Monday, June 9, 2008



When the Sun sits in the Third House, then you can be as secretive as you like, keeping others in the dark, as far as your own thoughts are concerned. You might only share your secrets with one you can trust, a partner who will not try to undermine your thinking, proud to follow your example and copy the way you talk and feel. To a degree, you are proud of how you can keep much to yourself and impress others with your silence.

You are not into fools and can quickly determine another’s thinking through a strong intuitive ‘Feel’. You listen to what others have to say, often without seeming to do so, your sharp mind making incisive decisions as to the nature of the speaker, what does and does not impress you. There is a part of you which likes to dominate the course of conversation and you can come out with a cutting remark when you feel you are being undermined, or when someone is disrespectful to a friend whom you are loyal to.

You are always ready to speak up on behalf of a partner and will dominate the ‘Mind-Set’ between you and whoever you associate with. A partner will rely on your decisions and be impressed by your thinking, the way you communicate your needs. You keep opinions to yourself, although you will be generous and affable when in discourse. But when it comes to being creative, your mind can create many ways of directing what goes on, pulling the strings from behind the scenes.

There is a lot of pride within your make-up but also a lot of stubbornness. Once your mind is set, you remain in proud silence, even though you might lose a share in the profits, that is, verbally, cutting the nose to spite the face… But you will consider it well worth the effort!

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