive and very sympathetic, not the one to display a harsh temperament, you wouldn’t dream of walking over another.

But; dreaming of being an artist, a fashion designer, a writer, working in the business of creating works of fine art and ‘Haute Couture’ can always play on your mind. You can imagine following in the footsteps of the famous, wear the shoes of ‘Film-Stars’ high heels which have others look up to you.
Such dreams are safe enough, but if you fly too high, then, like Icarus, you might well come down to earth with a ‘Bang’. It’s a fact, you will have a flair for communication your needs, mentally bright and a bit of a ‘Show-Off’, when it comes to speaking as if you have reached the top, putting on a ‘Telephone Voice’; but you can make it to the top if you reason out that to reach the top, one has to start at the bottom, be original within creativity and not dream of copying the ‘Famous’.

Friday, September 12, 2008

SUN in PISCES in 9th. HOUSE.


When the Sun sits in the Ninth House, then you can forever be in search of the ultimate dream, to travel the world in your search for fame. You might well be found looking at maps and pictures of far-away places, a dreamy look on your face, imagining what it would be like, living the dream. Again; your eyes might always look up to the sky as a plane flies overhead, wondering where it is going and who is lucky enough to be able to afford the air-fare.

It all depends on finances, as to what you can afford and where you will travel. Travel and reading are your way of broadening your knowledge, but it’s often the case that, in a strange way, finances are tied up with family responsibilities. Even so, the imagination plays a large part in your quest to explore distant horizons. Again; you might have loved Geography at school, more than any other subject, simply because your mind is geared towards seeing visions of you moving among the visitors, exploring old civilizations and famous cities, like Paris and Rome. It’s often the case that you will imagine what it’s like to be back in the past, in Biblical times, when early Christians followed the sign of the ‘Fish’.

You are very spiritual and will love to visit a church, to simply sit there and soak up the atmosphere of peace and enthusiasm of a choir singing. In a way, you use your imagination as an escape from the hum-drum of life, or the trials of having to earn money and keep the bills paid. When it comes to financial security, you can be proud of the way you work, that you can save and pay your way. You would hate to have to borrow from others, to allow them to see you in poverty; but, here again, your sympathy is easily touched and should another give you a ‘Sob-Story’, then it takes very little for you to hand over the cash and so sacrifice your determination to travel abroad…And so, out come the maps and in comes imaginative scenes and hopeful prayers.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

SUN in PISCES in 8th. HOUSE.


When the Sun sits in the Eighth House, then you have the dream of gaining some form of reputation, that others will look at you with respect. You want to make your mark in some way which gives you pride, and to have another to share your sense of pride, to have those round you whom make you feel good and who you can show-off to when out and enjoying yourself. You like to put yourself out in front, to gain applause for your actions; however, the problem is that, on your own, you may feel less confident. You understand that you don’t have to put on a brave front, a brave act, so you keep quiet and become less impressive. In a way, you can be who you share your time with.

In a way, you have two sides to your nature, the one side is positive and showy, good-hearted and brave, with a willingness to do anything for your friends. Then there is the emotional and sympathetic side, highly imaginative and keeping this side secret to the self. It can be that, when with a partner whom you like, you might then share this softer, inner-nature, this shy and sensitive nature, which lacks the hard confident front you wear out in public.
But there can be times when you are not sure when the bravado stops and the sensitive impressionable nature begins, life can be like that, not sure what side to take on, when endings come and beginnings start.

There will be a time when you might finally let go of the act and take on a partner with whom you can just be yourself, naturally sensitive. But, to do this, means you have to back away from friends and a good time, to settle into the background and live a quiet life with your chosen partner. This giving up the ‘Good Life’, making the ultimate sacrifice can be asking too much of your nature.
Your course is set and it can be very hard to effect changes!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

SUN in PISCES in 7th. HOUSE.


When the Sun sits in the Seventh House, then you will relate to those who can give you forms of ‘Spiritual’ uplift, so you can relate to life’s harshness with a sense of purpose. It’s often a case that, when it comes to relationships, you would need a partner who gives you the confidence to believe in yourself, to put you on a pedestal so that you feel like a king or Queen. It also means that you might well relate to another who uses you as a model, who proposes that you look like a film-star and likes to take photos of you, urging you to take up acting and to use an actress or actor as a role-model.

It has to be remembered that this ‘Modeling’ of the self, on a well known person, can work both ways, in that you might chose a partner because they are a copy of someone you admire. It has to be assumed that you will tend to act in such a spirit of ‘Take-over’ that you can really believe you are the real Actor/Actress, so that you dress and wear the same make-up (Especially shoes, if the shoes fit!), and so become known as a ‘Look-Alike.’

You might find a job whereby you work behind the scenes, working on film-sets, so that you meet and socialize with the actors you might fantasize about. You can be drawn to the social scene where famous people go, eat at the top places, even if it depletes your bank balance. This does not mean you would live a Walter Mitty lifestyle, it’s just that you would relate to those people who rubbed shoulders with those whose names which, if mentioned during a conversation, would give you some sense of showing-off, that you would rise in estimation and asked to join in any party scene.
Generally; you would want to meet those who seem to be unreachable, to be dreamed of… But the ideal partner would be someone who meets up to your personal idea of stardom.

Monday, September 8, 2008

SUN in PISCES in 6th. HOUSE.


When the Sun sits in the Sixth House, then you might well work with those who care for the sick and the suffering, find your niche within groups who nurse the population. It can be hard for you to sacrifice your time for those who need you, simply because you ‘Spiritually’ suffer for those who need your service, your sympathies can become the ‘Cross’ you have to bear in life.

You are one who naturally tries to please everyone and so can suffer from forms of indecision, needing another to give you the answers. In a way, you find the answers to how you prove yourself, through friends who aspire to make changes towards the way laws can be changed, so that humanity gets an equal share of the First-Aid, a helping hand so that rich and poor each get an equal bite of the proverbial ‘Dream-Cake’. You are at your best when working in a charitable way, making a show of how your input can affect life in the future.

