Sunday, September 14, 2008

SUN in PISCES in 11th. HOUSE.


When the Sun sits in the Eleventh House, then you can just imagine how things will be for you in the future, how rosy life is, your friends in high places and your role as a group leader. But you are also aware that dreams are a way of escaping from reality, fanciful hopes and wishes which, though fancied, will not give you the comfortable feeling which a family and home can give. You might dream of becoming independent, free to make your own way.

It’s a strange fact, that you might be treated like a King or Queen at home, live in a palace; yet that can feel onerous, that there are strings attached, rules and regulations, tied in with family tradition.
So you dream of escape, running away, breaking with tradition and becoming a free agent, to be your own person in the future, even to build a home which can house all your friends, all of who you might treat royally so they see you as an ideal leader, one who leads the group to freedom, rather like Moses did with the Israelites, taking your group to a new and promised land, where the food is ‘High Hopes’, the table laden with ‘Wished-Dishes’ of ambrosia, the cups, which ‘Runneth over’ with Nectar. In a way, you can visualize yourself as one who leads your group of disciples, out from the lands of the past, into a world of ‘Future’ promised, the ‘Promised Land’.

It has to be seen that you are a visionary in many respects, that you do envision the future, but the reality is far different from the rosy view which you might imagine. It can be that you only imagine a ‘Utopian’ society, all in equality; but humanity is a frail nature, instinctively aggressive and greedy, never happy to accept change, to be nursed into a healthy future, it’s past is a habit which it lives by. You might sacrifice your future for your ideals, but the past will catch up with you in the future!

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