Monday, June 16, 2008



When the Sun sits in the Ninth House, then you are determined to follow the trail of knowledge and discoveries. You have the strength and sheer ‘Will Power’ to dig deep, to research and bring up the truth of what likes within the subconscious. In a way, you are the researcher, who will not give up and the truth of the matter is then acknowledged, to be shared with those who need to be taught. In respect you are a teacher.

However; before becoming someone with a higher knowledge, you may have to find a partner who can divulge where the a-bouts this knowledge can be found. You might find another in your travels, a search which can take you into new territories, to hell and back. In a strange way, you can undergo a ‘Spiritual’ rebirth, become a ‘Born-Again’ so that the life changes in a dramatic way, that you give up and end what you wanted from life and change direction, till you find what it is you need, to give you a new sense of pride.

Often this transference can cause you to become one who uses your spiritual power to become a healer, to go where you are ‘Needed’, to use your knowledge within cutting out the bad and re-moulding, so the ill becomes well again. All this will come about at some time in the life, this quest for knowledge and spiritual regeneration. But, as stated, you may need to find a Guru or Spiritual Master, who will teach you the ‘Path of True Enlightenment.

Until you find the right path, the sense of being able to share what you know, you can move in a restless way, going from one path to another. You are strongly intuitive and prophetic, but can be unable to use this power till you realize that personal pride stems from the base need of being ‘Needed’ by those who have problems which you can solve. You are the ‘Medicine-Man’, the ‘Shaman’.

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