It can be hard to see where you should go and what you can do, as far as a career is concerned. You do have your dreams and want to be outrageous in some way, cause an uproar so your dramatic display gets you noticed; but, the reality is that you can be quite shy and more concerned about learning to overcome nerves and ‘Stage-fright’, than stepping out onto the world stage on your own. But, within a group, you can hide and keep out of the spotlight, yet continue to help out and even lead the ‘Gang’ in many charitable acts. In this way, you can escape the real hard times of exposure, working for the future which benefits humanity and also gives you a sense of doing good.
Over-work can cause you some health problems, affecting nerves and ills of a sympathetic nature; it can be that you find working within a world of alternative therapies can bring you to notice in your future.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

SUN in PISCES in 5th. HOUSE.


When the Sun sits in the Fifth House, then you are a born actor, a natural exhibitionist, although you would be careful to work your magic on the stage, give some dramatic interpretation, though not so much the fool when it comes to your daily life. Your act is part of your work, to seek forms of career whereby you can be creative and show-off, hide under the greasepaint so that others, who meet you, are not fully aware of your true spirit.

Diversely; you are not one to accept people with open arms, you have a deep mistrust of those who greet people as if they have known them all their lives. You might act in an accepting way, but will keep your opinions to yourself and feel you know the strength of those you come up against. You do have the deep feelings which help give you impressions, that you use such sensitivity to judge people with. Often others can misjudge you, not fully understand that what they see is just a dramatic act. This judgment, of judging you from first impressions can bring some drama into your life, because you are one who has a strong sense of ‘Will’, who will accept challenges.

In life, you imagine you are very capable of achieving all forms of possibilities. If you are given a position of authority, of being in charge, then you can give a powerful act of making a career out of being at the top. It’s all about having self-belief and working one’s way up to the top of the ‘Bill-Board.’. You have many aims and are versatile, the nous to make a great ‘Escape Artist’, to remove yourself from the harsh reality of life. While you are not really into competitive action, joining the ‘Rat-Race’, you do know how to act so that others have faith in your abilities. You can easily work with children, as an entertainer or hero, finding that you can enjoy their company better, than mixing with those of your own age. Children and the aged are more your concern.

SUN in PISCES in 4th. HOUSE.


When the Sun sits in the Fourth House, then you might spend a lot of time dreaming about the past and actually living within this theatrical world. You are very sensitive to atmospheres and some places you visit can actually make you feel physically sick, that you cannot stay around. In this way, you might feel far more at home in a natural place of solitude, a place where you can rest and get some sense of peace. In fact you might travel the world, seeking a spiritual home so that you can ‘See’ the light.

You can always travel around, looking at old castles and churches, places of interest and where you can expand your knowledge of time’s past. You might always have a form of library indoors, have books and maps, charts and effects from the Crusades, which go towards making a ‘Home-Museum’.
You can always ‘Show-off’ your knowledge, have pictures and photos of your travels, gain a strong sense of identity from what you have in the home. In this way, you can have a family tree drawn up, which proves that you have well-known ancestors, who moved abroad and settled, so that you gain a sense of pride through how well your ancestors have done, your family heritage.

By nature, you are curious about many things and have many aims in the life, to learn, study and broaden your horizons through travel… In a strange way, Australia can be the draw, that members of the family have emigrated there, or that you are drawn to the cultures of the Aborigine and Maori peoples. You may dream of going into the Amazon and living with the tribes of that locality, learning about ancient myths and religions. Here again, is the draw to the past and to gain knowledge, that your favourite place at home is the study, where you can escape, put your feet up and simply dream of being in far-away places with strange-sounding names.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

SUN in PISCES in 3rd. HOUSE.


When the Sun sits in the Third House, then you can do impressions which can always gain applause, even if the words you use are straight from another’s mouth. You can mimic anyone you care to, give mental imitations of a dream-world, impress others with your stage-act, but you do realize that what you think, how you communicate, can be a grand display which illuminates a theatre and hold your audience captive.

You do have a sense of atmosphere and can create this within writing or telling stories which can keep children captivated. You also have a flair for communicating your needs and would dream of seeing your name in lights, to have secret dreams, perhaps of being an actor or a poet, there’s a strong sense of creativity which can come out in surprising ways. Some might just see you as a dreamer, or one who keeps others amused with your dramatic displays; but there is more to you than just one who paints pictures with words, there will be a time when you show your hidden talents, when you find that light which has been dormant and will brighten your style. In a strange way, you will change the way you think, this communicating spirit will then bring your dreams to light and give you a voice in the community.

There will be a time when you can make a sacrifice of your time, to undergo changes, so that you will become more vociferous, more intense in the way you speak, so that others will listen to what you say and be so impressed, that you gain exactly what you have dreamed off, to become known through your communicative spirit and make your mark on the local community.
You will give up your dreams, of being a big dramatic actor, impressing others with your act; to end what was and then to start anew, in a way which puts your name in lights!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

SUN in PISCES in 2nd. HOUSE.


When the Sun sits in the Second House, then there is no doubting the fact that those with money and what money can buy, impress you. And the fact is you can imagine what you would buy should you have enough money to go round the world with. Financial security, to own a bank and have the cash to buy whatever you want. This can be your dream, your escape from reality; to fly on a magic carpet, to meet an oil-rich Sheik, or a fabulous Film-Actress, who whisks you off to a land of plenty.

There are times in your life when your world is richly-coloured and viewed through ‘Rose-Tinted’ glasses, times when you will grandly over-spend on your allowance, to impress friends and those who gain the illusion that you have unlimited funds, that the credit-card is made of elastic, not plastic. It is times like this when you do need a partner who can, either, earn enough to keep you in the manner dreamed of, or be there to stop you from overspend, who will tell you what is gold and what is brass. You can always need someone who brings you down to earth, to show you that money does not grow on trees or that it is not necessary to own the world, to have a ball or enjoy a good social scene.

