Tuesday, July 8, 2008



Self-Projection means, the way one projects themselves out into the public eye; how others see them, though not necessarily how they really are. How one goes through life, the basic energy to secure what is needed is an instinctive self-projective measure, either within an aggressive or defensive mode.

You are cautious about the way you deal with life, aware of those who may criticise you for any mistakes you make. There are times when you are over-careful, stemming from the complex of self-criticism. You act in a dutiful way, conscientious and diligent, seeing yourself as a pillar of the local society. Again; you do not suffer fools gladly and move away from any areas whereby you may be judged to belong to the ’Low-Life’. In judgment, you are quick to sum up others and take a practical view. You may seem aloof to others, standoffish, even, but this is because you do not intend to get involved with those you do not know, or those who have a tarnished reputation, a reputation which can rub off on you. You are not one to push your way up to the front, rather you stand at the back and take stock of what is going on, looking over the heads of others. You have a keen eye and stay out of trouble areas, judging the atmosphere, rather than sensing it. When young, you may tend to get on better with those younger or older than yourself; finding yourself ill at ease with those of your own age, for thy might judge you!


What is meant by Financial Security is the way in which you protect yourself through a sense of material possessions. It implies the need to own, in a practical and material sense, so that it gives a solid foundation. You might buy a house so that roots are put down, a base from which you can work. The implication is what you would need to possess in life as a practical building block so that you feel secure.

There are times in the life when, just as things seem to be running along smoothly, suddenly all hell breaks loose and the end result is a reverse of fortune. And this is what your financial security is like; one minute you may have capital, possessions, security…The next, a cash crisis!… All your hopes and wishes, your future plans are brought down to earth with a bang. In the end you might simply feel it is not worth planning anything, although the lesson here is to save for that rainy day. When it comes to spending, you might buy the latest gadgets, but you might never get the realisation of an independent wealth! You like to access future costs and can do well in the future’s markets, for which you have an instinct, even though you might be too cautious to risk the whole lot in one go. You can be whatever your friends are; in the sense you might like to keep up with the ‘Jones’, to be friends with those in the same class, who have the same hopes of financial security as yourself. But with spending, you must come to terms with a matter of saving for a later date!


The spirit of communication implies the way in which one thinks, one’s method of logic, expressed through mediums of speech and writing. It is how one communicates within the local environment, the way information is gained and communicated to others. This is an area of everyday conversation, what one might talk about and who to. The sense is light-hearted and conducted in a spirited way.

You might well sacrifice your say, rather than say anything which might lead to arguments and verbal abuse.
You are often a dreamer, escaping into your mind rather than communicate your own feelings, which may always leave you sinking into a mire of guilty feelings. So you keep your peace of mind and your secrets. Your mind is very creative, highly imaginative, so that you tend to communicate through your feelings, what you feel about things. You are very sympathetic and dislike being forced into siding on anything. You are into emotions and very empathetic, almost in tears when you see or hear of any cruelty. You are the verbal Samaritan, sacrificing words so that you can listen to the tales of others, having a sympathetic ear. It’s often a case that you can become depressed when the atmosphere is depressive so that you soak it in and then make up your mind to escape to where there is a happier mood. Music and a higher sense of beauty can always have you tapping your feet and wanting to dance. Life can be one big beautiful ball, once you set your imagination rule your mind!


Emotional Security is all bout how one feels, one’s sense of atmosphere and how one ‘Feels’ about the past; in the way the past reflects on how one deals with the present. If you had had a good early home-life, the past kind to you, this would be reflected in the way you react to present situations, and vice-versa. Emotional Security is all about atmospheres and our reactions to them.

You tend to project yourself through emotional outlets, which means you can be one who quickly lets others know how you feel. In many respects; you like to feel that you are the one who rules the roost within the home and can react quickly against anyone who, you feel, makes a personal attack on your or any member of your family. You are the family protector, the one who gets things done and manages to act on behalf of all when the going gets hard.
You can be moody at times, reacting to these moods in a temperamental way, but these moods can always be the reaction to the worries, managing a home and what family problems can bring. Often; the feeling is…‘First come, first served’… Feeling that, if you don’t push in, then you never get the best pickings. When it comes to food, you might feed the family first and then yourself; although you might steal some from a plate as you dish up! You are patriotic, family-protective, even though you worry. You really are great at managing to get things done, to be the first to try your hand at things, like cooking a family meal with only a few ingredients; whatever happens, you manage!


