Monday, May 26, 2008



When the Sun sits in the Seventh House, then you are very proud of the way you relate to others and will seek to put yourself into the picture by enjoying the social scene. It can be that not all your relationships, partnerships work to an advantage, there will be times when a relationship can produce some forms of dramatic interplay.

By nature, you are quick to direct your action and see no sense in waiting for things to happen, you go for what you want. However; you are not one to create a scene whereby there are rows and arguments, you much prefer to act as one who creates a peaceful enterprise and can enjoy romantic scenes when you find the right partner. You enjoy the social round and can often be seen at some function or other, definitely not one to sit indoors or act like a wallflower. You are attracted to those who will bring a little drama into the life and who can light up your life. You are never really short of admirers and know how to relate in a flirtatious way.

There are times when you can lose your sense of balance, losing confidence and not exactly sure how to deal with situations, especially if put into the middle of an argument and have to choose. It is for this reason you will have a partner who will take the lead and carry you, so you can lean on another’s assurance and power. You can, at such times, allow another to make the decisions and play a leading role, even though you might not admit it. It’s just the fact that you dislike being put in the middle of things, so you will relate to another who helps you towards personal goals, one you are proud to relate to.

When it comes to love and adventure, you will seek a leader who can act on your behalf, make the decisions for you and so alleviate the tension of having to choose between ‘This or That’!

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