Even so; you are attracted to those who have power and are filled with the same dreams as you, those who illuminate the room as they walk in, so the music starts and the ball begins. You can become possessive, needing to own and filled with times of confusion, of self-doubts. For this reason you might rely on another to make the decisions as to where the finances go, spend cash which allows the partner within a relationship to keep up the display of having a large bank-roll.
It has to be remembered that financial security is all about one’s sense of pride, of giving an act of having plenty, that you relate to those in the finance company; that it can be just an act!

Monday, August 18, 2008

SUN in PISCES in 1st. HOUSE.


When the Sun sits in the first house, then you are known as a ‘Double Rising Sign’. This means that the Zodiac Sign of Aquarius was ‘Rising’ in the Eastern sky at the moment of your birth. A ‘Double Rising Sign’ means you act in a natural way, what one sees is what one gets with you; you do not hide behind a ‘Mask’.

You are one who really sets out to make an impression, to put yourself on the map in some way, to make a personal statement as to who you are and what you want from life. Although you can act like a champion, you are filled with the juice of sensitivity and will quickly feel sorry for another who is being attacked; in this way, you can become the ‘Champion’ of the ‘Underdog’, taking the side of those you feel sorry for. However; you must be sure that your feelings have set you on the right path, because there are times when your imagination can work too fast and you become confused and so become hoodwinked by those who will use your strengths to their own ends.

You do have a flair for helping those who need you, who suffer in some way, so that you can sacrifice your time in helping those who cannot help themselves; often you might find work within a nursing organization or voluntary service, like the ‘Samaritans’.
You can always be first on the scene, the one who gives up your time, to offer assistance, you have a great desire to be ‘Needed’ and such an impression to work in this way can often make it hard for you to find the perfect working atmosphere for you. In a way, you hate to see others suffer, can’t stand the sight of blood, yet you are there, in the forefront of battle, impressing others with your personal brand of protection.
When it comes to making your mark on this world, it all depends on the impression you give!

Sunday, August 17, 2008



The Pisces Sun-Sign is termed as being…

This implies that the basic nature is somewhat cautious in its approach to the world, with a liking to ‘Test’ the water first before making a commitment. The Pisces nature is very adaptable and changeable, disliking to be caught out, so that it can become slippery, like a ‘Fish’ which may wriggle and quickly escape from any trap set, of ‘Keep-Net’.

Pisces is very sensitive and emotional, the nature can easily be reduced to tears if suffering is witnessed, the nature dislikes harsh atmospheres and will seek solitude to escape from scenes of competition. However; one must not make the mistake of believing all one sees, the Pisces can be the ultimate actor, a Chameleon who can produce a first-class camouflage, a ‘Covering’ act.

Often; the Pisces will make sacrifices of what they have should another appeal to their charitable nature, Pisces will give what they have, going without themselves because pity causes them to feel sorry for the sufferer.
A major problem for the Pisces is that they are highly imaginative and very impressionable. A Pisces is not one to simply watch a film, Pisces will become part of that film, imagining they are acting the part; in this way, there are times when the Pisces has to be made to understand what is imagined, dreamed and what is reality. There is no desire to hurt, but a Pisces can always give an impression so that another can believe the act.

Often; it’s a case of who the Pisces chooses as friends, as to how the Pisces acts, often they might chose a stronger personality as a friend, impressed by such power and willing to copy the action.
The strong ‘Fish’ is the one who rises to the light, who creates a good impression!

Pisces Rising Sign Houses.


Self-Projection means, the way one projects themselves out into the public eye; how others see them, though not necessarily how they really are. How one goes through life, the basic energy to secure what is needed is an instinctive self-projective measure, either within an aggressive or defensive mode.

When you put on an act, it is so real that you are not even aware you are acting; there are be times when you really are not sure just who or what you are supposed to be. In many respects, it all depends on who you are with and the atmosphere which surrounds you at the time, as to how you behave. You mix very well with people, although dislike putting yourself on show, the sense being that others might try to pigeon-hole you. You are a dreamer and try to evade reality by losing yourself within film roles or being artistically creative. You are not into direct action, rather you direct any action from behind the scenes, the film director. You are very sensitive and will move away from any sense of violence, although there are times when you will take on the mantle of champion, for the sake of another who has invoked your sympathy. You are not sure exactly what you want from life or how to obtain the dreams you have, to make them come true. Some say you might have your head in the clouds, that you give away what you feel you have no need of, others, that you sacrifice your energy in a ramified way.

What is meant by Financial Security is the way in which you protect yourself through a sense of material possessions. It implies the need to own, in a practical and material sense, so that it gives a solid foundation. You might buy a house so that roots are put down, a base from which you can work. The implication is what you would need to possess in life as a practical building block so that you feel secure.
If it’s any form of personal financial security, then you are straight into action, generally without any fore-thought or plan, and this is where you may get financially burned. Impatient for a quick killing can have you heading for a financial mess. However; you will learn to wait before making a bid, and learning that possessions are not all about ego-trips. There are some big sharks out there and they can spot a person a mile away, one who wants to ‘Cut a dash’, always the first in the queue. But you do learn that a quick sale never has a guarantee and you can be the loser into the cut-price bargain! At times, you can be self-possessed, impatient to be the first to own something and frustrated when you run into brick walls. But you also realise that ‘The early bird catches the worm!’. perhaps any new-fangled thing will catch your eye, which starts you toying with the idea for action. But you are quick to start the build-up for possessive acquisition.