Natural Creativity implies where one has natural flair, a need to show-off what comes naturally, be it your children, creative ideas or taking a chance on romance. A gamble and sense of fun comes under the influence of natural creativeness, as does poetry and other artistic forms.
No-one can be more proud of their possessions than you, and you will not allow anyone to take them, without you putting up a fight. If you are not in charge of the finances, then it’s a safe bet you will organise just how the money is spent… If you can afford the best, then you buy a palace!…If it’s a laid-out spread for guests, then you can bet, you lay on a royal banquet! What you wear, what you possess is what you pride yourself in. There’s no caste-offs for children or begging letters which are a blow to pride.

Whatever happens; you will fight to keep what is yours, you have fought hard to get it, scraped pennies and known hard times, so you are not going to lose it. What you have, any form of wealth, is what you have created and what you have sacrificed for. And you have a right to be proud if you have gold fittings and expensive possessions.
You may be able to earn money through creative outlets, buying and selling things which have a sense of beauty about them, or through organising outlets for such products. Mind you, you can spend what you earn just as quickly by visiting hair salons and self-pampering. However; all that can stop once the children arrive, because you can take a back seat then.


By Practical Co-Working is meant how you apply yourself to any form of practical work, and how you get along with co-workers. This also applies to your sense of time and how you deal with detail as well as the sense of tidiness within your work. This gives an idea of your method and practical knowledge as well as ideas about health and dietary habits.
You can be the best advisor in the world, and what you say is not only for fun but for the good of others. You have a very down-to-earth way of explaining your needs to others. Your use of method and logic are excellent in that you don’t just buy anything, you read all the labels first and will test anything out for short-comings. Whatever is set before you is analysed deliberated upon. You may well set out detailed notes and have metal files and folders where all things are tucked neatly away. You can talk about practically anything and there’s always a method in your madness; and you always know when to listen and how to reason with others. You can get bored easily at work and will multitask, your hands always busy, the mind keen in control. You like to be on the move, always giving instructions and seeking information to pass onto others.
You are the voice on the phone, the telephonist, the one who runs fingers over the typewriter and computer while holding conversations with co-workers or visitors.
When it comes to working with others, you are a very dependable person, the one who can be left in charge.


Love is a sense of equality, your sense of ‘Give and Take’ within a relationship. This implies what attracts you, a magnetic quality which draws you in. At the same time, relationships can also imply open relationships and friendships, which are not tied down to domestication. This can also have reference to business partnerships and partnerships which have similar tastes.
When it comes to relationships, you relate strongly to the past, past loves and past good times! Whatever impressed you emotionally within the past will always stay, tucked away inside. There is a love of family unit and a strong need for emotional security within any relationship. Within any form of partnership, you may well seek someone who, you feel, you can mother…Or who makes you feel secure as you had when you were young and the parents shielded you from any disharmonious energies. When it comes to relating, it is important that you feel comfortable with another and that they are accepted within the family home. It is a case that, when it comes to relationships, you would choose a partner who you can ‘Feed’ from, relate to in a way that gives a sense of comfort, a feeling of ‘Homeliness’; you need ‘Feedback’ in the same way so that you both enjoy a conversation you are at ‘Home’ with, a family gathering is the thing, keeping it within the ‘Family’. It can be that you are very maternal or paternal in your instincts, needing to make your partner feel emotionally secure.


Shared Resources imply the way one gains from any partnership and how one deals with beginnings and endings. This gives an idea of how one secures the self through areas of joint venture and how one sees any sense of loyalty from another. It is also assessment of basic emotions and hidden qualities which can come to light in the life.

There is often immense pride in all that is created between you and your partner, such as children, in many respects, you might well put the child or any created idea before your partner so that he or she fades into the background as you set about constructing and grooming till you feel you have intense pride in the outcome. Once set on a mission, you will not stop until the job is complete. You believe in fate and you are determined to seal your fate, even if it kills you. Passion can be an all-inspiring effect until you have produced the fire from any intense heat…Then the fire might burn itself out, to rise again, Phoenix-like, later in the life. It needs a joint effort in all this, to create the feeling of insurance, that no break-up will come within the union. What is created within the partnership will be the stronghold (Or the ‘Strangle-Hold!), so that a break will destroy any bonding company, the pride which holds the partnership together. When it comes to shared interests and what comes from them, the benefits are gold-edged, a new beginning and life is reborn, invigorated when children are the production of the joint effort.


