Saturday, October 11, 2008


Now; can you ever explain why it is you try so hard to succeed in life, why it is so important to come first in everything and to fear failure? Was it parents who expected so much of you, or some tiny clock which ticks away in the brain which causes you to relate to high office?
All these questions, these self-tests and self-examinations. It can seem much of your life is a time of testing, of climbing ladders, of a dire need to be seen as someone who has reached the top. In a way, the idea behind it is to graduate, so you can be on the same level as those in high-powered positions, the need to relate and communicate with those who have succeeded in life.
But you want success for your own self-esteem, it’s not all about getting public acclaim, you are not one who really likes to face the glare of the public, to stand high on a platform and give speeches. It’s enough to know you have made it under your own steam. However; you might have to learn to balance yourself, to be tactful and diplomatic; to be able to choose the right times and whom to trust; as well as learn how to relate to the public opinion.
You will learn that one small mistake up there, one little slip and you will fall to your relative doom. You will try so hard to get to the top but, first, you must overcome your fear of heights!


Unknown said...

6:58am 6/14/67 Omaha, NE, Sun Gem 12th, Sat 10th (ari) MC (ari) Mars Opp (lib). 17 championship game LOSSES, always get there, always lose, moved 63 time, (5 football related), Dad disowned me Easter 2011, Twins (7/15/00) 8:20 am Arcata, CA, still missing, after a decade.. Mom died on my birthday 8 min before my birthtime in 2005

Unknown said...

Died twice from asthma complications, 7/18/07, 12/24/11 , have insights to DECIDE superbowl, helped break story of Spygate, Invented and submitted precursor to Grand Theft Auto, May solve Katrina-like disaster problems and V.A. soldiers records problem, Class president 1st -5th grade, only black kid in neighborhood, 3 diff schools, High school QB, pres of chess club,