The spirit of communication implies the way in which one thinks, one’s method of logic, expressed through mediums of speech and writing. It is how one communicates within the local environment, the way information is gained and communicated to others. This is an area of everyday conversation, what one might talk about and who to. The sense is light-hearted and conducted in a spirited way.
When asked for a quick reply, you might never give an answer straight away. You much prefer to mull things over in your mind, chew the cud, as it were, so that what you say has practical definition. Your voice tends to be one of charm and you are into cultivating friendships. Often; the mind can be centered around the cost of materials, while speech can always bring up the price of shopping or bills to be met. The mentality is practical and down-to-earth, you have no time for fancy talk, plain and simple is your understanding. Your word is your bond, as is your handshake, solid as brass and you possess that brand of loyalty which means you say what you mean! But when you make your mind up, you can be extremely stubborn and nothing will shake you from the set idea; although you always ready to listen to a bargaining bid… Still you don’t mind paying for a song as long as the words are beautiful!
You can purchase books on things of appeal, on gardens and flowers, things which give you forms of conversation;
You really are a charming conversationalist and, after all, manners and kind words cost nothing.

Emotional Security is all bout how one feels, one’s sense of atmosphere and how one ‘Feels’ about the past; in the way the past reflects on how one deals with the present. If you had had a good early home-life, the past kind to you, this would be reflected in the way you react to present situations, and vice-versa. Emotional Security is all about atmospheres and our reactions to them.
You might well have a library of books and feel more at home reading five books at once. Whatever happens, you are into communication and can be the family spokesman, dropping in on members of the family for short visits and passing on the latest information. You are very much at home when multitasking, disliking the idea of being tied down to dull and boring routines. Your home can have a phone in every room, even the bathroom; and thank whoever invented the mobile phone and laptop, such inventions can keep you informed whenever you take your travels, whether far away or quick week-end breaks. It can be that you are quite a restless spirit and will move a number of times, though not far from the family home. Often you will use quotes, handed down through family tradition, saying what you feel, rather than what you think. When you are in the mood to talk, you can sit up all night, talking about past happenings. You like family traditions and old ties, often inclined to spend a night in reminiscence about family history. One day, you might even take up Genealogy, to see where you stem from.

Natural Creativity implies where one has natural flair, a need to show-off what comes naturally, be it your children, creative ideas or taking a chance on romance. A gamble and sense of fun comes under the influence of natural creativeness, as does poetry and other artistic forms.
You are the one who holds the family parties… The one who gathers the family around you and feed them from a large table; or is it that you like to be treated royally, a royal guest when you visit others. You really are great at creating a good atmosphere, well at home when taking a leading role. With children, you might nag a bit but you show all the warmth in the world and children reflect in that regal glow. You can be a ‘Night Romantic’ when the mood takes you and will take a moonlight stroll. But when you are in familiar surroundings, you are the ‘Queen Bee’ or the ‘King of the Castle’, busy creating any dramatic scene through force of habit. You have a flair for collecting friends around you and making them feel at home as you cook up a banquet fit for royalty. Mind you, you will take the seat at the head of the table and might even treat your guests like children at times!
You tend to take great pride in your home and would have gold taps in the bathroom if you could. It’s all about grabbing the lime-light in a way, there is an actor or actress in you, that bit of stage management which you can manage to show off with…Whatever; you manage!

By Practical Co-Working is meant how you apply yourself to any form of practical work, and how you get along with co-workers. This also applies to your sense of time and how you deal with detail as well as the sense of tidiness within your work. This gives an idea of your method and practical knowledge as well as ideas about health and dietary habits.
When it comes to working with others, you can be very proud of the way you deal with situations and people, although there is some temptation to laud it over others when put into a position of authority. You really are at your best when organising and delegating work, that’s where you shine, where you reign supreme; and are always ready to help out anyone who gets into trouble at work, as long as appreciation is shown. Where chaos reigns, you create order through making dramatic changes and file things so others know where everything is. You are big-hearted and proud in the knowledge you are always needed, even though you take the ‘Lions Share’ of what is going! You can create this flair for being on hand and always ready to help out. You never mind as long as your efforts are appreciated; and, with children, you can be everyone’s favorite Auntie…In fact, with your flair for handling situations, you could work in any advisory position or as an Agony Aunt. You pride yourself on your time-keeping and you shine when it comes to keeping a happy working atmosphere, you really are at the heart of orderly work.

Love is a sense of equality, your sense of ‘Give and Take’ within a relationship. This implies what attracts you, a magnetic quality which draws you in. At the same time, relationships can also imply open relationships and friendships, which are not tied down to domestication. This can also have reference to business partnerships and partnerships which have similar tastes.
When it comes to relationships, you may never be sure of what you are getting, simply because, what you imagine is ‘Your Type’, might not be your type when you come down to earth and start to realise that your partner does not reflect what you had in mind. In many respects, you can be fussy in your choice, seeking another who ‘Serves’ your purpose, rather than one who wants you for yourself. You might find that the partner can be one who soon puts’ you in your place, who doctor’s the situation so you become a dependant. In the end, you learn to make it your business to look closely at any choice, to rationalise your needs so that the partnership becomes a perfect pairing. It can often be the case that you like to pair up with another who needs your sympathetic understanding, one who needs counseling and setting on a right course. Relationships are a practical experience, and you have to see the broader sense when pairing to make a relationship work.
Often; you can be drawn to another who is the exact opposite to you, so that there is a practical solution to the
Tendency for you to ‘Fall in love with love’.

