Tuesday, May 20, 2008



When the Sun sits in the Second House, then you relate to finance with a strong sense of fair play, in that it is ‘Give and Take’ within a relationship. It can be hard to ‘Balance the Books’ when you are on your own, you do understand the nature of financial security, but it can be hard to deny others who make an approach for donations, using an emotional bias. You are one who dislikes hurting others, with refusals and denials. So it is important that you relate to another who can give you the authority to refuse, one who will say ‘NO!’.

You have to be careful with finance because there are times when you can be impressed by others, those who tell you believable stories, that you part with your cash and find you have been the ‘Good Samaritan’ who freezes, while the one you gave your coat to, runs off and is warmed by the knowledge that you have also left your wallet in your pocket.

Again; there is the element of pride, in that you can be the one who refuses to take what is offered (This can stem from the complex of ‘Guilt’; that there are more deserving and needy folk out there and that it is not fair or right that the gift is just for you.)
This is a psychological problem, in that you can be the ‘Giver’, give to deserving causes, which can leave you the poorer. Again, this is a reason why you would need a strong financial partner who will help you balance the books and who relates to making financial decisions.

You do shine with your good heart and fair mind, you can be a cashier but can be too soft to be the bank-manager, the one who can say ‘No’ to a teary-eyed borrower. You might have to learn the saying that…’Never a lender or borrower be!’

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