What is meant by expansion through experience is a measure of how and what one might learn through Deeper studies, or travel to far off lands, or a mixture of both, that one might travel to distant lands and gain experience of foreign cultures which enlivens the mind. Often, this experience is geared towards a spiritual uplift.

There are times when you might search the world over for the right niche in life, any place whereby your services are needed. You may well even preach a sermon at times, on your pulpit, telling how others should help those who are in need. You can find many faults in the world today, find holes in the way some have it all while others, the weaker, have not. You can be critical about the state of this universe and feel powerless to do anything about it…Yes, you do feel for those in need and will express your sentiments. There can be times when health and dietary issues take up your time; you might even take up practical nursing, if you had time! It’s often the case that you stretch your desire to be right into extremes of perfection and so you can worry a thing to death. But you do reason in a practical way and will show or teach others the way things should be done…But be careful not to preach to the pagans out there; for there are some who are not willing to listen to those who want a perfect world. You are one who looks at the smaller things in life, feeling that the big and fit are capable of taking care of themselves. But the world is so full of those who need a helping hand!


By reputation and career, is meant how one wants to be seen by those in authority, and how one wants to be looked-up to, with respect, depending on what kind of reputation one gets. The implication is what one wants to achieve, within career and status in life, especially within maturity. In all, this is about how one deals with those in authority.

It must be lovely to know all those who are high on the list within the social order, to relate to them in a sociable way so that names can drop from your lips like sweet sugar. In many respects, you would understand, it’s not ‘What’ you know, but ‘Who’ you know, which gets you on in life and up the ladder to success. Mind you; you have to learn to differentiate between the good and the bad here, because you may love the glamour and glitz of the underworld before you realize that you will be judged by those you relate too. Often, you may feel the urge to become involved with politics within the community. You understand tact and diplomacy, how to get the best from others with a smile that brings no fear of rejection. A problem here is that you can become married to your career, relate more to that than life outside the business, and so lose any sense of fun. The old saying is that…’All work and no play, makes Jack/Jill a dull Boy/Girl’!… A case of having a ball at work. The thing is, you may have to learn to find a balance between work and play, not make work your fun-time, but enjoy the best of both worlds.


By stating future hopes and wishes is meant what is expected to happen with regards to the future. There is also social order to reason with, friends, too, who might rise one up the social ladder. This is all about the future prospects, although the element of reversals are always present, and not always taken into account.

You will be determined to keep control over any unexpected changes which arise. You are not too keen to join groups, sooner associating with one or two close friends rather than be one of a large group, more like sitting outside, looking in. It’s a case that, once you have set your sight on a future course, you are determined to fulfil it and will not give up, no matter what circumstances try to unsettle the path, you keep going towards it in dogged fashion. You are extremely loyal to a cause and expect loyalty in return within any joint venture. You also like to insure yourself and those close you, against any unforeseen accidents, so that there is a safety net. Whatever happens in your life, you stick to your principals and wont change anything in future, even if this means denying yourself any fun other than what is planned. It can be very hard to let go of what you have settled on, as if there is no future without that settlement, be it a child’s future or a love affair. You will never let things die, so that new beginnings are awakened, for you, there are no uncertain beginnings and endings, just your certainty that you are the master or mistress of your own fate!


The implication here is that one makes sacrifices within the life and gives an impression to others of acting like a Samaritan; whether good or bad, depends on the nature of the personality. This is creativity of a high order, emotive and poetic, the giving without expecting anything in return.
It is often the case that you can sacrifice reality for dreams as a means of escaping the harshness of life. However; this is a very high spiritual combination, which produces a ‘Universal Love’, strongly imaginative so that confusion as to the reality of love would be hard to determine; certainly there is a love for a higher being. One might easily sacrifice aims in life for a ‘Better Cause’, a philosophy of altruism. The search for truth can expand into a world of illusions. However; illusions can also give impressions of good, whilst the reality being that one uses the sense of spiritual goodness to be the receptor rather than the giver! Dreams of good fortune can lead to risk-taking and general speculation, disillusioning the self as well as others, leading to deception and vices as escape. You have to be careful of those who can enthuse you with ideas which are deceptive, those who set a ‘Sprat to catch a Mackerel’; and you are open to you own rosy view of the world, enthusing that all will be put to rights if one prays that it be so.
You are strongly imaginative and can spend a lot of time hoping that dreams will come true. You would need to find areas whereby you can sit quietly and enjoy a sense of spiritual enlightenment.

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