Shared Resources imply the way one gains from any partnership and how one deals with beginnings and endings. This gives an idea of how one secures the self through areas of joint venture and how one sees any sense of loyalty from another. It is also assessment of basic emotions and hidden qualities which can come to light in the life.
You are determined to share whatever you and a partner have. However; when it comes to relationships, it might be you who gives more than you get. Often, it’s the case that love can come, then disappear for a time…Only to rise again in a seeming stronger bond. Those you relate to in life are never forgotten, unless there is any sense of disloyalty. This fact means you would sever all communication, never to accept any show of renewal. You might find that, with this combination, any relationship is more plutonic and a business partnership, rather than a domestic tie-up. There has to be a strong intuitive bond for this combination to work, that there is a deep sense of sharing within the relationship, more than a communicative spirit, almost as if, whoever you bond with, are soul-mates and love was fated to happen! You will relate to the deeper mysteries of life, of life and death within a relationship so that it lasts till death do you part. There can always be the bond of assurance within a relationship, that one is insured through a deep sense of what come from the shared resource, like a collaboration of music, poetry or a child.

What is meant by expansion through experience is a measure of how and what one might learn through Deeper studies, or travel to far off lands, or a mixture of both, that one might travel to distant lands and gain experience of foreign cultures which enlivens the mind. Often, this experience is geared towards a spiritual uplift.
There can be very much the sense of an archaeologist in you, you like to dig deep and are determined to uncover anything which arouses your interest. You are the kind who can vanish into a jungle, looking for new worlds and realising no boundaries. You can also have an interest in the paranormal and mysteries which can take up much of your time. Things like Psychology would also interest you, the urge to dig into the mind of others. The promise of foreign worlds to conquer can carry you across oceans, towards others who will share your deep interests, your attempts at pot-holing and cavern searching! It would be important for you to find another who would share in any joint venture, whether it be traveling across miles of jungle track or digging deep into the minds of others; mystery and learning are what you really are all about. You are really into the secrets of lost worlds and research, to study, then share this knowledge with those who are less fortunate; in a way, you dig for buried treasure, bringing to light things which were lost ages ago. You are very determined and resourceful, ever hopeful of transcending this earth-code, to rise to a higher heaven, mastering the self

By reputation and career, is meant how one wants to be seen by those in authority, and how one wants to be looked-up to, with respect, depending on what kind of reputation one gets. The implication is what one wants to achieve, within career and status in life, especially within maturity. In all, this is about how one deals with those in authority.
You might want to be an airline pilot or long-distance lorry driver; the basic reason being, that you are not tied down to everyday working hours. Certainly, career can take you far away, to distant lands. You might want to further your education so you move up to become Head-Teacher or a Guru. Care must be taken that you are not tempted to teach down to others, to ‘Preach’ a sermon, or to judge with prejudice. When it comes to career and status in the life, you do have a varied choice, but, whatever the choice, you would find that study and concentrated effort comes when you have learned to settle, to know the law of the land.
Often; it’s a fact that you are not one who likes to be tied down to dull and boring routine; freedom of the road is your motto, so you will work where you judge that there is room for expansion and growth within the company. You can be the ‘Big Organiser’, or the greatest dramatist, the world can be your oyster if you are so enthusiastic!
It is often the case that the second half of life is better for you, a time when you have learned to relax and make better judgments, when you have ‘Learned’ to learn.

By stating future hopes and wishes is meant what is expected to happen with regards to the future. There is also social order to reason with, friends, too, who might rise one up the social ladder. This is all about the future prospects, although the element of reversals are always present, and not always taken into account.
There is a strong desire to contain any sudden moves which can cause criticism and accusations, which, in effect, can bring a stain on your reputation. In this way, you are one who might well refrain from joining groups which do not have serious intentions. You prefer somber-minded people, those who are career-minded, with aspirations of reaching the top of the tree. Such friendships are cultivated as a benefit, although there are times in the life when things will not go as planned and can have some affect on the career. You can be very inventive, almost the absent-minded professor at times, as your mind delves into the future. You like to plan things in detail, so nothing goes wrong, have maps and drawings, as if going into the unknown. When it comes to dealing with unknown quantities, this is when you are at your most cautious, you will take your time with life. It’s not that you are a home-bod, it’s just that you do not care to play reckless games, or go to places where there are lawless situations which can get you into trouble. In all things, you take one step at a time and test out each move.
You are careful in your approach and make the future work for you, your social life a gradual uphill climb.

The implication here is that one makes sacrifices within the life and gives an impression to others of acting like a Samaritan; whether good or bad, depends on the nature of the personality. This is creativity of a high order, emotive and poetic, the giving without expecting anything in return.
You might well sacrifice your sense of orthodox religious beliefs, seeking a more updated and original spiritual nature which can bring you into contact with the occult. This combination can bring idealised love which overrides the boundaries of what is considered civilised. Dreams can be carried through so that Humanity becomes the ‘Utopia’, a successor to the Church. However; you could be influenced by dreams which are often nebulous and inspire illusions, giving impressions of good, whilst the reality being that one uses the sense of spiritual goodness to be the receptor rather than the giver! One might use fervour to whip up dissension against the spirit of the law. There can be deception used so that followers to the ‘Cause’ are not given the full truth. It is always possible that you follow trends you feel sympathetic to; this can depend on who your friends are and what humanity means to them.
Often, this combination can make sacrifices of what one expects from life and work towards charitable causes for the good of humanity, work which benefit’s the world within the future. Your world is often a flashing of insight, of visions, of a ‘Brave new world’; such illusions can inspire the sudden need to make changes!

Friday, August 15, 2008



The Rising Sign; often called the Ascendant Sign; is that sin of the Zodiac which was ‘Rising’ in the Eastern sky at the time of one’s birth.
The Rising Sign is the way one will act, how one projects the self out into the public arena.

Here is a list of those with Sun Signs, which will have an Aquarius Rising Sign…

Pisces Sun in the First House…

Aries Sun in the Second House.

