Sunday, August 17, 2008



The Pisces Sun-Sign is termed as being…

This implies that the basic nature is somewhat cautious in its approach to the world, with a liking to ‘Test’ the water first before making a commitment. The Pisces nature is very adaptable and changeable, disliking to be caught out, so that it can become slippery, like a ‘Fish’ which may wriggle and quickly escape from any trap set, of ‘Keep-Net’.

Pisces is very sensitive and emotional, the nature can easily be reduced to tears if suffering is witnessed, the nature dislikes harsh atmospheres and will seek solitude to escape from scenes of competition. However; one must not make the mistake of believing all one sees, the Pisces can be the ultimate actor, a Chameleon who can produce a first-class camouflage, a ‘Covering’ act.

Often; the Pisces will make sacrifices of what they have should another appeal to their charitable nature, Pisces will give what they have, going without themselves because pity causes them to feel sorry for the sufferer.
A major problem for the Pisces is that they are highly imaginative and very impressionable. A Pisces is not one to simply watch a film, Pisces will become part of that film, imagining they are acting the part; in this way, there are times when the Pisces has to be made to understand what is imagined, dreamed and what is reality. There is no desire to hurt, but a Pisces can always give an impression so that another can believe the act.

Often; it’s a case of who the Pisces chooses as friends, as to how the Pisces acts, often they might chose a stronger personality as a friend, impressed by such power and willing to copy the action.
The strong ‘Fish’ is the one who rises to the light, who creates a good impression!

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