Taurus Sun in the Third House…

Gemini Sun in the Fourth House…

Cancer Sun in the Fifth House…

Leo Sun in the Sixth House…

Virgo Sun in the Seventh House…

Libra Sun in the Eighth House…

Scorpio Sun in the Ninth House…

Sagittarius Sun in the Tenth House…

Capricorn Sun in the Eleventh House…

Aquarius Sun in the Twelfth House…

Next comes a brief write giving the basics of the Pisces Rising Sign as it goes through the Houses.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008



What creative spirit lies in water’s deep
This energy which some may never know
It is a sympathy that causes some to weep
Undercurrents where emotive waters flow

Piscean nature; Oh you sense of empathy
Feeling the cuts of those who often bleed
Taking the hurt in your water’s sensitivity
Giving yourself to those who show their need

In adaptive mood are you keen to often take
On new forms and swim in the current stream
You know deep waters and the shallow lake
When to earth yourself from any magic dream

Yours is the artistic spirit, the poet's touch
The escapist from earth’s harsh realities
There are times when you can only take so much
Times when only dreams seem to please

Soft now is your mysterious immortal soul
Born were you to pay a lover’s price
In spirit, no-one can predict your end’s goal
Only you understand ideas of Pisces sacrifice

Poem by Ron S King.




20 February – 20 March.


Sunday, August 10, 2008



When the Sun sits in the Twelfth House, then you are liable to hide your light behind the curtains of uncertainty, the fear that how you act might cause others to point you out if any mistakes are made. But you learn, through time, that you are a ‘God-Send’ to those who need your advice, you can act as a saviour to those who need to feel that you one whom those who suffer can have faith in.

In a strange way, you just seem to know how to communicate, to speak the right words which will put people at their ease, make friends with all of humanity, become a healer of those who need to find another who will speak up on their behalf. You can be the healer, or one who works the ‘X-Ray’ machines, one who detects the good or bad health of patients. You work for the benefit of all and can easily sacrifice all your ambitions to work for nothing except the good grace of others.

It can also be that you would suffer from feelings of inferiority, that you need to belong to a group, so you can melt into the safety of not being identified as the leader. You might just sacrifice your identity, become one of a group who seek solitude so that insight is gained through meditation and relaxation techniques. Even so, you will know that you would be needed by those who have ill-health, who need your insight and dedication.

You can be the ‘Hippy’, one who travels to foreign lands to gain knowledge, who dreams of learning how to use ‘Yoga’ and other forms of healing, so that, on returning, the dream is to show and teach others. You may never ‘Go it alone’, move only with the aid of a group, a band of ‘New-Age; Energy-Seekers’, live in a Commune, independent of social contact. This can be what you have to experience, sacrificing ambitious dreams, before you can make dreams come true!

Saturday, August 9, 2008



When the Sun sits in the Eleventh House, then you expect so much from life, high aspirations and ambitions, which can give you the stage you need on which to act out your dramas. You are the one who will lead the cast, in future; play a leading role and be the ruler, the leader of the group. You have many friends, those who sit at your feet and applaud you as any delighted audience will at the end of a good act, there can even be a call for an encore, you might always expect that and feel let down if there is no such call.

In a way, you seek your personal goals and identity through your actions within a group, a class of friends who would join you at any social event. Mind you, even though you will have lots of friends and people who long to be in your ‘Gang’, you might still stand outside the arena, be one who communicates through phone-calls or on the computer, so that you retain an independent air and are not really classified as one of the gang. That way you stand alone, yet know that others will always keep in contact. You are friendly and good-hearted but need to stage your own show, you like to go on stage on your own, before allowing a cast to join the act, after you have taken your bows.

In a way, you are naturally fast and go for what you want, you go head-first, this need to arrive first on the scene can mean that you arrive before the scene is set, so you might stand on bare boards and without make-up. This also allows for an unprepared script, that you can shock others by suddenly making statements which are unrehearsed an unauthorized; which can just as easily shock your audience. There are times when you can act in a rebellious way, suddenly change the rules and walk away from a settled play, when you have a mind to do this, you will be the rebel without a cause; for this reason, you will always be in search of a cause to fight, in future!

Friday, August 8, 2008



When the Sun sits in the Tenth House, then you can seek a position which gives an exciting sense of importance, a position whereby you can electrify your electors with new and evolutionising ideas, which will give all of humanity a sense of independence.
In a way, you will want to be seen as one who revolutionizes the whole procedure of government, bring down the old school so the ‘New Age’ over-rides tradition and the ‘Old Scholl Tie’ brigade.

You are the electronic wizard, the computerized magician, one who uses updated sciences to benefit humanity, the scientist who can suddenly become famous for inventing the computerized ‘Steam Engine’; you take the old, the traditional and customize it so that it does not ‘Ride the road’ but lifts off, into space… You bring the old into the new, looking back in time to invent a time machine which blasts the world into the future. You can be the one who excites us, yet you are also one who can shock a nation with your electronic machines which rule our behaviour.

Mind you; you are careful as to what you propose for future intelligence. You do not suddenly shock anyone with outlandish proposals, you will test what you propose, allowing time so that, in time, the air-waves will be buzzing, not with alarm but with expectation of new inventions which enliven humanity.
You may not be a ‘Space-Age’ electronics engineer, or a computer wizard, but, chances are, that you will suddenly find yourself in a class of your own, living in a house which is full of invented gadgets which make living so easy.
You might well follow in your parents footsteps, update the old company, have a flair for organizing generals meetings and have friends of the family who can be of help to you; but, in time, you might leave these friends behind as you seek to advance yourself, propelled into future success.

Thursday, August 7, 2008



When the Sun sits in the Ninth House, then you can experience a world full of new and exciting knowledge which will broaden your horizons, give you friends world-wide through forms of networking and updating information. You are one who will have unusual interests, wanting to know what makes the world spin and how one might know the truth of what history tells us. Knowledge is the keyword here, for you will explore any new world which can teach you something. You can be the one who works within groups which seeks to unravel the ‘Da Vinci’ code, be the leading light who reads the words on the ‘Rosetta Stone’, translating the words so that they are updated and prove to know what lies in the future. In a way, you would be very interested in the unusual, astrology and whatever source leads to the knowledge of prediction.

You can lead a group of missionaries on an exciting safari, into unexplored regions, whereby you can teach the indigenous tribes how to use the computer and spread the word of their civilization. However, you are a believer in humanity and seek the spiritual truth of universal knowledge, that we should not be classified, into groups of people but become a universal peoples who have choice of independence. You place high value on independence, especially when it means that each of us can think in an independent way, chose our own form of religious concepts, without being dictated to.
You are full of new and exciting ideas and might suddenly take off, pack your bags in a shock of new determination, to seek out new areas of examination. You do have a flair for teaching and can work as a teacher, having a class of children, teaching them updated ideas about subjects like philosophy and idealistic ventures; you can give others enthusiasm and aspirations, to become writers and experts in computers, enjoying updated communication.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008



When the Sun sits in the Eighth House, then you are not one to share your ideas unless another proves a sense of trust and loyalty. And you will know the inner feelings of another through a strong sense of intuition, which you have learned to trust and live by.
You have this unique knowledge, of knowing how to predict what is going to happen; well, not really, but you do have a strong intuition which can help you uncover any mystery, a sixth sense which others find hard to accept.
You can always be the leader of a group, who share similar ideas and have the need to uncover a ‘Mine’ full of diamonds. It’s more that you don’t have loads of ongoing friendships, you have one or two close cronies, but you do have a class-room full of associates whom you call ‘Friends.’

You do have a flair for discovering ways of gaining funds which give a sense of financial security; this indicates that you can use your sense of divination to work as a financial advisor, to give information about tax dividends and insurance policies which tax can be claimed for. You can also share your inventive knowledge about ‘Wills’ and ‘Inheritance’, which will insure that forms of death bring another financial relief.

You will be concerned about outdated ideas and would want to make an end to those old, out-dated, ideas which governments use to tax everyone. You see classification as unfair, that those in the ‘Rich’ class get a better deal than those within the ‘Working Classes’. You might set out to make changes in the way you work, create changes within your life so that you break away from what you were used to and begin to live in a different way, seek another who will share your ideas and sense of freedom. You will change your nature and become ‘Independent’, a change which will shock your financial expectations!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008



When the Sun sits in the Seventh House, then you will seek a partner, one who relates to your future needs, even though you might surrender your own aspirations to follow a partner’s ideas. It can be a case that you seek then, to move up the social ladder through your partner’s associations, through his creative talents and social outings.

This does not mean you don’t have a mind of your own, far from it, you are certainly a social animal and will join in any party which espouses the right intelligence, you can be the one who will dance to a party tune, the one who gets onto the floor before others, so that you are in the lead and others applaud your flair. It’s just that you do need to attract another who will dance well with you, even though the one you relate to might call the tune.
You know exactly what you want from life and will stand out from the crowd. You are a charmer, a crowed-pleaser, one who understands tact and diplomacy, who act the ‘Politician’.

But there are times when you can give a shocking display, when you just want to rock the old society to its foundations, to enliven the scene and get the attention of those who espouse the same old ideas, play the same tired old tune. And it can be at such times that you can break away from any ongoing relationship, look for another group of friends who will enjoy a more update social event, friends who are in a different class and who are a help in lifting you up to new avenues, new and exciting parties, whereby the chances are, you will meet another who sparks you off and gives your life the glitz and dazzle you desire.

Whatever happens in your life, you do stand out from the crowd, that ‘In-Crowd’ social scene; and it’s within that setting, within a group that you will gain a relationship.

Sunday, August 3, 2008



When the Sun sits in the Sixth House, then you have a flair for being on hand even before the event, you can be on the scene so that advice you give will lessen the effect of dramatic endings. You can work well in any office which deals with humanitarian projects, helping the lower establishments, acting in a the nature of a politician, as a go-between, a buffer between the shop floor and ‘High Office’.

You will stand out from the crowd, taking charge of affairs and making friends of those who need your advice. In a way, you can work within the medical field, not in the restricted sense as a medical practitioner but more as one who uses holistic remedies and the more unusual treatments which bring results. You tend to work differently from the norm and often seek employment in an ‘Independent’ way, working in an humanitarian way, having different times and rules from the norm.

You will create your own sense of ‘Timing’ and plan through intuitive reasoning, working through forms of group practice, even drawn towards the lifestyle of a ‘Hippy Commune’, working with those who have an independent air and freedom of the road.
You are not one who likes to have the rules of authority breathing down your neck, the ‘Nine-to-Five’ routine. Should you be put under this workload, then you are liable to shock the establishment by calling for a sudden strike and then taking half the workforce with you, to start your own band-wagon rolling, the wheels of which send shock-waves through the central core of conservatism.

You are the very best as a friend, always helpful and with friendly advice. You aspire to be one who will work with those who suffer and might even, suddenly, break away from tradition and martyr yourself for a future cause.



When the Sun sits in the Fifth House, then you are on show and you know it, you can set the stage alight, communicating your plans for your created offspring and their future. Whatever you work at, there is bound to be a whole sense of creative originality, you simply have to be different, ahead of a group who follow your lead. There is a strong desire to make your personal mark, get your gold medal, at some time in the life; you have a flair for standing out from the crowd and creating a disturbance if need be.

You do have a flair for creating futuristic games which can be an attraction for children. In fact children and ideas will figure in your life in some way. It can be that you have plans for your children, even before they are born, as to what schools they might go to, what colleges they would attend; already assuming the children would be bright enough to have the knowledge. Again; you would even decide what class of friends your children will have, you would not want them mixing with the lower classes.
All this forward thinking is geared towards creating chances and acting in such a way that you move up the social ladder; this would prepare the way for your children’s future.

There is always a chance that you might gain from what starts as a hobby, your flair for creating is something which gives you pride and confidence that you can achieve all you setout to do. You might have to be aware of the times when you go overboard and act in a reckless manner, taking a chance with ideas which have no thought or planning.
While you do aspire to make something of your life, give your offspring a springboard to the future, you can often take chances which do not work out as you planned; in a sense, you have to watch out for the ‘Maverick’ in you, that dramatic flair which can shock others from time to time.

Friday, August 1, 2008



When the Sun sits in the Fourth House, then you are tied up in the past in some way and need to learn through what went on in your past, through the unsettlement of movement when young. You are one who would have to upgrade your life in a way, move on into the future and not look back. The future will lie in having the latest electronic gear in the home and to open up so that friends and members of a group can come to your house, to feel at home, for social evenings and meetings, the talk centering on what can be done as far as the future is concerned.

You have a flair for organizing things and making things work; the home can also serve as a place of work, in that you can work independently from the rest of the company. You can enliven the atmosphere with your ideas, sometimes even shock others with outrageous statements, but you use this as a way of waking those more staid and traditional fold to your way of thinking.
You might find yourself more at home at general meetings and evenings with friends at a social gathering; though you can suddenly get bored with the same old routine and walk away from the setting.

You can set the scene alight with your work-rate and production, sewing the seeds for children to follow your example and working for the benefit of humanity. You can work your way up from the bottom, leave your past behind so that a new lineage is formed, that you have friends in high places, who help you move up the social ladder, till you are seated at the top of the pile, working with an intention to cause shock-waves which shake the core of civilization to its roots.
It has to be seen that these aspirations are virtually ‘High-Hopes’ a wishes for the future, that you find a place where you can settle down and work hard for a reputation and status.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008



When the Sun sits in the Third House, then you can be considered to be very communicative, with a need to communicate your needs through forms of group effort. Your ideas can be a leading force in this world, making you many friends, pen-friends and through networks, so that you can write what others see as brilliant ideas; although others might find your mind too radical and rebellious.

Your interests are wide and varied, that you do intend to see your name emblazoned in lights at sometime in the future, to have ambitions and aspirations to be known world-wide. Your views are independent and lean towards humanitarian aims, so that you will speak on behalf of those who cannot speak up for themselves. Your knowledge is well-intentioned, geared towards the future. In many respects, you sometimes think you can second-guess the outcome of what goes on in the world, predict the future.

You would be interested in many strange and unusual cultures, making friends of those who study such unusual practices as Astrology and the like. It is not that you speak out about breaking the law or leading a riot, but you do know how to lead the thinking, so that others follow and applaud your motivations, which can lead to governments and other leading lights to look at things in a different way, you your radical ideas cause sudden changes to policies. No matter who anyone says, they will not cause you to change your mind-set, as to how you think about those who suffer as social outcasts in the ‘Third World’.

You will learn all kinds of knowledge in your life, have many aims, to study and to travel. To search for what is true in a spiritual light. Your mind is geared towards becoming a ‘Leading Light’ in the world of knowledge, you can see the future within computers and groups throughout the world!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008



When the Sun sits in the Third House, then you can be considered to be very communicative, with a need to communicate your needs through forms of group effort. Your ideas can be a leading force in this world, making you many friends, pen-friends and through networks, so that you can write what others see as brilliant ideas; although others might find your mind too radical and rebellious.

Your interests are wide and varied, that you do intend to see your name emblazoned in lights at sometime in the future, to have ambitions and aspirations to be known world-wide. Your views are independent and lean towards humanitarian aims, so that you will speak on behalf of those who cannot speak up for themselves. Your knowledge is well-intentioned, geared towards the future. In many respects, you sometimes think you can second-guess the outcome of what goes on in the world, predict the future.

You would be interested in many strange and unusual cultures, making friends of those who study such unusual practices as Astrology and the like. It is not that you speak out about breaking the law or leading a riot, but you do know how to lead the thinking, so that others follow and applaud your motivations, which can lead to governments and other leading lights to look at things in a different way, you your radical ideas cause sudden changes to policies. No matter who anyone says, they will not cause you to change your mind-set, as to how you think about those who suffer as social outcasts in the ‘Third World’.

You will learn all kinds of knowledge in your life, have many aims, to study and to travel. To search for what is true in a spiritual light. Your mind is geared towards becoming a ‘Leading Light’ in the world of knowledge, you can see the future within computers and groups throughout the world!

Monday, July 28, 2008



When the Sun sits in the first house, then you are known as a ‘Double Rising Sign’. This means that the Zodiac Sign of Aquarius was ‘Rising’ in the Eastern sky at the moment of your birth. A ‘Double Rising Sign’ means you act in a natural way, what one sees is what one gets with you; you do not hide behind a ‘Mask’.

You are not one who wants to be seen as ordinary, you have your own ideas as to just who and what you are and want from life. You promote yourself as a ‘One-Off’, an ‘Independent-Minded’ and ‘Forward-Thinking’ person. You can be radical and will create some dramas within the life, certainly when it comes to relationships. In a way, you are more into groups and friendships, rather than a domesticated ‘Marriage’, more as a leader than just one who stands back and lives quietly within a commune.

You will want to make your mark, let everyone know just who you are and what you intend to do. In a strange way, you do need to belong to a group, relating, so that you get some idea of how you are accepted. But you will break away, the idea is not to accept another’s rules and regulations. You have your own ideas as to how things should be run, with you as the rule-maker. It’s not that you are tough; generally, you are generous and warm-hearted, forward-thinking and sometimes outrageous, in a bid to be noticed.
But when it comes to relationships, that’s where the problems start!

Relationships can suddenly break-up simply because you want to be first, to be considered as a prominent ‘Number One’, the ‘Golden Child’; for this reason, you stand alone, as an ‘Independent’, one who has ‘Self-Promoting’ ambitions and who expects another to help in this promotion.